上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2023, 43(1): 70-78 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.01.009

论著 · 循证医学


方芳,1, 台瑞1, 余倩1, 章雅青,2

1.上海交通大学医学院附属第一人民医院护理部,上海 200080

2.上海交通大学护理学院,上海 200025

Effect of prehabilitation on outcomes in patients undergoing elective gastrointestinal surgery: a systematic review

FANG Fang,1, TAI Rui1, YU Qian1, ZHANG Yaqing,2

1.Department of Nursing, Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200080, China

2.Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Nursing, Shanghai 200025, China

通讯作者: 章雅青,电子信箱:zhangyqf@163.com

编委: 包玲

收稿日期: 2022-09-22   接受日期: 2022-12-27   网络出版日期: 2023-01-28

基金资助: 上海市加强公共卫生体系建设三年行动计划.  GWV-5
上海市第一人民医院特色研究项目.  CTCCR-2021C08

Corresponding authors: ZHANG Yaqing, E-mail:zhangyqf@163.com.

Received: 2022-09-22   Accepted: 2022-12-27   Online: 2023-01-28

作者简介 About authors

方 芳(1971—),女,主任护师,博士生;电子信箱:fang_fang0604@163.com。 E-mail:fang_fang0604@163.com


目的·系统评价预康复对择期行胃肠道手术患者术后恢复的影响。方法·系统检索PubMed、EMbase、Cochrane Library、Web of Science、CINAHL、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)、中国知网、万方、维普数据库,检索时限均为建库至2022年1月31日。按照预先设定的标准筛选文献,对文献质量进行评价并提取资料,对纳入的随机对照试验采用RevMan 5.4进行meta分析。主要观察指标为术后总体并发症发生率和手术部位感染发生率,次要观察指标为住院天数、6 min步行试验(6-minute walk test,6MWT)、医院焦虑抑郁量表(Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale,HADS)评分,以及死亡率和预康复执行的依从性。结果·共纳入16篇文献,其中英文15篇,中文1篇,共1 616例研究对象,纳入研究的总体质量较好。Meta分析结果显示,相较于对照组,实施了预康复的试验组患者术后总体并发症的发生率降低[比值比(odds ratio,OR)=0.57,95%置信区间(confidence interval,CI)0.35~0.94,P=0.030],手术部位感染发生率降低(OR=0.64,95%CI 0.46~0.90,P=0.009),住院天数缩短[均数差值(mean difference,MD)=-2.45,95%CI -3.17~-1.73,P=0.000]。2组患者术前6MWT水平的差异无统计学意义;试验组术前6MWT水平相较于基线的提升程度优于对照组(MD=24.19,95%CI 3.77~44.60,P=0.020)。2组患者术前HADS评分和术后死亡率差异均无统计学意义。结论·预康复有利于降低胃肠道择期手术患者术后总体并发症发生率,尤其是手术部位感染发生率,从而缩短住院天数,有利于患者康复。

关键词: 胃肠道手术 ; 预康复 ; 术后恢复 ; 系统评价 ; meta分析


Objective ·To systematically evaluate the effect of prehabilitation on outcomes in patients undergoing elective gastrointestinal surgery. Methods ·PubMed, EMbase, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, CINAHL, Chinese BioMedical Literature Database (CBM), China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang and VIP Database were searched systematically from the establishment of each database to January 31, 2022. The literatures were screened, and evaluated according to the preset inclusion and exclusion criteria. The literature quality was evaluated and the data were extracted. Meta-analysis was performed on randomized controlled trials by using RevMan 5.4. The main observation indexes were the postoperative complication rate and the incidence of surgical site infection. The secondary indexes were hospitalization days, 6-minute walk test (6MWT), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) score, mortality and compliance of prerehabilitation execution. Results ·Sixteen articles were included, including 15 articles in English and 1 article in Chinese, with a total of 1 616 patients. The overall quality of the included researches was good. The meta-analysis results showed that compared with the control group, the incidences of postoperative complications and surgical site infection were reduced [(odds ratio, OR)=0.57, 95% (confidence interval, CI)0.35‒0.94, P=0.030; OR=0.64, 95%CI 0.46‒0.90, P=0.009]; the length of hospital stay was shortened [mean difference (MD)=-2.45, 95%CI -3.17 ‒ -1.73, P=0.000] in the experimental group after the implementation of prehabilitation. There was no significant difference in preoperative 6MWT level between the two groups. Compared with the baseline, the change of 6MWT level before operation of the experimental group was bigger than that of the control group (MD=24.19, 95%CI 3.77‒44.60, P=0.020). There were no significant differences in the preoperative HADS score and the postoperative mortality between the two groups. Conclusion ·Prehabilitation can reduce the incidence of postoperative complications, especially surgical site infection, in patients undergoing elective gastrointestinal surgery, thus shortening the length of hospital stay and promoting the recovery of patients.

