Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a type of personality disorder characterized by unstable emotion, self-consciousness and interpersonal relationships. Despite its high comorbidity with other mental disorders, interventions targeting BPD symptoms may aid in the treatment of the comorbid disorders, which makes BPD one of the most investigated personality disorders. Previously, BPD symptom features were mainly measured by standard scales, but the results of these scales would easily be affected by subjectivity or social desirability. One way to address this limitation is the application of behavioral paradigms, which can measure both explicit and implicit patterns of BPD patients in relatively true-to-life scenes more accurately and objectively. This article discusses behavioral paradigms related to four principal symptoms of BPD: interpersonal instability, emotional instability, identity disturbance and impulsivity, compares the differences in the results of these paradigms, and proposes possible directions for future BPD behavioral research, in order to achieve the enlargement of application of these paradigms. Combined with psychological, physical and pharmacal intervention, or other measurements such as functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), eye tracking technology, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) or event-related potential (ERP), these paradigms would be able to uncover the inner cognitive and behavioral patterns of BPD patients, and improve the knowledge and understanding of researchers and mental health practitioners regarding BPD.
YANG Yang, QIU Jianyin. Research progress in behavioral paradigms on the symptoms of borderline personality disorder. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science)[J], 2024, 44(11): 1447-1453 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2024.11.012
美国《精神疾病诊断与统计手册(第5版)》[Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fifth Edition),DSM-5]分类诊断框架下的10种人格障碍[1]中,边缘型人格障碍(borderline personality disorder,BPD)始终是研究最热门的人格障碍类型,它是以情绪、自我意识以及人际关系不稳定为特点[2],也是发生率相对较高的一种人格障碍。在西方社会中,BPD的终身患病率为0.7%~2.7%[3]。在BPD患者中,焦虑障碍的终身患病率高达11.3%[4],情感障碍的终身患病率约为82.7%,物质滥用的终身患病率约为78.2%,进食障碍的终身患病率约为33.7%[5]。BPD和创伤后应激障碍、注意缺陷/多动障碍等其他精神障碍的共病率也很高[6]。研究[7-9]表明,对BPD的症状干预为其他共病障碍的缓解提供了帮助,可见对BPD症状的挖掘和研究是必要且具有实践意义的。
仿真气球风险任务要求被试通过按键给气球充气,每给气球充气一次就会累加一定的收益,但也増加了气球爆炸的概率。一旦气球爆炸,该试次的收益归零。被试可以选择在任意一次充气后决定停止充气并获得相应的金额奖励。在该任务中,主试不会告诉被试气球的爆炸点,但会告知每个试次的爆炸点都不同。未爆炸气球的平均充气次数越高、已爆炸气球的占比越多,则被试的冲动性越强。一项针对BPD共病物质使用障碍(substance use disorder,SUD)的研究[45]发现,在延迟折扣任务中BPD共病SUD组的冲动性高于健康对照,而单纯BPD组和健康对照的差异不显著;而在仿真气球风险任务中单纯BPD组和BPD共病SUD组的冲动性均高于健康对照。这说明BPD患者可能在某些方面的冲动性(如对反应的抑制或刺激寻求)显著增高,且冲动性某些维度的差异可能可以预测物质滥用的情况,而另一些维度则与物质滥用无关。其他研究者[44]也发现,在使用仿真气球风险任务时,冲动性的增高与BPD症状数量无关,这说明其背后的冲动性维度可能是所有BPD患者所共有的心理结构。
YANG Yang was in charge of literature collection and reorganization, topic design, and article writing and revision. QIU Jianyin took responsibility for topic design, revision, tutoring and audit.
Both authors disclose no relevant conflict of interests.
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... 仿真气球风险任务要求被试通过按键给气球充气,每给气球充气一次就会累加一定的收益,但也増加了气球爆炸的概率.一旦气球爆炸,该试次的收益归零.被试可以选择在任意一次充气后决定停止充气并获得相应的金额奖励.在该任务中,主试不会告诉被试气球的爆炸点,但会告知每个试次的爆炸点都不同.未爆炸气球的平均充气次数越高、已爆炸气球的占比越多,则被试的冲动性越强.一项针对BPD共病物质使用障碍(substance use disorder,SUD)的研究[45]发现,在延迟折扣任务中BPD共病SUD组的冲动性高于健康对照,而单纯BPD组和健康对照的差异不显著;而在仿真气球风险任务中单纯BPD组和BPD共病SUD组的冲动性均高于健康对照.这说明BPD患者可能在某些方面的冲动性(如对反应的抑制或刺激寻求)显著增高,且冲动性某些维度的差异可能可以预测物质滥用的情况,而另一些维度则与物质滥用无关.其他研究者[44]也发现,在使用仿真气球风险任务时,冲动性的增高与BPD症状数量无关,这说明其背后的冲动性维度可能是所有BPD患者所共有的心理结构. ...
... 仿真气球风险任务要求被试通过按键给气球充气,每给气球充气一次就会累加一定的收益,但也増加了气球爆炸的概率.一旦气球爆炸,该试次的收益归零.被试可以选择在任意一次充气后决定停止充气并获得相应的金额奖励.在该任务中,主试不会告诉被试气球的爆炸点,但会告知每个试次的爆炸点都不同.未爆炸气球的平均充气次数越高、已爆炸气球的占比越多,则被试的冲动性越强.一项针对BPD共病物质使用障碍(substance use disorder,SUD)的研究[45]发现,在延迟折扣任务中BPD共病SUD组的冲动性高于健康对照,而单纯BPD组和健康对照的差异不显著;而在仿真气球风险任务中单纯BPD组和BPD共病SUD组的冲动性均高于健康对照.这说明BPD患者可能在某些方面的冲动性(如对反应的抑制或刺激寻求)显著增高,且冲动性某些维度的差异可能可以预测物质滥用的情况,而另一些维度则与物质滥用无关.其他研究者[44]也发现,在使用仿真气球风险任务时,冲动性的增高与BPD症状数量无关,这说明其背后的冲动性维度可能是所有BPD患者所共有的心理结构. ...