Association between stroke and physical activities in Shanghai Community Elderly Cohort
通讯作者: 张 薇,电子信箱:zhangwei050080@renji.com卜 军,电子信箱:pujun310@hotmail.com。#共同通信作者。
编委: 瞿麟平
收稿日期: 2023-04-07 接受日期: 2023-09-19 网络出版日期: 2023-11-28
基金资助: |
Corresponding authors: ZHANG Wei, E-mail:zhangwei050080@renji.comPU Jun, E-mail:pujun310@hotmail.com.
Received: 2023-04-07 Accepted: 2023-09-19 Online: 2023-11-28
目的·通过上海社区老年人群队列基线调查,比较社区脑卒中人群与非脑卒中人群的体力活动情况,探索脑卒中人群不同类型体力活动的参与情况。方法·自2019年2月—8月建立的上海社区老年人群队列中,根据纳排标准筛选研究对象。根据自我报告是否有脑卒中史将研究对象分为非脑卒中组与脑卒中组,采用倾向性评分匹配法控制年龄与性别将2组进行2∶1配对。收集2组人群的基线特征资料,采用国际体力活动调查表(International Physical Activity Questionnaire,IPAQ)对研究对象过去1周与运动、交通和家务相关的体力活动状况进行调查。采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index,PSQI)评估研究对象的睡眠质量;采用7项广泛性焦虑障碍量表(Generalized Anxiety Disorder,GAD-7)和患者健康问卷抑郁量表(Patient Health Questionnaire-9,PHQ-9)分别评估对象的焦虑及抑郁状况。比较脑卒中组与非脑卒中组的上述特征,采用多因素Logistic回归模型比较2组人群不同类型体力活动的参与情况。结果·在纳入的17 948人中,脑卒中组有993人(5.5%),非脑卒中组有16 955人(94.5%);经倾向性评分匹配后,非脑卒中组1 984人(66.7%),脑卒中组992人(33.3%)。2组人群在文化程度、退休前职业、腰围、体质量指数、睡眠状况、焦虑症状、抑郁症状、既往疾病史方面差异均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。体力活动方面,女性脑卒中人群相比非脑卒中人群每日进行中等强度运动时间更短,1周的骑行、步行天数更少,每日骑行时间更短,差异均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。男性和女性脑卒中组1周做家务天数以及每日做家务时间相较于非脑卒中组均处于较低水平,而每日久坐时间处于较高水平,差异均具有统计学意义(均P=0.000)。在体力活动水平方面,脑卒中组达到中、高水平的男性和女性比例均低于非脑卒中组,差异具有统计学意义(均P=0.000)。经多因素Logistic回归模型校正性别、年龄、职业、焦虑症状、高脂血症史、心房颤动史、慢性胃炎史、髋臀骨折史后,脑卒中人群参与剧烈运动的水平较低,1周内不进行家务劳动和每日久坐时间>180 min的比例较高,处于中、高活动水平的比例较低(均P<0.05)。结论·上海社区有脑卒中史的老年人群家务劳动参与频率与时长、体力活动水平较非脑卒中人群均处于较低水平,且久坐时间更长。
Objective ·To compare the physical activities of stroke population and non-stroke population based on the baseline survey of the elderly population cohort in Shanghai communities, and explore the participation in different types of physical activities of stroke population. Methods ·The subjects were screened from Shanghai Community Elderly Cohort constructed from February to August, 2019 according to the admission criteria. The subjects were divided into non-stroke group and stroke group according to whether they had reported a history of stroke by themselves, and the two groups were matched 2 to 1 by controlling age and sex with propensity score matching. The baseline characteristics of the two groups were collected, and the physical activities related to sports, transportation and housework in the last week were investigated with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used to evaluate the sleep quality of the subjects. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) were used to evaluate anxiety and depression of the subjects, respectively. The above characteristics were compared between the stroke group and non-stroke group, and the participation of different types of physical activities were compared between the two groups by multivariate Logistic regression model. Results ·Among the 17 948 people included, there were 993 (5.5%) in the stroke group and 16 955 (94.5%) in the non-stroke group. After propensity score matching, there were 1 984 people (66.7%) in the non-stroke group and 992 people (33.3%) in the stroke group. There were significant differences in education level, pre-retirement occupation, waist circumference, body mass index, sleep status, anxiety symptoms, depression symptoms and disease history between the two groups (all P<0.05). In terms of physical activities, the female stroke group had shorter daily moderate exercises time, fewer riding and walking days in one week, and shorter daily riding time, compared with the non-stroke people, with statistical significance (all P<0.05). Compared with the non-stroke people, the weekly housework days and daily housework time in the male and female stroke groups were lower than those in the non-stroke group, while the daily sedentary time was longer, with statistical significance (all P=0.000). In terms of physical activity level, the proportions of men and women in the stroke group who reached medium or high level were lower than those in the non-stroke group, and the differences were statistically significant (all P=0.000). After adjusting for gender, age, occupation, anxiety symptoms, history of hyperlipidemia, history of atrial fibrillation, history of chronic gastritis and history of hip fracture by multivariate Logistic regression model, the level of vigorous exercise participation in the stroke group was lower, the proportions of no housework in the last week and sedentary time greater than 180 min per day were higher, and the proportion at medium and high activity levels was lower (all P<0.05). Conclusion ·The frequency and duration of housework participation and the physical activity level of elderly people with a history of stroke in Shanghai communities are at a lower level than those without stroke, and they also have a longer sedentary time.
