Status and advances in the mechanism research on dento-maxillofacial skeletal abnormalities
JIANG Lingyong,
Centre of Craniofacial Orthodontics, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine; College of Stomatology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; National Center for Stomatology; National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases; Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology; Shanghai Research Institute of Stomatology, Shanghai 200011, China
Dento-maxillofacial skeletal abnormalities exhibit high incidence rate, complex etiology, severe symptoms, difficult diagnosis and treatment, and lack of early intervention strategies, which is mainly due to insufficient exploration of mechanism research. These diseases are characterized by abnormal morphology, disordered mutual location and impaired function of bones and teeth, including skeletal abnormalities and malocclusion. Among them, maxillofacial bone and dento-periodontal complex are the two core structures, which respectively determine facial aesthetics and occlusal function. As for maxillofacial skeletal abnormalities, mechanism studies on skeletal development and pathogenesis are required for precise prevention and treatment. As for malocclusion, mechanism studies on homeostasis and stress remodeling are required from the perspective of orthodontics. Both mechanism studies can provide basic support for the diagnosis and treatment of dento-maxillofacial skeletal deformities. In this regard, previous studies usually focused on the expression maps of mutated genes and differential factors. In recent years, the development of conditional gene editing techniques, such as Cre-LoxP system, has enabled researchers to intuitively evaluate the function of key genes in a single cell lineage in vivo, helping to advance research on dento-maxillofacial skeletal abnormalities from phenotype level to molecular mechanism level. This review summarizes recent domestic and foreign researches on dento-maxillofacial skeletal abnormalities, as well as recent achievements of the author's team, and systematically proposes a research mode concluded as “One Centre, Two Motives”. The centre is dento-maxillofacial skeletal abnormalities. One motive is the development and pathogenic mechanisms of maxillofacial bone, and the other is the homeostasis and remodeling mechanisms of dento-periodontal complex. The research mode aims at systematical study of the pathogenesis and prognosis of diseases to explore potential therapies. Many advanced technologies have contributed to the exploration of “One Centre” through “Two Motives”: on the one hand, conditional gene editing models have provided a new strategy for studying the function of key factors in key cells in vivo; on the other hand, inducible conditional gene editing models have supported the precise control of the timeline for interventions after birth. Furthermore, with the help of single-cell sequencing and lineage tracing techniques, researchers have been focusing on tissue-specific stem cells, due to their in situ and characteristic functions. This situation is highly in line with the “One Centre, Two Motives” mode, and is benefit to shed a new insight on the theoretical researches and clinical applications of dento-maxillofacial skeletal abnormalities. The article reviews the “One Centre, Two Motives” mechanism research mode of dento-maxillofacial skeletal abnormalities.
Keywords:dento-maxillofacial skeletal abnormality
dental and maxillofacial skeletal development
bone homeostasis
gene editing
tissue-specific stem cell
JIANG Lingyong. Status and advances in the mechanism research on dento-maxillofacial skeletal abnormalities. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science)[J], 2024, 44(6): 663-675 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2024.06.001
Fig 2
Schematic diagram of the roles of WNT signaling, SHH signaling, RA signaling, BMP signaling, and Notch signaling during dento-maxillofacial development using LacZ tool mice
1.2.2 运用Cre-LoxP体系研究牙颌面关键细胞中关键因子的功能
随着精准医学的发展,针对关键细胞的靶向干预研究为疾病特征症状的治疗提供了新思路,研究者已着眼探究致病基因导致牙颌面畸形形成的关键细胞[27]。近年来,以Cre-LoxP系统为代表的条件性基因编辑模式动物技术的发展,为研究基因功能异常导致骨畸形发生的关键细胞谱系提供了新的途径。环化重组酶(cyclization recombinant enzyme,Cre)是一种位点特异性DNA重组酶,可以识别侧翼LoxP(locus of X-over P1)序列,导致2个LoxP位点之间序列发生重组,当2个LoxP位点同向分布于同一条DNA序列中时,2个LoxP位点之间的DNA片段将被切除。因此,通过在特征标记的细胞中表达Cre,即可在此特征细胞中进行条件性的基因编辑,实现研究关键细胞中关键因子功能的实验目的。目前,神经嵴细胞(neural crest cell,NCC)的Wnt1、性别决定区Y框蛋白9(sex determining region Y box protein,Sox9)[28],成骨细胞的配对相关同源框1(paired related homeobox 1,Prx1)、成骨相关转录因子(osterix,Osx)、骨钙蛋白(osteocalcin,Ocn)、Ⅰ型胶原蛋白A1(collagen type 1 A1,Col1a1)[3],骨细胞的牙本质基质蛋白(dentin matrix protein 1,Dmp1)[29],成软骨细胞的Ⅱ型胶原蛋白(collagen type 2,Col2)、真皮表达蛋白(dermis-expressed protein 1,Dermo1)[30],破骨细胞的溶菌酶C2蛋白(lysozyme C-2,Lysm)、组织蛋白酶K(cathepsin K,Ctsk)[31],上皮细胞的角蛋白14(cytokeratin 14,Krt14),第一鳃弓细胞的桩蛋白2(paired box protein 2,Pax2)、心脏神经嵴衍生物蛋白2(heart and neural crest derivative-expressed protein 2,Hand2)[32],腭间充质细胞的阴离子交换蛋白2(odd-skipped related 2,Osr2)[33]等细胞谱系的关键致病基因被敲除后均可呈现出不同程度的牙颌面畸形(表1)。值得注意的是,研究者发现,在特定细胞谱系中敲除关键基因可模拟牙颌面骨畸形综合征,如在成骨细胞而非破骨细胞中STAT3信号失活可导致常染色体显性高IgE综合征(autosomal dominant hyper IgE syndrome,AD-HIES)样颅颌面骨畸形[3],为早期靶向干预的发展提供了更为精准的修饰期望与目的细胞。但目前许多疾病模型仍停留在全基因敲除阶段,尽管通过部分体内或体外干预得到了一定的治疗效果,但对这种干预作用于何种细胞、恢复了该细胞何种功能尚无法解答。因此,在精准医学飞速发展的当下,运用条件性基因编辑动物研究疾病致病机制,是开发及优化疾病靶向干预策略的重要方向。
Tab 1
Tab 1 Key cell lineages and related genes responsible for dento-maxillofacial abnormalities through conditional gene-edited mice
Death shortly after birth due to difficulties in feeding and breathing, severe craniofacial malformation, loss of craniofacial bones, frontonasal dysplasia, micrognathia, cleft palate
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome.
