上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2023, 43(5): 540-544 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.05.004



杨海霞,1, 徐丽丽1, 王博成2, 陈敏洁,3

1.上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院康复医学科,上海 200011

2.上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院放射科,上海 200011

3.上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院口腔外科,上海交通大学口腔医学院,国家口腔医学中心,国家口腔疾病临床医学研究中心,上海市口腔医学重点实验室,上海 200011

Evaluation of clinical effect of manipulation on masticatory muscle pain guided by MRI

YANG Haixia,1, XU Lili1, WANG Bocheng2, CHEN Minjie,3

1.Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Shanghai Ninth People′s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200011, China

2.Department of Radiology, Shanghai Ninth People′s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200011, China

3.Department of Oral Surgery, Shanghai Ninth People′s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine; College of Stomatology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; National Center for Stomatology; National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases; Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology, Shanghai 200011, China

通讯作者: 陈敏洁,电子信箱:chenmj_9hospital@126.com

编委: 徐敏

收稿日期: 2023-04-24   接受日期: 2023-05-02  

Corresponding authors: CHEN Minjie, E-mail:chenmj_9hospital@126.com.

Received: 2023-04-24   Accepted: 2023-05-02  

作者简介 About authors

杨海霞(1986—),女,主管治疗师,硕士生;电子信箱:yanghaixia721@sina.com。 E-mail:yanghaixia721@sina.com


目的·应用磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)的Dixon技术评估非结构错乱的颞下颌关节紊乱病(temporomandibular joint disorder,TMD)的咀嚼肌疼痛患者的肌肉改变,并评价MRI引导的物理手法治疗咀嚼肌疼痛的临床疗效。方法·连续纳入自2021年6月—2022年9月就诊于上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院口腔外科、首次诊断为TMD肌筋膜疼痛(不伴有盘移位)的患者共29例。收集到增强MRI的Dixon序列并进行手法治疗的患者9例。治疗前,利用DICOM Viewer工作站获得9例患者的Dixon图像咀嚼肌疼痛区域值(Z1)、同侧非疼痛区域值(Z2)和对侧对应咀嚼肌区域值(Z3)。依据工作站获得的咀嚼肌异常区域,针对性地进行手法放松治疗。治疗后1~4周进行随访,对比治疗前后主动最大张口度(maximum mouth opening,MMO)和疼痛视觉评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)指标,并评价临床疗效。结果·Dixon序列Z2均值为66.23±32.90,Z3均值为66.27±33.87;而咀嚼肌疼痛区域Z1为131.94±83.99,明显高于Z2和Z3。手法治疗在改善MMO、VAS等方面有明显效果,有效率达88.89%。结论·Dixon序列的影像表现与临床主诉的疼痛点具有很大的相关性,MRI引导的手法放松治疗对改善非结构错乱的颞下颌关节紊乱病的张口度和疼痛有明显疗效。

关键词: 颞下颌关节紊乱病 ; 咀嚼肌 ; 疼痛 ; 磁共振 ; 手法治疗


Objective ·To assess muscle changes of patients of temporomandibular joint disorder with nonstructural disorder by using the Dixon technique for MRI of masticatory muscle, and evaluate the clinical effect of manipulation on masticatory muscle pain guided by MRI. Methods ·A total of 29 patients with TMD masticatory muscle pain (without disc displacement) who were diagnosed for the first time in the Department of Oral Surgery, Shanghai Ninth People′s Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine from June 2021 to September 2022 were included. Among them, 9 cases who were assessed with Dixon technique for MRI of masticatory muscle were collected and treated by manipulation. Before treatment, the DICOM Viewer workstation was used to compare the value of masticatory muscle pain area (Z1), the value of ipsilateral non-pain area (Z2) and the value of contralateral corresponding masticatory muscle area (Z3) in Dixon image. Manipulation therapy was performed according to the area of abnormal threshold. Follow-up was performed for 1-4 weeks after treatment, the active maximum mouth opening (MMO) and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) before and after treatment were compared, and the value of masticatory muscle pain area in Dixon image after treatment was obtained again to evaluate the clinical efficacy. Results ·The mean value of Z2 and Z3 in Dixon was (66.23±32.90) and (66.27±33.87), while Z1 in masticatory muscle pain region was (131.94±83.99), which was significantly higher than Z2 and Z3. Manipulation therapy showed significant improvement in MMO and VAS, and the effective rate was 88.89%. Conclusion ·There is a significant correlation between the imaging findings of Dixon technique for MRI and the pain points of the masticatory muscle reported by the clinical complaints. The manipulation therapy guided by Dixon technique for MRI has a significant effect on improving the degree of mouth opening and pain.

Keywords: temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) ; masticatory muscle ; pain ; magnetic resonance imaging ; manipulation

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杨海霞, 徐丽丽, 王博成, 陈敏洁. 磁共振引导的咀嚼肌疼痛放松训练疗效评估. 上海交通大学学报(医学版)[J], 2023, 43(5): 540-544 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.05.004

YANG Haixia, XU Lili, WANG Bocheng, CHEN Minjie. Evaluation of clinical effect of manipulation on masticatory muscle pain guided by MRI. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science)[J], 2023, 43(5): 540-544 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.05.004

颞下颌关节紊乱病(temporomandibular joint disorder,TMD)是指一系列涉及咀嚼肌组织、关节及其相关结构的疼痛性和非疼痛性疾病。关节杂音、疼痛以及张口受限等症状会显著影响患者的日常生活,其中咀嚼肌疼痛是一类常见的TMD,也是仅次于慢性下腰痛的第二大常见的肌肉骨骼疾病1。针对咀嚼肌疼痛的保守治疗,目前有药物治疗2-3、咬合板治疗4、手法治疗5-6或联合治疗等,但对咀嚼肌疼痛位点的判断多采用触压法,缺乏特定的影像学评估,从而使得手法放松治疗多以医师经验为指导,导致临床疗效不稳定。