王雅玉, 蒋惠如, 叶梦月, 李萍, 袁安彩, 张薇, 卜军.
WANG Yayu, JIANG Huiru, YE Mengyue, LI Ping, YUAN Ancai, ZHANG Wei, PU Jun.
根据全球疾病负担研究(Global Burden of Disease Study,GBD)最新数据显示,2019年全球范围内新发脑卒中约1 222万人(发病率为157.99/10万),中国脑卒中新发病例约394万(发病率为276.67/10万),其中55岁以上人群新发脑卒中人数已从2010年的229万人(发病率为874.87/10万)升至2019年的323万人(发病率为918.56/10万)[1]。随着人口老龄化的进展与各种危险因素的广泛暴露,我国脑卒中发病率持续上升,目前已位居世界前列。与此同时,脑卒中作为我国成年人致死致残的首要原因,其高发病率、高致残率和高病死率等特点给国家和社会带来了巨大的经济负担[2-3],目前已成为严峻的公共卫生问题。
1 对象与方法
1.1 研究对象
从与上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院建立医联体合作模式的上海市24家社区卫生服务中心(截至2018年12月)中随机选取4家(合庆社区卫生服务中心、金杨社区卫生服务中心、金桥社区卫生服务中心、潍坊社区卫生服务中心),根据纳入和排除标准,选择符合条件的研究对象纳入队列基线收集工作,建立上海社区老年人群队列(临床试验注册号:ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04517513)。基线数据收集工作已于2019年2月—8月完成,具体队列研究设计详见参考文献[11]。
队列成员入选标准:① 年龄≥60岁,在当地居住满5年,具有当地社会保障身份。② 无严重身体残疾,意识清楚,能正常交流。③ 自愿参与研究并签署知情同意书,同意获取其健康状况信息。④ 疾病及死亡属当地卫生部门管理。排除标准:① 暂住居民及流动人口。② 存在严重健康状况且无法参加调查者。③ 不愿意接受项目后续检查者。
1.2 资料采集
1.2.1 流行病学问卷调查
1.2.2 体力活动状况评估
IPAQ以代谢当量值(metabolic equivalent,MET)作为计量单位,MET表示一个人在活动状态下相对于静息代谢状态的能量消耗水平。体力活动强度参考体力活动属性分类及MET赋值将其分为低强度、中等强度(例如快步走、游泳、乒乓球、台球、排球、太极、舞剑、羽毛球、滑板、瑜伽、交谊舞、骑自行车等)、高强度(即剧烈运动,例如跑步、足球、篮球、网球、拳击、攀岩、跳绳等)3个等级,并通过公式计算出1周总体力活动量[14]:每周体力活动量(MET-min/周)=MET值×每日体力活动时间(min/d)×每周活动的天数(d/周)。
根据国际体力活动委员会推荐的分级标准将个体体力活动水平分为低、中、高3个等级。其中,高体力活动水平定义为须满足以下标准中的1条:① 1周各类高强度体力活动合计≥3 d,且总体力活动水平≥1 500 MET-min/周。② 1周3种强度体力活动合计≥7 d,且总体力活动水平≥3 000 MET-min/周。中体力活动水平定义为须满足以下标准中的1条:① 每日至少20 min各类高强度体力活动,1周合计≥3 d。② 每日至少30 min各类中等强度活动,1周合计≥5 d。③ 1周3种强度体力活动合计≥5 d,且总体力活动水平≥600 MET-min/周。低体力活动水平定义为没有报告任何活动或报告了一些活动,但尚不满足上述中、高体力活动水平的标准。
1.2.3 睡眠状况评估
采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index,PSQI)评估研究对象的睡眠质量。根据“近1个月,总的来说,您认为自己的睡眠质量如何”的答复情况,将研究对象自我报告的睡眠质量分为很好、较好、较差和很差4种情况。
1.2.4 心理状况评估
焦虑状况:采用7项广泛性焦虑障碍量表(Generalized Anxiety Disorder,GAD-7)进行评估。GAD-7量表总分范围为0~21分,0~4分为无焦虑症状,5~9分为轻度焦虑症状,10~14分为中度焦虑症状,15分及以上为重度焦虑症状。本研究将“中度焦虑症状”和“重度焦虑症状”合并为“中、重度焦虑症状”。
抑郁状况:采用患者健康问卷抑郁量表(Patient Health Questionnaire-9,PHQ-9)进行评估。PHQ-9量表总分范围为0~27分,0~4分为无抑郁症状,5~7分为有抑郁倾向,8~9分为可能有轻度抑郁,10~14分为可能有中度抑郁,15~19分为可能有中重度抑郁,20~27分为可能有重度抑郁。本研究将“有抑郁倾向”和“可能有轻度抑郁”合并为“轻度抑郁”,将“可能有中度抑郁”“可能有中重度抑郁”和“可能有重度抑郁”合并为“中、重度抑郁”。
1.2.5 体格检查
1.3 统计学分析