JIANG Lingyong conceived the idea, retrieved literature and drafted the manuscript. The author has read the last version of paper and consented for submission.
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... 随着精准医学的发展,针对关键细胞的靶向干预研究为疾病特征症状的治疗提供了新思路,研究者已着眼探究致病基因导致牙颌面畸形形成的关键细胞[27].近年来,以Cre-LoxP系统为代表的条件性基因编辑模式动物技术的发展,为研究基因功能异常导致骨畸形发生的关键细胞谱系提供了新的途径.环化重组酶(cyclization recombinant enzyme,Cre)是一种位点特异性DNA重组酶,可以识别侧翼LoxP(locus of X-over P1)序列,导致2个LoxP位点之间序列发生重组,当2个LoxP位点同向分布于同一条DNA序列中时,2个LoxP位点之间的DNA片段将被切除.因此,通过在特征标记的细胞中表达Cre,即可在此特征细胞中进行条件性的基因编辑,实现研究关键细胞中关键因子功能的实验目的.目前,神经嵴细胞(neural crest cell,NCC)的Wnt1、性别决定区Y框蛋白9(sex determining region Y box protein,Sox9)[28],成骨细胞的配对相关同源框1(paired related homeobox 1,Prx1)、成骨相关转录因子(osterix,Osx)、骨钙蛋白(osteocalcin,Ocn)、Ⅰ型胶原蛋白A1(collagen type 1 A1,Col1a1)[3],骨细胞的牙本质基质蛋白(dentin matrix protein 1,Dmp1)[29],成软骨细胞的Ⅱ型胶原蛋白(collagen type 2,Col2)、真皮表达蛋白(dermis-expressed protein 1,Dermo1)[30],破骨细胞的溶菌酶C2蛋白(lysozyme C-2,Lysm)、组织蛋白酶K(cathepsin K,Ctsk)[31],上皮细胞的角蛋白14(cytokeratin 14,Krt14),第一鳃弓细胞的桩蛋白2(paired box protein 2,Pax2)、心脏神经嵴衍生物蛋白2(heart and neural crest derivative-expressed protein 2,Hand2)[32],腭间充质细胞的阴离子交换蛋白2(odd-skipped related 2,Osr2)[33]等细胞谱系的关键致病基因被敲除后均可呈现出不同程度的牙颌面畸形(表1).值得注意的是,研究者发现,在特定细胞谱系中敲除关键基因可模拟牙颌面骨畸形综合征,如在成骨细胞而非破骨细胞中STAT3信号失活可导致常染色体显性高IgE综合征(autosomal dominant hyper IgE syndrome,AD-HIES)样颅颌面骨畸形[3],为早期靶向干预的发展提供了更为精准的修饰期望与目的细胞.但目前许多疾病模型仍停留在全基因敲除阶段,尽管通过部分体内或体外干预得到了一定的治疗效果,但对这种干预作用于何种细胞、恢复了该细胞何种功能尚无法解答.因此,在精准医学飞速发展的当下,运用条件性基因编辑动物研究疾病致病机制,是开发及优化疾病靶向干预策略的重要方向. ...
... 随着精准医学的发展,针对关键细胞的靶向干预研究为疾病特征症状的治疗提供了新思路,研究者已着眼探究致病基因导致牙颌面畸形形成的关键细胞[27].近年来,以Cre-LoxP系统为代表的条件性基因编辑模式动物技术的发展,为研究基因功能异常导致骨畸形发生的关键细胞谱系提供了新的途径.环化重组酶(cyclization recombinant enzyme,Cre)是一种位点特异性DNA重组酶,可以识别侧翼LoxP(locus of X-over P1)序列,导致2个LoxP位点之间序列发生重组,当2个LoxP位点同向分布于同一条DNA序列中时,2个LoxP位点之间的DNA片段将被切除.因此,通过在特征标记的细胞中表达Cre,即可在此特征细胞中进行条件性的基因编辑,实现研究关键细胞中关键因子功能的实验目的.目前,神经嵴细胞(neural crest cell,NCC)的Wnt1、性别决定区Y框蛋白9(sex determining region Y box protein,Sox9)[28],成骨细胞的配对相关同源框1(paired related homeobox 1,Prx1)、成骨相关转录因子(osterix,Osx)、骨钙蛋白(osteocalcin,Ocn)、Ⅰ型胶原蛋白A1(collagen type 1 A1,Col1a1)[3],骨细胞的牙本质基质蛋白(dentin matrix protein 1,Dmp1)[29],成软骨细胞的Ⅱ型胶原蛋白(collagen type 2,Col2)、真皮表达蛋白(dermis-expressed protein 1,Dermo1)[30],破骨细胞的溶菌酶C2蛋白(lysozyme C-2,Lysm)、组织蛋白酶K(cathepsin K,Ctsk)[31],上皮细胞的角蛋白14(cytokeratin 14,Krt14),第一鳃弓细胞的桩蛋白2(paired box protein 2,Pax2)、心脏神经嵴衍生物蛋白2(heart and neural crest derivative-expressed protein 2,Hand2)[32],腭间充质细胞的阴离子交换蛋白2(odd-skipped related 2,Osr2)[33]等细胞谱系的关键致病基因被敲除后均可呈现出不同程度的牙颌面畸形(表1).值得注意的是,研究者发现,在特定细胞谱系中敲除关键基因可模拟牙颌面骨畸形综合征,如在成骨细胞而非破骨细胞中STAT3信号失活可导致常染色体显性高IgE综合征(autosomal dominant hyper IgE syndrome,AD-HIES)样颅颌面骨畸形[3],为早期靶向干预的发展提供了更为精准的修饰期望与目的细胞.但目前许多疾病模型仍停留在全基因敲除阶段,尽管通过部分体内或体外干预得到了一定的治疗效果,但对这种干预作用于何种细胞、恢复了该细胞何种功能尚无法解答.因此,在精准医学飞速发展的当下,运用条件性基因编辑动物研究疾病致病机制,是开发及优化疾病靶向干预策略的重要方向. ...