Keywords: gastrointestinal surgery ; prehabilitation ; postoperative recovery ; systematic review ; meta-analysis

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方芳, 台瑞, 余倩, 章雅青. 预康复对胃肠道择期手术患者术后恢复效果的系统评价. 上海交通大学学报(医学版)[J], 2023, 43(1): 70-78 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.01.009

FANG Fang, TAI Rui, YU Qian, ZHANG Yaqing. Effect of prehabilitation on outcomes in patients undergoing elective gastrointestinal surgery: a systematic review. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science)[J], 2023, 43(1): 70-78 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.01.009

外科手术是大多数胃肠道肿瘤患者首选的治疗手段,但手术不可避免地给患者带来巨大的应激反应,包含生理(心跳加快、呼吸急促等)和心理(紧张、焦虑、易怒等)2个方面。围术期应激反应不利于患者的术后康复,甚至会导致术后并发症的发生,从而延长住院时间,增加医疗成本1-3。因此,加速康复外科(enhanced recovery after surgery,ERAS)理念下围术期护理优化的重点在于减轻手术应激反应,改善患者术后的活动能力和营养状态4。“预康复(prehabilitation)”的概念由ERAS延伸而来,指的是在择期手术前增强个体功能的过程,目的是提高机体面对大手术应激反应的耐受性,并试图在改善术后结局方面发挥作用5。预康复的组成内容各不相同,一般包括运动锻炼、营养支持或心理干预3个部分6。近年来,胃肠道手术预康复成为新的研究热点,已发表的研究包括多种不同的预康复方案和效果评价。随着新证据的出现,预康复对胃肠道手术术后结局的影响尚不明确7-8。本研究旨在评价预康复的实施对胃肠道择期手术患者术后恢复的影响,以期为胃肠道手术患者的预康复临床实践提供循证依据。

1 资料与方法


1.1 文献纳入与排除标准

1.1.1 纳入标准

① 研究类型为随机对照试验(randomized controlled trial,RCT)。② 研究对象为初次行择期胃肠道手术的成年患者。③ 干预措施:试验组包括单独或者联合多种方式(多模式)实施术前预康复策略;对照组包括标准术前护理、给予安慰剂、仅术后康复、术前准备指导以及围术期常规护理(例如戒烟、戒酒等);2组术后执行一致的康复方案。④ 主要结局指标:术后总体并发症的发生率(采用Clavien-Dindo外科手术并发症分级系统9对术后的并发症进行定义和分级)、胃肠术后常见并发症手术部位感染(surgical site infection,SSI)发生率;次要结局指标:住院天数、6 min步行试验(6-minute walk test,6MWT)、医院焦虑抑郁量表(Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale,HADS)评分,以及死亡率和预康复执行的依从性。

1.1.2 排除标准

① 无法获取全文。② 重复发表。③ 缺失重要数据。

1.2 检索策略

系统检索PubMed、EMbase、Cochrane Library、Web of Science、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)、CINAHL、中国知网(CNKI)、万方、维普(VIP)数据库,检索时限均为建库至2022年1月31日,检索采用主题词与自由词结合的方式。英文检索词为“gastric cancer/gastric carcinoma/gastric tumo*/colorectal cancer/colorectal tumo*/colorectal carcinoma/gastrointestinal neoplasms/stomach neoplasms/gastroenteric tumo*/gastrointestinal surgery” “prehabilitation/preoperative optimization/preoperative care/surgical preparation/preoperative exercise/perioperative rehabilitation/perioperative nutrition” “randomized/RCT”,中文检索词为“胃癌/结直肠癌/胃肠道癌症/胃肠道肿瘤/胃肠道手术”“预康复/围术期康复/术前锻炼/术前快速康复/围术期营养/术前优化”,并通过滚雪球的方式追加符合纳入标准的文献。

1.3 文献质量评价和资料提取


1.4 统计学分析

使用RevMan 5.4软件进行meta分析。当不同研究之间的临床异质性不明显时(P>0.1,I2<50%)选择固定效应模型进行分析,反之(P≤0.1,I2≥50%)则需要分析异质性的来源后选择随机效应模型进行分析。二分类变量资料采用比值比(odds ratio,OR)作为效应量,连续性变量资料采用均数差值(mean difference,MD)作为效应量,计算95%置信区间(confidence interval,CI),P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。定性资料采用描述性分析。

