›› 2011, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (10): 1432-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2011.10.016

• 论著(临床研究) • 上一篇    下一篇


董凌燕, 亢晓丽, 王亚夫   

  1. 上海交通大学 医学院附属新华医院眼科, 上海 200092
  • 出版日期:2011-10-28 发布日期:2011-10-27
  • 通讯作者: 亢晓丽, 电子信箱: kxlljlj@yahoo.com.cn。
  • 作者简介:董凌燕 (1973—), 女, 主治医师, 硕士;电子信箱: dly73@hotmail.com。

Comparison of effects of cyclopentolate hydrochloride, compound tropicamide and atropine on cycloplegia

DONG Ling-yan, KANG Xiao-li, WANG Ya-fu   

  1. Department of Ophthalmology, Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200092, China
  • Online:2011-10-28 Published:2011-10-27


目的 比较盐酸环喷托酯、复方托吡卡胺与阿托品对儿童验光中睫状肌麻痹的效果。方法 6~12岁屈光不正儿童40例(80眼),随机分成2组。A组予以复方托吡卡胺散瞳验光,2周后再予以盐酸环喷托酯散瞳验光。B组予以环喷托酯散瞳验光,2周后再予以阿托品散瞳验光。在充分用药散瞳后进行主客观验光并测量瞳孔的直径和剩余调节力,并观察全身不良反应。结果 A组40眼经2种不同药物、B组40眼经2种不同药物验光结果的球镜、柱镜及散光轴向符合率分别是82.5%、85.0%、85.0%和90.0%、92.5%、92.5%,用药后瞳孔大小差异无统计学意义。剩余调节力在A组2种药物间差异有统计学意义,在B组2种药物间差异无统计学意义。结论 盐酸环喷托酯滴眼液是一种安全、快速、有效的睫状肌麻痹剂,临床上能广泛用于儿童睫状肌麻痹验光。

关键词: 环喷托酯, 复方托吡卡胺, 阿托品, 睫状肌麻痹


Objective To compare the effects of cyclopentolate hydrochloride, compound tropicamide and atropine on cycloplegia in children. Methods Forty children (80 eyes) with refractive errors, aged from 6 to 12, were randomly divided into 2 groups. Children in group A were subjected to cycloplegic refraction by compound tropicamide, followed with cyclopentolate hydrochloride 2 weeks later. Children in group B were administered cyclopentolate hydrochloride, followed with atropine 2 weeks later. Subjective and objective refraction, pupil size, residual accommodation and systemic side effects were observed. Results After application of two agents in group A, there were significant differences in residual accommodation between two agents, while there was no significant difference in pupil size between two agents, with 82.5%, 85.0% and 85.0% in agreement with the degree of spherical lens, cylinder lens and axis of astigmatism respectively. In group B, there was no significant difference in pupil size and residual accommodation between two agents, with 90.0%, 92.5% and 92.5% in agreement with the degree of spherical lens, cylinder lens and axis of astigmatism respectively. Conclusion Cyclopentolate hydrochloride is a safe and effective cycloplegic, which can be widely used in cycloplegic refraction for children.

Key words: cyclopentolate hydrochloride, compound tropicamide, atropine, cycloplegia