... 随着单细胞测序与谱系示踪技术的发展,研究者通过构建荧光示踪模式动物,发现了一系列牙颌面干细胞标志物:如颅骨骨缝间充质干细胞的Axin2+[99]、Prrx1+[100]、Gli1+[101],颅骨骨膜干细胞的Mx1+ (黏病毒耐药蛋白1,myxovirus resistance 1)α-SMA+ (α-平滑肌肌动蛋白,α-smooth muscle actin)[102],上颌窦黏膜干细胞的Krt14+Ctsk+[103],下颌骨骨膜干细胞的Gli1+[104]、Ctsk+Ly6a+ (淋巴细胞抗原6复合物基因座A,lymphocyte antigen 6 complex locus A)[105],PDLSC的α-SMA+[106]、Axin2+[107]、Prrx1+[108]、Gli1+[109]、Lepr+ (瘦素受体蛋白,leptin receptor)[27]、Ctsk+[27]、Pthrp+ (甲状旁腺激素相关蛋白,parathyroid hormone-related protein)[110],DPSC的Sox10(性别决定区Y框蛋白10,sex determining region Y box protein 10)/Plp1+ (鞘磷脂脂质蛋白1,proteolipid protein 1)[111]、Cd24a+[112],牙槽骨干细胞亚群的Fat4+ (原钙黏蛋白4,protocadherin 4)[5]、Lepr+[113]、Gli1+[114]等(图4).上述成果通过模式动物实验进一步明确了牙颌面干细胞的特性及功能,大大推动了对牙颌面干细胞的认识. ...
... 随着精准医学的发展,针对关键细胞的靶向干预研究为疾病特征症状的治疗提供了新思路,研究者已着眼探究致病基因导致牙颌面畸形形成的关键细胞[27].近年来,以Cre-LoxP系统为代表的条件性基因编辑模式动物技术的发展,为研究基因功能异常导致骨畸形发生的关键细胞谱系提供了新的途径.环化重组酶(cyclization recombinant enzyme,Cre)是一种位点特异性DNA重组酶,可以识别侧翼LoxP(locus of X-over P1)序列,导致2个LoxP位点之间序列发生重组,当2个LoxP位点同向分布于同一条DNA序列中时,2个LoxP位点之间的DNA片段将被切除.因此,通过在特征标记的细胞中表达Cre,即可在此特征细胞中进行条件性的基因编辑,实现研究关键细胞中关键因子功能的实验目的.目前,神经嵴细胞(neural crest cell,NCC)的Wnt1、性别决定区Y框蛋白9(sex determining region Y box protein,Sox9)[28],成骨细胞的配对相关同源框1(paired related homeobox 1,Prx1)、成骨相关转录因子(osterix,Osx)、骨钙蛋白(osteocalcin,Ocn)、Ⅰ型胶原蛋白A1(collagen type 1 A1,Col1a1)[3],骨细胞的牙本质基质蛋白(dentin matrix protein 1,Dmp1)[29],成软骨细胞的Ⅱ型胶原蛋白(collagen type 2,Col2)、真皮表达蛋白(dermis-expressed protein 1,Dermo1)[30],破骨细胞的溶菌酶C2蛋白(lysozyme C-2,Lysm)、组织蛋白酶K(cathepsin K,Ctsk)[31],上皮细胞的角蛋白14(cytokeratin 14,Krt14),第一鳃弓细胞的桩蛋白2(paired box protein 2,Pax2)、心脏神经嵴衍生物蛋白2(heart and neural crest derivative-expressed protein 2,Hand2)[32],腭间充质细胞的阴离子交换蛋白2(odd-skipped related 2,Osr2)[33]等细胞谱系的关键致病基因被敲除后均可呈现出不同程度的牙颌面畸形(表1).值得注意的是,研究者发现,在特定细胞谱系中敲除关键基因可模拟牙颌面骨畸形综合征,如在成骨细胞而非破骨细胞中STAT3信号失活可导致常染色体显性高IgE综合征(autosomal dominant hyper IgE syndrome,AD-HIES)样颅颌面骨畸形[3],为早期靶向干预的发展提供了更为精准的修饰期望与目的细胞.但目前许多疾病模型仍停留在全基因敲除阶段,尽管通过部分体内或体外干预得到了一定的治疗效果,但对这种干预作用于何种细胞、恢复了该细胞何种功能尚无法解答.因此,在精准医学飞速发展的当下,运用条件性基因编辑动物研究疾病致病机制,是开发及优化疾病靶向干预策略的重要方向. ...
