

  • 1.常熟市医学检验所, 常熟 215500; 2.苏州大学附属第一人民医院检验科, 苏州 215006
熊怀民(1958—), 男, 副主任技师;电子信箱: xhmcsey@126.com。

网络出版日期: 2013-05-03



Exploration and practice of regional mutual recognition of laboratory examination results

  • 1.Changshu Municipal Institute for Laboratory Medicine, Changshu 215500, China; 2.Department of Laboratory Medicine, the First Affiliated Hospital to Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China

Online published: 2013-05-03

Supported by

Changshu Science and Technology Development Project, CR201102


目的 探索解决检验结果互认的方法及其意义。方法 建立为常熟市医疗机构提供检验服务的医学检验所,采用统一管理模式、统一检验方法与质控品、统一比对方法、统一信息共享平台(区域化集成平台)和统一物流运输标准等措施,实现检验结果在常熟市医疗系统间的互认。结果 全市检验人、财、物等资源得到高效利用;检验物流和信息流全程规范化管理;检验质量和效力大大提高;样本周转时间有效缩短。结论 公立区域化医学检验所可有效解决检验结果互认问题;检验结果互认能够切实有效地减轻患者的经济负担,同时促进从三级医院到乡镇卫生院临床诊疗水平的提高。


熊怀民, 蒋廷旺, 周金保, 等 . 区域化临床检验结果互认的探索与实践[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2013 , 33(4) : 493 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2013.04.024


Objective To explore the methods and significance of regional mutual recognition of laboratory examination results. Methods Institution for laboratory medicine was established to provide services for all hospitals in Changshu health system. Unified management mode, examination assays and quality control materials, method comparison assays, information sharing platform and sample transfer standard were applied to ensure mutual recognition of laboratory examination results in Changshu. Results Laboratory resources of manpower, property and facilities were employed effectively, laboratory sample transfer system and information platform were standardized, laboratory quality control and examination efficiency were significantly improved, and turnaround time of samples was effectively reduced. Conclusion Mutual recognition of laboratory examination results can be effectively achieved by establishing government controlled regional institution for laboratory medicine, which can reduce the financial burden of patients and improve the diagnosis and treatment levels of hospitals ranging from third-grade hospitals to community health centers.

