
肝脏特异性含 ZP结构域蛋白在肥胖小鼠模型中的表达

  • 袁叶青 ,
  • 张明亮 ,
  • 王彦苏 ,
  • 包玉倩
  • 上海交通大学附属第六人民医院内分泌代谢科,上海市糖尿病临床医学中心,上海 200233

网络出版日期: 2019-02-27



Expression of liver-specific ZP domain-containing protein in momodels of obesity

  • YUAN Ye-qing ,
  • ZHANG Ming-liang ,
  • WANG Yan-su ,
  • BAO Yu-qian
  • Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Shanghai Sixth Peoples Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Shanghai Clinical Center for Diabetes, Shanghai 200233, China

Online published: 2019-02-27

Supported by

National Key Research and Development Program of China, 2016YFA502003


目的 ·研究肝脏特异性含 ZP结构域蛋白( liver-specific ZP domain-containing protein,LZP)在肥胖小鼠模型中的表达。方法 ·检测 C57BL/6J小鼠各组织 LZP的基因和蛋白表达水平。通过高脂饮食诱导 C57BL/6J小鼠肥胖模型,以高脂饲料喂养 ob/ob小鼠,在实验期间监测体质量和血糖,实验结束后检测肝质量和体脂,进行肝脏组织学检查。应用 realtime-PCR检测肝脏组织 LZP基因表达水平, Western blotting检测肝脏组织 LZP蛋白表达水平。结果 · Realtime-PCR结果表明 LZP基因主要在 C57BL/6J小鼠的肝脏表达,在脾脏和睾丸等部位表达量少; Western blotting结果表明仅在肝脏组织中检测到 LZP蛋白表达。与普通饮食喂养的 C57BL/6J小鼠相比,高脂饮食喂养的小鼠体质量、体脂和血糖增加(均 P<0.05);肝质量增加( P<0.05),肝脏脂肪变明显;肝脏 LZP在基因和蛋白表达水平均显著下降(均 P<0.05)。与同窝野生型小鼠相比, ob/ob小鼠体质量和血糖均明显增高,但 LZP在基因和蛋白水平均明显下降(均 P<0.05)。结论 · LZP在肥胖小鼠模型中表达明显下降,提示其可能参与机体的能量代谢。


袁叶青 , 张明亮 , 王彦苏 , 包玉倩 . 肝脏特异性含 ZP结构域蛋白在肥胖小鼠模型中的表达[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2019 , 39(1) : 11 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2019.01.003


Objective · To study the of liver-specific ZP domain-containing protein (LZP) in momodels of obesity. Methods · The gene and protein of LZP in different tissues of C57BL/6J mice were detectedrealtime-PCR and Western blotting respectively. C57BL/6J mice were treated with high fat diet (HFD) to establish the model of diet-induced obesity and ob/ob mice were also treated with HFD. The body mass and blood glucose were monitored during the experiment, then the liver weight and fat mass were measured at the end of the study. Hematoxylin-eosin staining of liver was performed to observe the morphology of liver. The of LZP in liver of model mice was also detectedrealtime-PCR and Western blotting, respectively. Results · The of LZP mRNA was mainly found in liver, while a lower gene level was also observed in several other tissues such as spleen and testisrealtime-PCR. The protein of LZP was detected in liver in C57BL/6J miceWestern blotting. Compared with normal diet group, the group treated with HFD had significantly increased body mass and total fat mass, higher blood glucose, increased liver mass and more serious hepatic steatosis (all P<0.05), while the of LZP in liver was reduced (P<0.05). Similarly, body mass and blood glucose were increased significantly in ob/ob mice (both P<0.05), though the of LZP was decreased compared with wild type littermates (P<0.05). Conclusion · Momodels of obesity display decreased of LZP in liver, indicating that LZP may play a role in metabolic homeostasis in obese individuals.