... 随着精准医学的发展,针对关键细胞的靶向干预研究为疾病特征症状的治疗提供了新思路,研究者已着眼探究致病基因导致牙颌面畸形形成的关键细胞[27].近年来,以Cre-LoxP系统为代表的条件性基因编辑模式动物技术的发展,为研究基因功能异常导致骨畸形发生的关键细胞谱系提供了新的途径.环化重组酶(cyclization recombinant enzyme,Cre)是一种位点特异性DNA重组酶,可以识别侧翼LoxP(locus of X-over P1)序列,导致2个LoxP位点之间序列发生重组,当2个LoxP位点同向分布于同一条DNA序列中时,2个LoxP位点之间的DNA片段将被切除.因此,通过在特征标记的细胞中表达Cre,即可在此特征细胞中进行条件性的基因编辑,实现研究关键细胞中关键因子功能的实验目的.目前,神经嵴细胞(neural crest cell,NCC)的Wnt1、性别决定区Y框蛋白9(sex determining region Y box protein,Sox9)[28],成骨细胞的配对相关同源框1(paired related homeobox 1,Prx1)、成骨相关转录因子(osterix,Osx)、骨钙蛋白(osteocalcin,Ocn)、Ⅰ型胶原蛋白A1(collagen type 1 A1,Col1a1)[3],骨细胞的牙本质基质蛋白(dentin matrix protein 1,Dmp1)[29],成软骨细胞的Ⅱ型胶原蛋白(collagen type 2,Col2)、真皮表达蛋白(dermis-expressed protein 1,Dermo1)[30],破骨细胞的溶菌酶C2蛋白(lysozyme C-2,Lysm)、组织蛋白酶K(cathepsin K,Ctsk)[31],上皮细胞的角蛋白14(cytokeratin 14,Krt14),第一鳃弓细胞的桩蛋白2(paired box protein 2,Pax2)、心脏神经嵴衍生物蛋白2(heart and neural crest derivative-expressed protein 2,Hand2)[32],腭间充质细胞的阴离子交换蛋白2(odd-skipped related 2,Osr2)[33]等细胞谱系的关键致病基因被敲除后均可呈现出不同程度的牙颌面畸形(表1).值得注意的是,研究者发现,在特定细胞谱系中敲除关键基因可模拟牙颌面骨畸形综合征,如在成骨细胞而非破骨细胞中STAT3信号失活可导致常染色体显性高IgE综合征(autosomal dominant hyper IgE syndrome,AD-HIES)样颅颌面骨畸形[3],为早期靶向干预的发展提供了更为精准的修饰期望与目的细胞.但目前许多疾病模型仍停留在全基因敲除阶段,尽管通过部分体内或体外干预得到了一定的治疗效果,但对这种干预作用于何种细胞、恢复了该细胞何种功能尚无法解答.因此,在精准医学飞速发展的当下,运用条件性基因编辑动物研究疾病致病机制,是开发及优化疾病靶向干预策略的重要方向. ...
... 随着精准医学的发展,针对关键细胞的靶向干预研究为疾病特征症状的治疗提供了新思路,研究者已着眼探究致病基因导致牙颌面畸形形成的关键细胞[27].近年来,以Cre-LoxP系统为代表的条件性基因编辑模式动物技术的发展,为研究基因功能异常导致骨畸形发生的关键细胞谱系提供了新的途径.环化重组酶(cyclization recombinant enzyme,Cre)是一种位点特异性DNA重组酶,可以识别侧翼LoxP(locus of X-over P1)序列,导致2个LoxP位点之间序列发生重组,当2个LoxP位点同向分布于同一条DNA序列中时,2个LoxP位点之间的DNA片段将被切除.因此,通过在特征标记的细胞中表达Cre,即可在此特征细胞中进行条件性的基因编辑,实现研究关键细胞中关键因子功能的实验目的.目前,神经嵴细胞(neural crest cell,NCC)的Wnt1、性别决定区Y框蛋白9(sex determining region Y box protein,Sox9)[28],成骨细胞的配对相关同源框1(paired related homeobox 1,Prx1)、成骨相关转录因子(osterix,Osx)、骨钙蛋白(osteocalcin,Ocn)、Ⅰ型胶原蛋白A1(collagen type 1 A1,Col1a1)[3],骨细胞的牙本质基质蛋白(dentin matrix protein 1,Dmp1)[29],成软骨细胞的Ⅱ型胶原蛋白(collagen type 2,Col2)、真皮表达蛋白(dermis-expressed protein 1,Dermo1)[30],破骨细胞的溶菌酶C2蛋白(lysozyme C-2,Lysm)、组织蛋白酶K(cathepsin K,Ctsk)[31],上皮细胞的角蛋白14(cytokeratin 14,Krt14),第一鳃弓细胞的桩蛋白2(paired box protein 2,Pax2)、心脏神经嵴衍生物蛋白2(heart and neural crest derivative-expressed protein 2,Hand2)[32],腭间充质细胞的阴离子交换蛋白2(odd-skipped related 2,Osr2)[33]等细胞谱系的关键致病基因被敲除后均可呈现出不同程度的牙颌面畸形(表1).值得注意的是,研究者发现,在特定细胞谱系中敲除关键基因可模拟牙颌面骨畸形综合征,如在成骨细胞而非破骨细胞中STAT3信号失活可导致常染色体显性高IgE综合征(autosomal dominant hyper IgE syndrome,AD-HIES)样颅颌面骨畸形[3],为早期靶向干预的发展提供了更为精准的修饰期望与目的细胞.但目前许多疾病模型仍停留在全基因敲除阶段,尽管通过部分体内或体外干预得到了一定的治疗效果,但对这种干预作用于何种细胞、恢复了该细胞何种功能尚无法解答.因此,在精准医学飞速发展的当下,运用条件性基因编辑动物研究疾病致病机制,是开发及优化疾病靶向干预策略的重要方向. ...