使用Access 2021数据库管理软件进行数据录入与稽查,使用SPSS 25.0和SAS 9.4进行计算机逻辑校对。采用倾向性评分匹配(propensity score matching,PSM),以脑卒中组为基准,按2∶1的比例对非脑卒中组(对照组)、脑卒中组进行年龄和性别匹配。采用最邻近匹配法,卡钳值设为0.20,PSM后非脑卒中组1 984人,脑卒中组992人。定性资料采用频数及百分比进行统计描述,通过χ2检验进行组间差异比较;定量资料进行正态性检验,满足正态分布时以x±s表示,若不满足正态性则用M(Q1,Q3)进行统计描述,组间比较采用独立样本t检验或Kruskal-Wallis检验。多因素分析采用二元Logistic回归模型,用于探讨体力活动及其类型、强度与脑卒中的关联。采用SPSS 27.0软件进行数据清洗和分析。所有的统计学检验均采用双侧检验,P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 匹配前后研究对象的基线特征比较
本研究共纳入17 948名对象,其中男性8 268名(占46.1%),女性9 680名(占53.9%)。根据自我报告是否有脑卒中史,将对象分为脑卒中组(993人,占5.5%)和非脑卒中组(16 955人,占94.5%)。分析结果发现,脑卒中组和非脑卒中组在年龄、性别、文化程度、退休前职业、腰围、体质量指数(BMI)、睡眠状况与心理状态方面差异均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05,表1)。脑卒中组腰围异常的比例较高(42.2% vs 34.3%),超重(42.5%)、肥胖(17.5%)的比例高于非脑卒中组(分别为41.3%和14.5%),具有焦虑/抑郁症状的比例更高。在自报患病情况中,脑卒中人群罹患高血压、糖尿病、高脂血症、冠心病、心房颤动、心力衰竭、慢性胃炎的比例均高于非脑卒中人群(均P<0.001)。
表1 上海社区脑卒中和非脑卒中老年人群PSM前后基线特征比较
Tab 1
Characteristic | Before PSM | After PSM① | |||||||
Non-stroke (n=16 955) | Stroke (n=993) | F/χ2 value | P value | Non-stroke (n=1 984) | Stroke (n=992) | F/χ2 value | P value | ||
Age/year | 68.6±6.0 | 72.2±7.1 | 69.190 | 0.000 | 72.1±7.1 | 72.2±7.1 | 0.007 | 0.936 | |
Gender/n(%) | 4.515 | 0.034 | 0.581 | 0.446 | |||||
Male | 7 843 (46.3) | 425 (42.8) | 821 (41.4) | 425 (42.8) | |||||
Female | 9 112 (53.7) | 568 (57.2) | 1 163 (58.6) | 567 (57.2) | |||||
Education level/n(%) | 44.617 | 0.000 | 42.806 | 0.000 | |||||
Primary school and below | 5 843 (34.5) | 330 (33.2) | 869 (43.8) | 329 (33.2) | |||||
Middle school/high school | 10 252 (60.5) | 564 (56.8) | 1 007 (50.8) | 564 (56.9) | |||||
College and above | 860 (5.1) | 99 (10.0) | 108 (5.4) | 99 (10.0) | |||||
Pre-retirement occupation/n(%) | 180.860 | 0.000 | 89.721 | 0.000 | |||||
Worker | 5 464 (32.2) | 399 (40.2) | 652 (32.9) | 399 (40.2) | |||||
Farmer | 9 515 (56.1) | 367 (37.0) | 1 072 (54.1) | 357 (37.0) | |||||
Technical personnel/medical staff/teacher | 699 (4.1) | 85 (8.6) | 107 (5.4) | 85 (8.6) | |||||
Administrative personnel | 853 (5.0) | 103 (10.4) | 107 (5.4) | 103 (10.4) | |||||
Others | 421 (2.5) | 39 (3.9) | 44 (2.2) | 38 (3.8) | |||||
Waist circumference/n(%) | 22.786 | 0.000 | 11.919 | 0.000 | |||||
Normal | 10 385 (65.7) | 510 (57.8) | 1 202 (64.7) | 510 (57.8) | |||||
Abnormal② | 5 425 (34.3) | 372 (42.2) | 657 (35.3) | 372 (42.2) | |||||
Waist-to-hip ratio/n(%) | 3.332 | 0.068 | 0.564 | 0.453 | |||||
