

  • 郑悦 1 ,
  • 许烨勍 1 ,
  • 王建玉 1 ,
  • 封启明 2 ,
  • 洪江 3 ,
  • 王瑞兰 4 ,
  • 张海音 1
  • 上海交通大学 1. 医学院附属精神卫生中心,上海 200030;2. 附属第六人民医院急诊科,上海 200233;3. 附属第一人民医院北部急诊科,上海 200080;4. 附属第一人民医院南部急诊科,上海 201620
郑 悦(1992—),女,硕士生;电子信箱:zhengyue@sjtu.edu.cn。

网络出版日期: 2018-05-03



Information communication between suicide attempters and their family caregivers and care ability of the family caregivers

  • ZHENG Yue1 ,
  • XU Ye-qing1 ,
  • WANG Jian-yu1 ,
  • FENG Qi-ming2 ,
  • HONG Jiang3 ,
  • WANG Rui-lan4 ,
  • ZHANG Hai-yin1
  • 1. Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200030, China; 2. Department of Emergency, Shanghai Six People′s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200233, China; 3. Department of Emergency, Shanghai General Hospital Northern Division, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200080, China; 4. Department of Emergency, Shanghai General Hospital Southern Division, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 201620, China

Online published: 2018-05-03

Supported by

Three-Year Action Plan for Public Health Project in Shanghai, GWIV-5


目的 · 探讨自杀未遂病患与家属的信息沟通状况以及家属对病患的照顾能力。方法 · 采用简明国际神经精神访谈自杀模块、一般资料调查表、照顾能力量表、家庭亲密度和适应性量表、信息需求意愿问卷等,对在上海市 3 所医院急诊科就诊的疑似自杀未遂病患及其家庭照顾者共 148 组进行调查,每组包括 1 例病患和 1 位家庭照顾者。结果 · 根据自杀风险评估结果显示,自杀未遂组病患有 84 例(56.8%),非自杀未遂组病患有 64 例(43.2%)。病患对家属的生活影响程度越大、家庭亲密度越低,则家属照顾能力越低(P=0.000,P=0.008)。病患或家属对疾病现状、治疗信息、医疗信息获取途径、治愈概率、预后注意事项、自我照顾或家庭照顾信息的需求分数,均超过家属或病患期望的分数。结论 · 家属的照顾能力与病患对家属的生活影响程度及家庭亲密度相关。病患和家属在疾病现状、治疗信息、医疗信息获取途径、照顾信息等方面均有较高的需求意愿。在临床工作中,应对自杀未遂病患及家属提供更多的信息支持和心理援助。


郑悦 1 , 许烨勍 1 , 王建玉 1 , 封启明 2 , 洪江 3 , 王瑞兰 4 , 张海音 1 . 自杀未遂病患与家属的信息沟通及家属的照顾能力研究[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2018 , 38(3) : 316 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2018.03.014


Objective · To investigate the information requirements of suicide attempters and their family caregivers, as well as the ability of family caregivers to take care of them. Methods · A total of 148 suspected suicide attempters from Department of Emergency of three hospitals in Shanghai and their family caregivers were enrolled in this study. Each group combined with one patient and one family caregiver. The patients and their family caregivers were interviewed by suicide module of the mini-international neuropsychiatric interview, homemade general information questionnaire, family caregiver task inventory, family adaptability and cohesion scale and information needs willingness questionnaire. Results · There were 84 cases (56.8%) of suicide attempters and 64 cases (43.2%) of non-suicide attempters according to the survey. Linear regression analysis showed that the family's ability of taking care of the patients is positively correlated with family intimacy and negatively correlated with the impact of such illness on the family (P=0.000, P=0.008). The scores of patients' information requirement about the status of disease, the treatment-related information, the way to obtain medical information, the cure probability, precautions after treatment, and self-care ability or support from family caregivers were higher than the expectation scores from their family caregivers. Equally, the scores of information requirement from the patients' family caregivers about above-mentioned information were also higher than the expectation scores from patients. Conclusion · The family care ability is related to the influence of the patients on the life of the family caregivers and family intimacy. For the patients and their family caregivers, there is a great demand for information about disease status and treatment situation, the way of seeking help, care information and so on. More information support and psychological assistance should be provided to suicide attempters and their family caregivers.