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
... 随着精准医学的发展,针对关键细胞的靶向干预研究为疾病特征症状的治疗提供了新思路,研究者已着眼探究致病基因导致牙颌面畸形形成的关键细胞[27].近年来,以Cre-LoxP系统为代表的条件性基因编辑模式动物技术的发展,为研究基因功能异常导致骨畸形发生的关键细胞谱系提供了新的途径.环化重组酶(cyclization recombinant enzyme,Cre)是一种位点特异性DNA重组酶,可以识别侧翼LoxP(locus of X-over P1)序列,导致2个LoxP位点之间序列发生重组,当2个LoxP位点同向分布于同一条DNA序列中时,2个LoxP位点之间的DNA片段将被切除.因此,通过在特征标记的细胞中表达Cre,即可在此特征细胞中进行条件性的基因编辑,实现研究关键细胞中关键因子功能的实验目的.目前,神经嵴细胞(neural crest cell,NCC)的Wnt1、性别决定区Y框蛋白9(sex determining region Y box protein,Sox9)[28],成骨细胞的配对相关同源框1(paired related homeobox 1,Prx1)、成骨相关转录因子(osterix,Osx)、骨钙蛋白(osteocalcin,Ocn)、Ⅰ型胶原蛋白A1(collagen type 1 A1,Col1a1)[3],骨细胞的牙本质基质蛋白(dentin matrix protein 1,Dmp1)[29],成软骨细胞的Ⅱ型胶原蛋白(collagen type 2,Col2)、真皮表达蛋白(dermis-expressed protein 1,Dermo1)[30],破骨细胞的溶菌酶C2蛋白(lysozyme C-2,Lysm)、组织蛋白酶K(cathepsin K,Ctsk)[31],上皮细胞的角蛋白14(cytokeratin 14,Krt14),第一鳃弓细胞的桩蛋白2(paired box protein 2,Pax2)、心脏神经嵴衍生物蛋白2(heart and neural crest derivative-expressed protein 2,Hand2)[32],腭间充质细胞的阴离子交换蛋白2(odd-skipped related 2,Osr2)[33]等细胞谱系的关键致病基因被敲除后均可呈现出不同程度的牙颌面畸形(表1).值得注意的是,研究者发现,在特定细胞谱系中敲除关键基因可模拟牙颌面骨畸形综合征,如在成骨细胞而非破骨细胞中STAT3信号失活可导致常染色体显性高IgE综合征(autosomal dominant hyper IgE syndrome,AD-HIES)样颅颌面骨畸形[3],为早期靶向干预的发展提供了更为精准的修饰期望与目的细胞.但目前许多疾病模型仍停留在全基因敲除阶段,尽管通过部分体内或体外干预得到了一定的治疗效果,但对这种干预作用于何种细胞、恢复了该细胞何种功能尚无法解答.因此,在精准医学飞速发展的当下,运用条件性基因编辑动物研究疾病致病机制,是开发及优化疾病靶向干预策略的重要方向. ...
... 随着精准医学的发展,针对关键细胞的靶向干预研究为疾病特征症状的治疗提供了新思路,研究者已着眼探究致病基因导致牙颌面畸形形成的关键细胞[27].近年来,以Cre-LoxP系统为代表的条件性基因编辑模式动物技术的发展,为研究基因功能异常导致骨畸形发生的关键细胞谱系提供了新的途径.环化重组酶(cyclization recombinant enzyme,Cre)是一种位点特异性DNA重组酶,可以识别侧翼LoxP(locus of X-over P1)序列,导致2个LoxP位点之间序列发生重组,当2个LoxP位点同向分布于同一条DNA序列中时,2个LoxP位点之间的DNA片段将被切除.因此,通过在特征标记的细胞中表达Cre,即可在此特征细胞中进行条件性的基因编辑,实现研究关键细胞中关键因子功能的实验目的.目前,神经嵴细胞(neural crest cell,NCC)的Wnt1、性别决定区Y框蛋白9(sex determining region Y box protein,Sox9)[28],成骨细胞的配对相关同源框1(paired related homeobox 1,Prx1)、成骨相关转录因子(osterix,Osx)、骨钙蛋白(osteocalcin,Ocn)、Ⅰ型胶原蛋白A1(collagen type 1 A1,Col1a1)[3],骨细胞的牙本质基质蛋白(dentin matrix protein 1,Dmp1)[29],成软骨细胞的Ⅱ型胶原蛋白(collagen type 2,Col2)、真皮表达蛋白(dermis-expressed protein 1,Dermo1)[30],破骨细胞的溶菌酶C2蛋白(lysozyme C-2,Lysm)、组织蛋白酶K(cathepsin K,Ctsk)[31],上皮细胞的角蛋白14(cytokeratin 14,Krt14),第一鳃弓细胞的桩蛋白2(paired box protein 2,Pax2)、心脏神经嵴衍生物蛋白2(heart and neural crest derivative-expressed protein 2,Hand2)[32],腭间充质细胞的阴离子交换蛋白2(odd-skipped related 2,Osr2)[33]等细胞谱系的关键致病基因被敲除后均可呈现出不同程度的牙颌面畸形(表1).值得注意的是,研究者发现,在特定细胞谱系中敲除关键基因可模拟牙颌面骨畸形综合征,如在成骨细胞而非破骨细胞中STAT3信号失活可导致常染色体显性高IgE综合征(autosomal dominant hyper IgE syndrome,AD-HIES)样颅颌面骨畸形[3],为早期靶向干预的发展提供了更为精准的修饰期望与目的细胞.但目前许多疾病模型仍停留在全基因敲除阶段,尽管通过部分体内或体外干预得到了一定的治疗效果,但对这种干预作用于何种细胞、恢复了该细胞何种功能尚无法解答.因此,在精准医学飞速发展的当下,运用条件性基因编辑动物研究疾病致病机制,是开发及优化疾病靶向干预策略的重要方向. ...