2 结果

2.1 文献筛选流程

初检共获得1 512篇文献,经筛选(图1)后,最终纳入16篇文献,其中英文文献15篇,中文文献1篇。


图1   文献筛选流程图

Fig 1   Flowchart of the study screening

2.2 纳入研究的基本信息

16个研究11-26的基本信息如表1所示,共纳入1 616例研究对象。

表1   纳入研究的基本信息

Tab 1  Basic information of the selected studies


Sample size


Intervention methodControl methodFollow-upOutcome
LÓPEZ-RODRÍGUEZ-ARIAS, 202111Adults, elective surgery for colon or rectal neoplasm10/10A 30-d trimodal prehabilitation program with recommendations on physical exercise, nutritional supplementation, and relaxation exercises to be performed at home before surgery and the first 30 d after hospital dischargeStandard care12 weeks postoper-ative①②⑥
BARBERAN-GARCIA, 201812Adults, elective major abdominal surgery with high risk62/63A personalized prehabilitation program based on their health conditions and social circumstances which encompassed 3 major steps: motivational interview to assess the patients′ adherence profile and to codesign the characteristics of the physical activity program with the patient; personalized program to promote daily physical activity; supervised high-intensity endurance exercise training programStandard careBefore discharge



BOUSQUET-DION, 201813Adults, elective surgery for colon or rectal neoplasm37/26A 4-week multi-modal home-based exercise program with once-weekly supervision consisted of exercise intervention, nutritional intervention and anxiety-reduction strategiesStandard care8 weeks postoper-ative



OMMUNDSEN, 201814>65 years, elective colorectal cancer surgery and fulfilling predefined criteria for frailty53/63A 3-week pragmatic tailored intervention based on the results of the geriatric assessmentStandard care3 months postoper-ative


BURDEN, 201715Adults, elective colorectal cancer surgery with preoperative weight loss>1 kg per 3‒6 months55/45Oral supplementation (10.1 KJ, 0.096 g of protein per mL) at a dose of 250 mL daily for a minimum of 5 d before the operationBottled water30 days postoper-ative


GILLIS, 201616Adults, elective surgery for colon or rectal neoplasm22/21A whey protein supplement was provided in a quantity that matched the patient′s need according to the estimated deficit in dietary protein intake for approximately 4 weeks leading up to the surgeryPlacebo4 weeks postoper-ative③⑥
GILLIS, 201417Adults, elective surgery for colon or rectal neoplasm38/39A 4-week trimodal prehabilitation program at home included exercise intervention, nutrition intervention, and coping strategies to reduce anxietyStandard care8 weeks postoper-ative


FUJITANI, 201218≤80 years, elective total gastrectomy, body weight loss of 10 percent or less within 6 months before entry127/117Preoperative oral supplementation of 1 000 mL/d in the form of an immunonutrient-enriched enteral feed added to normal diet for 5 d consecutively before the surgeryNormal dietBefore discharge①②⑥
BURDEN, 201119Adults, elective surgery for colon or rectal neoplasm54/62Oral supplementary drink of 400 mL daily, and dietary advice for 10 d before the operationDietary advice onlyBefore discharge①②⑥
SMEDLEY, 200420Adults, elective moderate to severe lower gastrointestinal surgery48/50Oral nutritional supplement in small, frequent quantities between meals for 7 d before the operation, the volume consumed was recordedNormal dietBefore discharge


GIANOTTI, 200221Adults, major elective surgery for malignancy of the gastrointestinal tract102/102Oral nutritional supplement (1 000 mL/d) of a formula enriched with arginine, ω-3 fatty acids, and RNA for 5 d before the operationStandard care30 d after discharge


BRAGA, 200222Adults, elective surgery for gastroin-testinal neoplasm, body weight loss of 10% or more within 6 months before entry50/50Oral nutritional supplement (1 000 mL/d) added to normal diet for 7 d consecutively before the surgeryNormal diet30 d after discharge


KABATA, 201523Adults, elective, radical gastroin-testinal and abdominal cancer surgery54/48Oral nutritional supplement (400 mL/d) added to normal diet for 14 d consecutively before the surgeryNormal diet30 d postoper-ative①⑤⑥
BARKER, 201324Adults, elective upper and lower gastrointestinal surgery46/49Three packs of 237 mL of oral nutritional supplement per day for 5 d before the surgeryStandard care30 d postoper-ative


BERKEL, 202225≥60 years, elective surgery for colon or rectal neoplasm28/29A personalized 3-week (3 sessions per week, 9 sessions in total) supervised exercise programStandard care90 d postoper-ative①②⑥
HUANG, 201426Adults, elective, radical gastroin-testinal, cancer surgery41/41Oral nutritional supplement (25 mL/kg) for 7 d before the surgeryNormal dietBefore discharge①②⑥

Note: I—Intervention group; C—Control group. ① the rate of postoperative complications; ② length of hospital stay (day); ③ 6MWT;④ HADS; ⑤ mortality; ⑥ SSI; ⑦ compliance with the program.