磁共振成像(magnetic resonance image,MRI)不仅是确定盘髁关系的金标准,而且可以评估咀嚼肌异常7。MRI Dixon技术又称水-脂分离技术8,即利用脂肪质子和水质子共振频率的差异分离水和脂肪,从而获得同相位、反相位、水像、脂像的图像。有学者将其应用于呼吸肌9和大腿肌群10的评估。Dixon技术在咀嚼肌方面的研究目前较少。本研究纳入正常盘髁关系的咀嚼肌疼痛患者,通过Dixon技术定量评估咀嚼肌疼痛患者的肌肉改变,指导后续物理手法治疗,并进行有效性评估。

1 对象与方法


纳入标准:① 年龄20~50岁。② 根据2014扩展版Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders(30),确诊为咀嚼肌疼痛患者。③ 颞下颌关节(temporomandibular joint,TMJ)MRI显示盘髁关系正常。④ 就诊前2周内未经其他治疗。⑤ 身体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)<26。排除标准:① 活动性特异性或非特异性关节炎。② 急性创伤。③ 5年内恶性肿瘤史。④ 精神、神经性疾病史。

1.1 影像学检查

MRI检查采用德国Siemens Aera 1.5T MRI扫描仪,增强剂采用国产马根维显(有效成分为钆喷酸葡胺)注射液15 mL,扫描范围为颌面部。获取Dixon图像,根据主诉咀嚼肌的压痛点,通过DICOM Viewer工作站获得患者的Dixon图像:咀嚼肌疼痛区域值(Z1)、同侧非疼痛区域值(Z2)、对侧对应咀嚼肌区域值(Z3)。工作站可将咀嚼肌的Dixon图像在某区域的最大值、最小值以及均值直观显示(图1)。为了减少误差,取压痛的咀嚼肌的均值作为参考,并多次测量(n=3),取平均值。


图1   咀嚼肌的Dixon图像测量

Note: Getting the the maximum, minimum and average values of the zone at the workstation of DICOM Viewer for 3 times, and then taking the mean values.

Fig 1   Measurement of masticatory muscle in the Dixon image

1.2 手法治疗

参考MRI显示异常区域,医师进行放松手法治疗,方法:① 咬肌:施加压迫手法,并要求患者咬紧牙齿或使用动态的纵向或横向抚摩以进行放松(图2)。② 颞肌:用2个手指从颅(颧)到尾(下颌)方向进行纵向或横向抚摩,进行放松。③ 翼内肌:让患者张口,用示指沿牙弓之间探入末端,与翼内肌的中部接触,并进行静力压迫以进行放松。④ 翼外肌:将示指沿着口腔前庭,与上颌骨牙槽突的上半部分平行的方向,对上颌结节到翼突外侧板施以压迫手法以进行放松。每周治疗3次,隔天1次,共计8~10次。由于疼痛主观感受差异,医师或治疗师手法治疗的力度以轻柔耐受为适度,以不引发新的疼痛为限,治疗的时间为每次15 min左右。


图2   咬肌的手法放松

Fig 2   Manipulation of masseter muscle

1.3 临床疗效评价指标

放松训练4周后评价患者切牙颌间主动最大张口度(maximum mouth opening,MMO)和疼痛视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)。

1.3.1 MMO测量


1.3.2 VAS测量

在10 cm的横线上,一端标为0,表示无痛;另一端标为10,表示剧痛;中间部分表示不同程度的疼痛。

1.3.3 疗效评估

根据临床症状对患者生活改善的程度分为3级:① 优,MMO≥35 mm,下颌功能运动与压诊无痛。② 良,治疗后MMO改善≥5 mm,VAS较治疗前的基线水平下降≥2分。③ 差,MMO与VAS无改善、复发或加重。

1.4 统计学方法

采用SPSS 20.0软件进行统计学分析。符合正态分布的定量资料以x±s表示。

2 结果


2.1 患者工作站检查结果

9例患者Z2均值为66.23±32.90,Z3均值为66.27±33.87;咀嚼肌疼痛区域Z1为131.94±83.99,明显高于Z2和Z3。DICOM Viewer工作站测得结果见表1

表1   患者疼痛侧的区域值比较(n=9)

Tab 1  Comparison of the masticatory muscle pain area of patients (n=9)

Case No.Tender area of masticatory muscleZ
1Left coronoid process124.0082.7083.16
2Right coronoid process323.39112.79115.87
3Left maxillary tuberosity80.6334.0834.62
4Right superior segment of masseter213.55108.51107.27
5Left middle segment of masseter77.0752.8552.85
6Right inferior segment of masseter154.3487.4087.45
7Right temporal region115.1072.4574.36
8Left inferior segment of masseter41.2625.5524.49
9Right superior segment of masseter58.0719.7316.72
Mean value131.94±83.9966.23±32.9066.27±33.87

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2.2 患者手法治疗结果


表2   手法治疗前后的MMOVAS比较

Table 2  Comparison of MMO and VAS before and after manipulation therapy

Case No.MMO/mmVAS/scoreEfficacy evaluation
Mean value24.56±5.8736.33±2.834.78±2.102.11±1.20

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3 讨论与结论









The study was designed by YANG Haixia and CHEN Minjie; The manuscript was drafted and revised by YANG Haixia; Image data was analyzed by WANG Bocheng; Clinical data was analyzed by XU Lili. All the authors have read the last version of paper and consented for submission.




All authors disclose no relevant conflict of interests.


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