... Key cell lineages and related genes responsible for dento-maxillofacial abnormalities through conditional gene-edited miceTab 1
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome, micrognathia, cleft palate with ankyloglossia
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Pierre Robin syndrome
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Severe deformation of molar buds, palate, and maxilla-mandibular bony structures; defected Meckel's cartilage
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
SHH signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling, WNT signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
WNT signaling
Death shortly after birth due to difficulties in feeding and breathing, severe craniofacial malformation, loss of craniofacial bones, frontonasal dysplasia, micrognathia, cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre, Sox9-Cre)
SHH signaling
Wnt1: ①③; Sox9: ①②
Wnt1: death shortly after birth, shortened maxilla, restricted airway, frontonasal dysplasia ...
... RA signaling
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome, midface cleft, defected craniofacial bone
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
FGF signaling
Defected craniofacial bone
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
P53 signaling
Craniostenosis, cleft palate, defected craniofacial bone
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
SHH signaling
Defected craniofacial bone
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
WNT signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
FGF signaling
Micrognathia, defected craniofacial bone
First branchial arch mesenchymal cell (Pax2-Cre)
BMP signaling
Bilateral hyperplastic tissues
First branchial arch mesenchymal cell (Hand2-Cre)
FGF signaling
Micrognathia, cleft palate
Mesenchymal cell (Twist2-Cre)
WNT signaling
Micrognathia, defected craniofacial bone
Mesenchymal cell (Twist1-Cre)
FGF signaling
Defected dentin and enamel, tooth abnormalities
Osteoblast (Prx1-Cre)
WNT signaling
Osteoblast (Osx-Cre, Col1-Cre)
WNT signaling
Osx: CATSHL syndrome, frontonasal dysplasia ...
... 随着精准医学的发展,针对关键细胞的靶向干预研究为疾病特征症状的治疗提供了新思路,研究者已着眼探究致病基因导致牙颌面畸形形成的关键细胞[27].近年来,以Cre-LoxP系统为代表的条件性基因编辑模式动物技术的发展,为研究基因功能异常导致骨畸形发生的关键细胞谱系提供了新的途径.环化重组酶(cyclization recombinant enzyme,Cre)是一种位点特异性DNA重组酶,可以识别侧翼LoxP(locus of X-over P1)序列,导致2个LoxP位点之间序列发生重组,当2个LoxP位点同向分布于同一条DNA序列中时,2个LoxP位点之间的DNA片段将被切除.因此,通过在特征标记的细胞中表达Cre,即可在此特征细胞中进行条件性的基因编辑,实现研究关键细胞中关键因子功能的实验目的.目前,神经嵴细胞(neural crest cell,NCC)的Wnt1、性别决定区Y框蛋白9(sex determining region Y box protein,Sox9)[28],成骨细胞的配对相关同源框1(paired related homeobox 1,Prx1)、成骨相关转录因子(osterix,Osx)、骨钙蛋白(osteocalcin,Ocn)、Ⅰ型胶原蛋白A1(collagen type 1 A1,Col1a1)[3],骨细胞的牙本质基质蛋白(dentin matrix protein 1,Dmp1)[29],成软骨细胞的Ⅱ型胶原蛋白(collagen type 2,Col2)、真皮表达蛋白(dermis-expressed protein 1,Dermo1)[30],破骨细胞的溶菌酶C2蛋白(lysozyme C-2,Lysm)、组织蛋白酶K(cathepsin K,Ctsk)[31],上皮细胞的角蛋白14(cytokeratin 14,Krt14),第一鳃弓细胞的桩蛋白2(paired box protein 2,Pax2)、心脏神经嵴衍生物蛋白2(heart and neural crest derivative-expressed protein 2,Hand2)[32],腭间充质细胞的阴离子交换蛋白2(odd-skipped related 2,Osr2)[33]等细胞谱系的关键致病基因被敲除后均可呈现出不同程度的牙颌面畸形(表1).值得注意的是,研究者发现,在特定细胞谱系中敲除关键基因可模拟牙颌面骨畸形综合征,如在成骨细胞而非破骨细胞中STAT3信号失活可导致常染色体显性高IgE综合征(autosomal dominant hyper IgE syndrome,AD-HIES)样颅颌面骨畸形[3],为早期靶向干预的发展提供了更为精准的修饰期望与目的细胞.但目前许多疾病模型仍停留在全基因敲除阶段,尽管通过部分体内或体外干预得到了一定的治疗效果,但对这种干预作用于何种细胞、恢复了该细胞何种功能尚无法解答.因此,在精准医学飞速发展的当下,运用条件性基因编辑动物研究疾病致病机制,是开发及优化疾病靶向干预策略的重要方向. ...
