

  • 上海交通大学附属第一人民医院眼科, 上海 200080
唐 敏(1975—), 男, 主治医师, 硕士;电子信箱: tmsmile@sina.com.cn。

网络出版日期: 2012-02-28



Outcomes of selective laser trabeculoplasty in treatment of secondary glaucoma after intravitreal silicone oil injection

  • Department of Ophthalmology, the First People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200080, China

Online published: 2012-02-28

Supported by

Shanghai Key Laboratory for Ocular Fundus Diseases Foundation, 07Z22911


目的 分析选择性激光小梁成形术(SLT)治疗硅油眼继发性青光眼的临床疗效。方法 选择硅油填充术后继发性青光眼患者18例(18眼),行SLT治疗(360°小梁网,击射100点),随访观察患者激光并发症、眼压和联合降眼压药物使用情况。结果 SLT治疗后,出现轻度眼部胀痛4眼(22.2%),轻度结膜充血8眼(44.4%),前葡萄膜炎7眼(38.9%),前房出血1眼(5.56%),一过性高眼压3眼(16.7%)。患者平均眼压由SLT治疗前的 (25.56±3.09)mmHg降至治疗后的(20.17±2.57)mmHg,差异具有统计学意义(t=8.581,P=0.000 1)。患者使用的降眼压药物种类由治疗前的人均(2.167±0.514)种降至治疗后的(1.333±0.840)种,差异具有统计学意义(t=4.499,P=0.000 3)。结论 SLT可安全、有效地治疗硅油眼继发性青光眼。


唐 敏, 傅 扬, 马 盈, 等 . 选择性激光小梁成形术治疗硅油眼继发性青光眼的疗效[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2012 , 32(2) : 193 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2012.02.015


Objective To analyse the outcomes of selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) in treatment of secondary glaucoma after intravitreal silicone oil injection. Methods Eighteen patients (18 eyes) with secondary glaucoma after intravitreal silicone oil injection were selected, and SLT was performed with 360° of the trabecular meshwork at 100 points. All patients were followed up, and complications, intraocular pressure and drug usage were observed. Results After SLT treatment, mild pain occurred in 4 eyes (22.2%), mild conjunctival hyperemia in 8 eyes (44.4%), anterior uveitis in 7 eyes (38.9%), anterior chamber bleeding in 1 eye (5.56%), and transient intraocular pressure spike in 3 eyes (16.7%). The mean intraocular pressure decreased from (25.56±3.09) mmHg before treatment to (20.17±2.57) mmHg after treatment (t=8.581, P=0.000 1). The number of drugs for intraocular pressure control also decreased from 2.167±0.514 to 1.333±0.840 (t=4.499,P=0.000 3). Conclusion SLT is a safe and effective option in treatment of patients with secondary glaucoma after intravitreal silicone oil injection.