Normal | 5 280 (33.4) | 268 (30.4) | 592 (31.8) | 268 (30.4) | |||||
Abnormal③ | 10 530 (66.6) | 613 (69.6) | 1 267 (68.2) | 613 (69.6) | |||||
BMI/n(%) | 14.589 | 0.002 | 18.069 | 0.000 | |||||
Underweight (<18.5 kg·m-2) | 417 (2.6) | 10 (1.1) | 64 (3.4) | 10 (1.1) | |||||
Normal (18.5‒ <24.0 kg·m-2) | 6 595 (41.5) | 351 (38.9) | 788 (42.0) | 351 (38.9) | |||||
Overweight (24.0‒ <28.0 kg·m-2) | 6 554 (41.3) | 383 (42.5) | 753 (40.1) | 383 (42.5) | |||||
Obese (≥28.0 kg·m-2) | 2 308 (14.5) | 158 (17.5) | 271 (14.4) | 158 (17.5) | |||||
Self-reported sleep status/n(%) | 212.704 | 0.000 | 79.594 | 0.000 | |||||
Very good | 12 193 (71.9) | 543 (54.7) | 1 359 (68.5) | 543 (54.7) | |||||
Fairly good | 3 580 (21.1) | 282 (28.4) | 451 (22.7) | 281 (28.3) | |||||
Fairly poor | 1 056 (6.2) | 134 (13.5) | 161 (8.1) | 134 (13.5) | |||||
Poor | 126 (0.7) | 34 (3.4) | 13 (0.7) | 34 (3.4) | |||||
Anxiety symptom/n(%) | 129.636 | 0.000 | 50.626 | 0.000 | |||||
No symptom | 16 552 (97.6) | 910 (91.6) | 1 931 (97.3) | 910 (91.7) | |||||
Mild symptom | 301 (1.8) | 58 (5.8) | 44 (2.2) | 58 (5.8) | |||||
Moderate and major symptom | 102 (0.6) | 25 (2.5) | 9 (0.5) | 24 (2.4) | |||||
Depressive symptom/n(%) | 151.577 | 0.000 | 58.312 | 0.000 | |||||
No symptom | 16 294 (96.1) | 877 (88.3) | 1 898 (95.7) | 877 (88.4) | |||||
Mild symptom | 533 (3.1) | 82 (8.3) | 70 (3.5) | 82 (8.3) | |||||
Moderate and major symptom | 128 (0.8) | 34 (3.4) | 16 (0.8) | 33 (3.3) | |||||
Disease status | |||||||||
Hypertension/n(%) | 9 630 (56.8) | 743 (74.8) | 124.966 | 0.000 | 1 156 (58.3) | 742 (74.8) | 78.241 | 0.000 | |
Diabetes/n(%) | 2 747 (16.2) | 257 (25.9) | 63.066 | 0.000 | 313 (15.8) | 257 (25.9) | 43.835 | 0.000 | |
Hyperlipidemia/n(%) | 1 727 (10.2) | 297 (29.9) | 364.730 | 0.000 | 197 (9.9) | 297 (29.9) | 191.274 | 0.000 | |
Coronary heart disease/n(%) | 2 050 (12.1) | 269 (27.1) | 187.562 | 0.000 | 266 (13.4) | 269 (27.1) | 84.298 | 0.000 | |
Atrial fibrillation/n(%) | 244 (1.4) | 49 (4.9) | 71.582 | 0.000 | 35 (1.8) | 49 (4.9) | 24.364 | 0.000 | |
Heart failure/n(%) | 45 (0.3) | 19 (1.9) | 71.696 | 0.000 | 9 (0.5) | 19 (1.9) | 15.136 | 0.000 | |
Chronic gastritis/n(%) | 885 (5.2) | 120 (12.1) | 83.237 | 0.000 | 102 (5.2) | 120 (12.1) | 45.730 | 0.000 | |