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2.3 纳入研究的质量评价



图2   纳入文献的风险偏倚

Fig 2   Risk bias of the included studies

Note: “+”—up to the standard; “-”—failure to meet the standard; “?”—not mentioned or described clearly in the literature.

2.4 Meta分析结果

2.4.1 术后并发症的发生率

4项研究13-141725使用Clavien-Dindo系统对术后并发症进行了统计和分级,研究合并效应量异质性较小(P=0.230,I2=31%),故选择固定效应模型进行meta分析;结果(图3)显示,试验组患者术后并发症的发生率低于对照组(OR=0.57,95%CI 0.35~0.94,P=0.030)。对腹部手术后常见并发症SSI进行分析,有13项研究11-131517-1921-26报告了术后SSI的发生率,各项研究合并效应量异质性很小(P=0.630,I2=0),选择固定效应模型进行meta分析;结果(图4)显示,试验组患者术后SSI的发生率低于对照组(OR=0.64,95%CI 0.46~0.90,P=0.009)。


图3   预康复对术后总体并发症发生率影响的森林图

Fig 3   Forest plot: the effect of prehabilitation program on the incidence of postoperative complications


图4   预康复对术后SSI发生率影响的森林图

Fig 4   Forest plot: the effect of prehabilitation program on the incidence of surgical site infection

2.4.2 住院天数

8项研究11-1220-2224-26报告了住院天数,研究合并效应量异质性很小(P=0.540,I2=0),选择固定效应模型进行meta分析,结果(图5)显示试验组患者的住院天数少于对照组(MD=-2.45,95%CI -3.17~-1.73,P=0.000)。


图5   预康复对住院天数影响的森林图

Fig 5   Forest plot: the effect of prehabilitation program on the length of hospital stay

2.4.3 6MWT

共纳入4项研究12-1316-17,6MWT的报告分为术前6MWT的水平及术前6MWT较基线的变化,分别进行合并。2项研究12-13报告了术前6MWT的水平,合并效应量异质性很小(P=0.880,I2=0),选择固定效应模型进行meta分析,结果显示2组差异无统计学意义(MD=2.46,95%CI -28.73~33.66,P=0.880)。3项研究1316-17报告了术前6MWT较基线的变化,合并效应量异质性较大(P=0.110,I2=55%),选择随机效应模型进行meta分析;结果(图6)显示试验组术前6MWT水平相较于基线有所提升,且提升的程度优于对照组(MD=24.19,95%CI 3.77~44.60,P=0.020)。


图6   预康复提升术前6MWT水平的森林图

Fig 6   Forest plot: the effect of prehabilitation program on the change of preoperative 6MWT

2.4.4 术前HADS评分

共纳入2项研究1217,合并效应量的异质性可接受(P=0.240,I2=27%),选择固定效应模型进行meta分析。结果显示2组术前HADS评分差异无统计学差异(MD=1.08,95%CI -1.06~3.22,P=0.320)。

2.4.5 术后死亡率

6项研究121421-24报告了术后死亡率,其中3项1423-24为术后30 d内的死亡率,合并效应量异质性很小(P=0.830,I2=0),选择固定效应模型进行分析,结果显示2组差异无统计学意义(OR=0.54,95%CI 0.13~2.18,P=0.380)。2项21-22为出院后30 d内死亡率,合并效应量异质性很小(P=0.710,I2=0),选择固定效应模型进行meta分析,结果显示2组差异无统计学意义(OR=0.66,95%CI 0.11~4.03,P=0.650)。仅1项研究12为住院期间死亡率,无法进行合并。

2.4.6 预康复方案执行的依从性


3 讨论

3.1 纳入研究的方法学质量评价


3.2 预康复有利于降低胃肠道手术后总体并发症发生率及SSI发生率


3.3 预康复有利于增加胃肠道手术患者的功能储备,加快术后康复,从而缩短住院天数


3.4 其他方面


3.5 局限性


3.6 小结




The study was designed by ZHANG Yaqing and FANG Fang. TAI Rui and YU Qian completed the literature retrieval, literature quality evaluation and data extration. The meta-analysis was performed by FANG Fang and TAI Rui. The manuscript was drafted and revised by ZHANG Yaqing, FANG Fang, TAI Rui and YU Qian. All the authors have read the last version of paper and consented for submission.



All authors disclose no relevant conflict of interests.


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