Defective ameloblast and odontoblast differentiation
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
WNT signaling
Cleft palate
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
RA signaling
Cleft palate
Pharyngeal endoderm cell (Foxg1-Cre)
Velo-cardio-facial syndrome
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome, micrognathia, cleft palate with ankyloglossia
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Pierre Robin syndrome
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Severe deformation of molar buds, palate, and maxilla-mandibular bony structures; defected Meckel's cartilage
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
SHH signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling, WNT signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
WNT signaling
Death shortly after birth due to difficulties in feeding and breathing, severe craniofacial malformation, loss of craniofacial bones, frontonasal dysplasia, micrognathia, cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre, Sox9-Cre)
SHH signaling
Wnt1: ①③; Sox9: ①②
Wnt1: death shortly after birth, shortened maxilla, restricted airway, frontonasal dysplasia ...
... Key cell lineages and related genes responsible for dento-maxillofacial abnormalities through conditional gene-edited miceTab 1
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome, micrognathia, cleft palate with ankyloglossia
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Pierre Robin syndrome
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Severe deformation of molar buds, palate, and maxilla-mandibular bony structures; defected Meckel's cartilage
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
SHH signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling, WNT signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
WNT signaling
Death shortly after birth due to difficulties in feeding and breathing, severe craniofacial malformation, loss of craniofacial bones, frontonasal dysplasia, micrognathia, cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre, Sox9-Cre)
SHH signaling
Wnt1: ①③; Sox9: ①②
Wnt1: death shortly after birth, shortened maxilla, restricted airway, frontonasal dysplasia ...
... RA signaling
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome, midface cleft, defected craniofacial bone
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
FGF signaling
Defected craniofacial bone
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
P53 signaling
Craniostenosis, cleft palate, defected craniofacial bone
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
SHH signaling
Defected craniofacial bone
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
WNT signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
FGF signaling
Micrognathia, defected craniofacial bone
First branchial arch mesenchymal cell (Pax2-Cre)
BMP signaling
Bilateral hyperplastic tissues
First branchial arch mesenchymal cell (Hand2-Cre)
FGF signaling
Micrognathia, cleft palate
Mesenchymal cell (Twist2-Cre)
WNT signaling
Micrognathia, defected craniofacial bone
Mesenchymal cell (Twist1-Cre)
FGF signaling
Defected dentin and enamel, tooth abnormalities
Osteoblast (Prx1-Cre)
WNT signaling
Osteoblast (Osx-Cre, Col1-Cre)
WNT signaling
Osx: CATSHL syndrome, frontonasal dysplasia ...
... Key cell lineages and related genes responsible for dento-maxillofacial abnormalities through conditional gene-edited miceTab 1
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome, micrognathia, cleft palate with ankyloglossia
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Pierre Robin syndrome
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Severe deformation of molar buds, palate, and maxilla-mandibular bony structures; defected Meckel's cartilage
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
SHH signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling, WNT signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
WNT signaling
Death shortly after birth due to difficulties in feeding and breathing, severe craniofacial malformation, loss of craniofacial bones, frontonasal dysplasia, micrognathia, cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre, Sox9-Cre)
SHH signaling
Wnt1: ①③; Sox9: ①②
Wnt1: death shortly after birth, shortened maxilla, restricted airway, frontonasal dysplasia ...
... Key cell lineages and related genes responsible for dento-maxillofacial abnormalities through conditional gene-edited miceTab 1
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome, micrognathia, cleft palate with ankyloglossia
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Pierre Robin syndrome
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Severe deformation of molar buds, palate, and maxilla-mandibular bony structures; defected Meckel's cartilage
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
SHH signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling, WNT signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
WNT signaling
Death shortly after birth due to difficulties in feeding and breathing, severe craniofacial malformation, loss of craniofacial bones, frontonasal dysplasia, micrognathia, cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre, Sox9-Cre)
SHH signaling
Wnt1: ①③; Sox9: ①②
Wnt1: death shortly after birth, shortened maxilla, restricted airway, frontonasal dysplasia ...
... Key cell lineages and related genes responsible for dento-maxillofacial abnormalities through conditional gene-edited miceTab 1
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome, micrognathia, cleft palate with ankyloglossia
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Pierre Robin syndrome
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Severe deformation of molar buds, palate, and maxilla-mandibular bony structures; defected Meckel's cartilage
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
SHH signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling, WNT signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
WNT signaling
Death shortly after birth due to difficulties in feeding and breathing, severe craniofacial malformation, loss of craniofacial bones, frontonasal dysplasia, micrognathia, cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre, Sox9-Cre)
SHH signaling
Wnt1: ①③; Sox9: ①②
Wnt1: death shortly after birth, shortened maxilla, restricted airway, frontonasal dysplasia ...
... Key cell lineages and related genes responsible for dento-maxillofacial abnormalities through conditional gene-edited miceTab 1
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome, micrognathia, cleft palate with ankyloglossia
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Pierre Robin syndrome
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Severe deformation of molar buds, palate, and maxilla-mandibular bony structures; defected Meckel's cartilage
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
SHH signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling, WNT signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
WNT signaling
Death shortly after birth due to difficulties in feeding and breathing, severe craniofacial malformation, loss of craniofacial bones, frontonasal dysplasia, micrognathia, cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre, Sox9-Cre)
SHH signaling
Wnt1: ①③; Sox9: ①②
Wnt1: death shortly after birth, shortened maxilla, restricted airway, frontonasal dysplasia ...