Hip fracture/n(%) | 220 (1.3) | 10 (1.0) | 0.632 | 0.427 | 26 (1.3) | 10 (1.0) | 0.522 | 0.470 |
采用倾向性评分匹配后,非脑卒中组1 984人(66.7%),脑卒中组992人(33.3%)。两组的年龄、性别差异无统计学意义,但文化程度、退休前职业、腰围、BMI、睡眠状况、心理状态与患病史差异仍具有统计学意义(均P<0.001)。后续的研究将在PSM匹配后的人群间进行比较。
2.2 上海社区脑卒中和非脑卒中老年人群体力活动特征分析
不同性别的2组成员体力活动分析结果见表2。在运动方面,仅女性脑卒中人群每日中等强度运动时间≤45 min的比例显著高于女性非脑卒中人群,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.012);对于其他指标,男性或女性脑卒中组与非脑卒中组间差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。在交通活动方面,女性非脑卒中组1周的骑行天数更多、每日骑行时间更长,而步行天数>3 d的比例(53.9%)则较脑卒中组(58.2%)低,差异均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。男性和女性脑卒中组1周做家务天数以及每日做家务时间相较于非脑卒中组均处于较低水平,而每日久坐时间处于较高水平,差异均具有统计学意义(均P=0.000)。在体力活动水平方面,脑卒中组达到中、高水平(男84.0%,女89.8%)的比例均低于非脑卒中组(男91.9%,女95.7%),差异具有统计学意义(均P=0.000)。
表2 上海社区脑卒中和非脑卒中老年人群体力活动特征分析
Tab 2
Characteristic | Male | Female | |||||||
Non-stroke (n=821) | Stroke (n=425) | F/χ2 value | P value | Non-stroke (n=1 163) | Stroke (n=567) | F/χ2 value | P value | ||
Exercises situation | |||||||||
Regular exercises/n(%) | 0.107 | 0.744 | 2.315 | 0.128 | |||||
Not regular | 508 (61.9) | 267 (62.8) | 755 (64.9) | 389 (68.6) | |||||
Regular exercises | 313 (38.1) | 158 (37.2) | 408 (35.1) | 178 (31.4) | |||||
Exercises status/n(%) | 4.668 | 0.198 | 5.514 | 0.138 | |||||
No exercises | 506 (61.8) | 266 (62.7) | 755 (64.9) | 388 (68.6) | |||||
Only moderate exercises | 267 (32.6) | 143 (33.7) | 381 (32.8) | 172 (30.4) | |||||
Only vigorous exercises | 23 (2.8) | 11 (2.6) | 20 (1.7) | 3 (0.5) | |||||
Both moderate and vigorous exercises | 23 (2.8) | 4 (0.9) | 7 (0.6) | 3 (0.5) | |||||
Days of vigorous exercises last week/n(%) | 4.090 | 0.129 | 2.918 | 0.232 | |||||
0 d | 773 (94.6) | 409 (96.9) | 1 136 (97.8) | 560 (98.9) | |||||
1‒5 d | 3 (0.4) | 2 (0.5) | 5 (0.4) | 1 (0.2) | |||||
6‒7 d | 41 (5.0) | 11 (2.6) | 21 (1.8) | 5 (0.9) | |||||
Daily vigorous exercises time/n(%) | 4.709 | 0.095 | 3.236 | 0.198 | |||||
0 min/d | 773 (94.4) | 409 (96.5) | 1136 (97.7) | 560 (98.9) | |||||
>0‒30 min/d | 14 (1.7) | 8 (1.9) | 9 (0.8) | 2 (0.4) | |||||
>30 min/d | 32 (3.9) | 7 (1.7) | 18 (1.5) | 4 (0.7) | |||||
Total vigorous exercises time last week/n(%) | 3.481 | 0.175 | 2.918 | 0.175 | |||||
