

  • 1.上海交通大学 公共卫生学院, 上海 200025; 2.耶鲁大学公共卫生学院, 纽黑文, 康涅狄格州 06520; 3.上海交通大学 医学院研究生分院, 上海 200025
蔡雨阳(1972—), 男, 博士, 副教授;电子信箱: caiyuyang@sjtu.edu.cn。

网络出版日期: 2012-01-04



Establishment of competency model of senior managerial talent for health service

  • 1.School of Public Health, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200025, China;2.School of Public Health, Yale University, New Haven 06520, USA;3.Department of Postgraduate, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China

Online published: 2012-01-04

Supported by

Shanghai Education Committee Foundation, 07ZS44;Shanghai Jiaotong University Foundation, 10QN10


目的 建立上海市卫生系统高级管理人才胜任力模型。方法 应用专家法筛选麦克利兰胜任力特征辞典中的特征族,得到调研问卷;采用问卷调查法调研220位上海市卫生管理人员,获得有关胜任力特征数据。结果 实际回收178份问卷,回收率为80.9%。卫生系统高级管理人才的胜任力模型包含8个特征族、26个特征项和26个典型行为描述。8个特征族包括个人魅力、成就导向、社会角色、自我概念、知识管理、沟通与协调、成本管理以及业务管理。结论 卫生系统高级管理人才胜任力模型特征族、特征项涵盖该领域有关的研究成果,而且指标全面、规范性强、理论基础好,但仍需在实践中进一步提高其科学性和可操作性。


蔡雨阳, 赵 青, 蒋雪琴, 等 . 构建卫生系统高级管理人才胜任力模型[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2011 , 31(12) : 1767 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2011.12.024


Objective To establish competency model of senior managerial talent for health service in Shanghai. Methods Expert interview was conducted to screen characteristic clusters from McClelland's Competency Dictionary, and the questionnaire for survey was obtained. Two hundred and twenty managerial talents for health service of Shanghai were surveyed with questionnaires, and the characteristic competency data were obtained. Results One hundred and seventy-eight questionnaires were recovered, with the recovery rate of 80.9%. The competency model of senior managerial talent for health service included 8 characteristic clusters, 26 characteristic items and 26 typical behavior descriptions. The characteristic clusters were personal character, success orientation, social role, self concept, knowledge management, communication and coordination, cost management and business management. Conclusion The competency model of senior managerial talent for health service provides clear description and comprehensive indicator system in characteristic clusters and characteristic items, while there is still room for improvement in practical application in health service.