... Key cell lineages and related genes responsible for dento-maxillofacial abnormalities through conditional gene-edited miceTab 1
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome, micrognathia, cleft palate with ankyloglossia
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Pierre Robin syndrome
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Severe deformation of molar buds, palate, and maxilla-mandibular bony structures; defected Meckel's cartilage
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
SHH signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling, WNT signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
WNT signaling
Death shortly after birth due to difficulties in feeding and breathing, severe craniofacial malformation, loss of craniofacial bones, frontonasal dysplasia, micrognathia, cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre, Sox9-Cre)
SHH signaling
Wnt1: ①③; Sox9: ①②
Wnt1: death shortly after birth, shortened maxilla, restricted airway, frontonasal dysplasia ...
... Key cell lineages and related genes responsible for dento-maxillofacial abnormalities through conditional gene-edited miceTab 1
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome, micrognathia, cleft palate with ankyloglossia
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Pierre Robin syndrome
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling
Severe deformation of molar buds, palate, and maxilla-mandibular bony structures; defected Meckel's cartilage
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
SHH signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
BMP signaling, WNT signaling
Cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
WNT signaling
Death shortly after birth due to difficulties in feeding and breathing, severe craniofacial malformation, loss of craniofacial bones, frontonasal dysplasia, micrognathia, cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre, Sox9-Cre)
SHH signaling
Wnt1: ①③; Sox9: ①②
Wnt1: death shortly after birth, shortened maxilla, restricted airway, frontonasal dysplasia ...
Defective ameloblast and odontoblast differentiation
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
WNT signaling
Cleft palate
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
RA signaling
Cleft palate
Pharyngeal endoderm cell (Foxg1-Cre)
Velo-cardio-facial syndrome
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
... Sox9: death shortly after birth, cranial skeletal dysplasia, smaller tooth germ, impaired tooth inner enamel epithelium
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
FGF signaling
Pierre Robin syndrome, micrognathia, abnormal tongue, cleft palate
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
FGF signaling
Abnormal tongue
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
WNT signaling
NCC (Wnt1-Cre)
WNT signaling
Tricho-dento-osseous syndrome, defected frontal bone and mandible
Defective ameloblast and odontoblast differentiation
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
WNT signaling
Cleft palate
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
RA signaling
Cleft palate
Pharyngeal endoderm cell (Foxg1-Cre)
Velo-cardio-facial syndrome
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Defective ameloblast and odontoblast differentiation
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
WNT signaling
Cleft palate
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
RA signaling
Cleft palate
Pharyngeal endoderm cell (Foxg1-Cre)
Velo-cardio-facial syndrome
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Defective ameloblast and odontoblast differentiation
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
WNT signaling
Cleft palate
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
RA signaling
Cleft palate
Pharyngeal endoderm cell (Foxg1-Cre)
Velo-cardio-facial syndrome
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Defective ameloblast and odontoblast differentiation
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
WNT signaling
Cleft palate
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
RA signaling
Cleft palate
Pharyngeal endoderm cell (Foxg1-Cre)
Velo-cardio-facial syndrome
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Defective ameloblast and odontoblast differentiation
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
WNT signaling
Cleft palate
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
RA signaling
Cleft palate
Pharyngeal endoderm cell (Foxg1-Cre)
Velo-cardio-facial syndrome
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Defective ameloblast and odontoblast differentiation
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
WNT signaling
Cleft palate
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
RA signaling
Cleft palate
Pharyngeal endoderm cell (Foxg1-Cre)
Velo-cardio-facial syndrome
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Defective ameloblast and odontoblast differentiation
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
WNT signaling
Cleft palate
CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)
RA signaling
Cleft palate
Pharyngeal endoderm cell (Foxg1-Cre)
Velo-cardio-facial syndrome
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
... [76]CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)β-cateninWNT signaling④Cleft palate[80]CNC-derived cell subset in the developing palatal mesenchyme (Osr2-Cre)Runx2RA signaling④Cleft palate[33]Pharyngeal endoderm cell (Foxg1-Cre)Tbx1Unclear①③Velo-cardio-facial syndrome[81]
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...
Note: ①—parietal/frontal bone abnormality; ②—dental abnormality; ③—jaw abnormality; ④—cleft palate. “‒” represents not ① or ② or ③ or ④. Prrx1—paired related homeobox 1; Foxg1—forkhead box protein G1; Med23—mediator complex subunit 23; Foxf2—forkhead box protein F2; Setdb1—SET domain, bifurcated 1; Ift20—intraflagellar transport protein 20; G9a—histone-lysine N-methyltransferase G9a; Tak1—transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1; Tgfbr2—transforming growth factor, beta receptor Ⅱ; Nell1—NEL-like protein 1; Dlx3—distal-less homeobox 3; Yap/Taz—Yes-associated protein/tafazzin; Tfap2—transcription factor activating enhancer binding protein 2; Brca1/2—breast cancer susceptibility gene 1/2; Smo—smoothened, frizzled class receptor; Fgfr3—fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; Rar—retinoic acid receptor; Ror2—receptor tyrosine kinase like orphan receptor 2; Cbfb—core binding factor beta; Recql4—RecQ like helicase 4; Wls—wntless WNT ligand secretion mediator; Gα—G protein alpha; Efnb1—ephrin B1; Atg5—autophagy related protein 5; Fip200—focal adhesion kinase family interacting protein of 200 000; Tbx1—T-box protein 1; CATSHL syndrome—camptodactyly, tall stature, and hearing loss syndrome. ...