0 min | 773 (94.6) | 409 (96.9) | 1 136 (97.8) | 560 (98.9) | |||||
>0‒150 min | 5 (0.6) | 1 (0.2) | 5 (0.4) | 1 (0.2) | |||||
>150 min | 39 (4.8) | 12 (2.8) | 21 (1.8) | 5 (0.9) | |||||
Days of moderate exercises last week/n(%) | 0.184 | 0.912 | 1.399 | 0.497 | |||||
0 d | 529 (64.7) | 277 (65.5) | 775 (66.9) | 391 (69.1) | |||||
1‒4 d | 21 (2.6) | 12 (2.8) | 36 (3.1) | 20 (3.5) | |||||
5‒7 d | 267 (32.7) | 134 (31.7) | 348 (30.0) | 155 (27.4) | |||||
Daily moderate exercises time/n(%) | 0.572 | 0.903 | 11.040 | 0.012 | |||||
0 min/d | 529 (64.6) | 277 (65.3) | 775 (66.6) | 391 (69.1) | |||||
>0‒45 min/d | 87 (10.6) | 48 (11.3) | 90 (7.7) | 62 (11.0) | |||||
>45‒60 min/d | 126 (15.4) | 64 (15.1) | 219 (18.8) | 89 (15.7) | |||||
>60 min/d | 77 (9.4) | 35 (8.3) | 79 (6.8) | 24 (4.2) | |||||
Total moderate exercises time last week/n(%) | 2.300 | 0.512 | 6.013 | 0.111 | |||||
0 min | 529 (64.7) | 277 (65.5) | 775 (66.9) | 391 (69.1) | |||||
>0‒150 min | 15 (1.8) | 13 (3.1) | 21 (1.8) | 18 (3.2) | |||||
>150‒300 min | 77 (9.4) | 36 (8.5) | 102 (8.8) | 51 (9.0) | |||||
>300 min | 196 (24.0) | 97 (22.9) | 261 (22.5) | 106 (18.7) | |||||
Transportation activities | |||||||||
Cycling days last week/n(%) | 4.336 | 0.114 | 26.993 | 0.000 | |||||
0 d | 644 (78.6) | 352 (83.0) | 977 (84.0) | 526 (92.9) | |||||
1‒4 d | 47 (5.7) | 24 (5.7) | 64 (5.5) | 16 (2.8) | |||||
5‒7 d | 128 (15.6) | 48 (11.3) | 122 (10.5) | 24 (4.2) | |||||
Daily cycling time/n(%) | 3.804 | 0.149 | 27.982 | 0.000 | |||||
0 min/d | 642 (78.4) | 352 (83.0) | 977 (84.0) | 526 (92.9) | |||||
>0‒30 min/d | 100 (12.2) | 42 (9.9) | 113 (9.7) | 29 (5.1) | |||||
>30 min/d | 77 (9.4) | 30 (7.1) | 73 (6.3) | 11 (1.9) | |||||
Days of walking last week/n(%) | 2.656 | 0.265 | 10.336 | 0.006 | |||||
≤3 d | 381 (46.5) | 207 (48.8) | 537 (46.2) | 237 (41.9) | |||||
4‒6 d | 55 (6.7) | 19 (4.5) | 89 (7.7) | 27 (4.8) | |||||
7 d | 383 (46.8) | 198 (46.7) | 537 (46.2) | 302 (53.4) | |||||
Daily walking time/n(%) | 0.947 | 0.623 | 1.964 | 0.375 | |||||
≤30 min/d | 550 (67.2) | 283 (66.7) | 764 (65.7) | 358 (63.3) | |||||
>30‒60 min/d | 208 (25.4) | 103 (24.3) | 333 (28.6) | 167 (29.5) | |||||
>60 min/d | 61 (7.4) | 38 (9.0) | 66 (5.7) | 41 (7.2) | |||||
Household Work | |||||||||
