目的 · 调查上海市长宁区社区老年人吸烟情况及吸烟危害认知水平。方法 · 基于上海市长宁区 65 岁及以上老年人群慢性非 传染性疾病队列,随机抽取 18 个社区 1 809 名老年人进行调查。通过面对面问卷了解老年人群吸烟情况、健康状况以及吸烟危害知 晓情况。使用 χ2 检验和非条件 Logistic 回归方法分析吸烟危害认知程度、现在吸烟行为的影响因素。结果 · 接受调查的老年人群现在 吸烟率为15.6%,男性吸烟率高于女性(30.0% vs 2.1%,P=0.000), 65 ~ 69 岁男性吸烟率高于70 岁及以上人群(34.3% vs 20.4%, P=0.000),初中文化群体的吸烟率最高(为 19.1%)。被调查者对于“吸烟会引起心脏病”“吸烟会引起脑卒中”和“吸烟会引起癌症” 的知晓率分别为 41.5%、43.3% 和 64.4%,3 题均知晓的比例为 36.4%。校正年龄和性别等混杂因素后,现在吸烟行为与被调查者吸烟 危害认知程度有关(OR=0.74,P=0.000)。 结论 · 目前上海市老年人对于吸烟危害的认知程度总体偏低,文化程度低、现在吸烟的被 调查者认知程度相对较低,需向特定人群采取更有针对性的教育措施。
Objective · To investigate the prevalence of smoking and awareness of smoking hazards in a community-based elderly population in Changning District, Shanghai. Methods · A total of 1 809 subjects were randomly selected from 18 communities based on the chronic non-communicable diseases cohort in an elderly population aged 65 and over in Changning District, Shanghai. Information on smoking status, health condition and awareness of smoking hazards were obtained through face to face interviews. Chi-square tests and non-conditional Logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate the risk factors of the awareness of smoking hazards and current smoking status. Results · The overall prevalence of current smoking was 15.6% among the investigated elderly population. Smoking prevalence was significantly higher in men than that in women (30.0% vs 2.1%, P=0.000). Also, it was higher in the men aged 65-69 than that in those aged 70 and over (34.3% vs 20.4%, P=0.000). The participants with middle school education had the highest prevalence (19.1%) in the population. Overall, the proportion of participants who knew “smoking causes heart disease” “smoking causes stroke” and “smoking causes cancer” was 45.1%, 43.3% and 64.4%, respectively. Among the participants, 36.4% knew all the three smoking hazards. With the confounders such as age and gender being adjusted, current smoking behavior was associated with the participants’ awareness of smoking hazards (OR=0.74, P=0.000). Conclusion · Currently, the awareness of smoking hazards is generally low in Shanghai elderly population, especially in those with lower education level and current smoking behavior. More targeted educational interventions are necessary in specific population.