Days of doing housework last week/n(%) | 40.410 | 0.000 | 29.935 | 0.000 | |||||
0 d | 142 (17.3) | 141 (33.3) | 76 (6.5) | 81 (14.3) | |||||
1‒4 d | 47 (5.7) | 19 (4.5) | 19 (1.6) | 14 (2.5) | |||||
5‒7 d | 631 (77.0) | 264 (62.3) | 1 068 (91.8) | 471 (83.2) | |||||
Daily housework time/n(%) | 44.055 | 0.000 | 34.649 | 0.000 | |||||
0 min/d | 142 (17.3) | 141 (33.3) | 76 (6.5) | 81 (14.3) | |||||
>0‒60 min/d | 338 (41.2) | 159 (37.6) | 263 (22.6) | 147 (26.0) | |||||
>60‒120 min/d | 267 (32.6) | 92 (22.2) | 554 (47.6) | 220 (38.9) | |||||
>120 min/d | 73 (8.9) | 29 (6.9) | 270 (23.2) | 118 (20.8) | |||||
Daily sedentary time/n(%) | 35.163 | 0.000 | 42.733 | 0.000 | |||||
≤120 min/d | 403 (49.3) | 149 (35.1) | 587 (50.5) | 219 (38.8) | |||||
>120‒180 min/d | 144 (17.6) | 78 (18.4) | 233 (20.1) | 98 (17.3) | |||||
>180‒240 min/d | 169 (20.7) | 96 (22.6) | 210 (18.1) | 127 (21.4) | |||||
>240 min/d | 102 (12.5) | 101 (23.8) | 132 (11.4) | 121 (21.4) | |||||
Physical activity level/n(%) | 18.990 | 0.000 | 28.769 | 0.000 | |||||
Low | 67 (8.2) | 68 (16.0) | 51 (4.4) | 58 (10.2) | |||||
Moderate | 343 (41.8) | 175 (41.2) | 346 (29.8) | 192 (33.9) | |||||
High | 411 (50.1) | 182 (42.8) | 766 (65.9) | 317 (55.9) |
2.3 上海社区脑卒中与非脑卒中老年人群不同类型体力活动参与率比较
表3 上海社区脑卒中与非脑卒中老年人群体力活动参与率比较
Tab 3
Variable | Non-stroke (n=1 984) | Stroke (n=992) | Model① | |
OR (95%CI) | P value | |||
Exercises situation | ||||
Exercises status/n(%) | 0.038 | |||
No exercises | 1 261 (63.6) | 654 (66.1) | 1.00 | |
Only moderate exercises | 648 (32.7) | 315 (31.8) | 0.95 (0.79‒1.14) | |
Only vigorous exercises | 43 (2.2) | 14 (1.4) | 0.60 (0.31‒1.17) | |
Both moderate and vigorous exercises | 30 (1.5) | 7 (0.7) | 0.33 (0.12‒0.89) | |
Days of vigorous exercises last week/n(%) | 0.023 | |||
0 d | 1 909 (96.5) | 969 (98.1) | 1.00 | |
1‒5 d | 8 (0.4) | 3 (0.3) | 1.22 (0.19‒8.02) | |
6‒7 d | 62 (3.1) | 16 (1.6) | 0.40 (0.18‒0.87) | |
Daily vigorous exercises time/n(%) | 0.033 | |||
0 min/d | 1 909 (96.3) | 969 (97.9) | 1.00 | |
>0‒30 min/d | 23 (1.2) | 10 (1.0) | 0.90 (0.30‒2.67) | |
>30 min/d | 50 (2.5) | 11 (1.1) | 0.37 (0.16‒0.91) | |
Days of moderate exercises last week/n(%) | 0.948 | |||
0 d | 1 304 (66.0) | 668 (67.5) | 1.00 | |
1‒4 d | 57 (2.9) | 32 (3.2) | 0.83 (0.37‒1.86) | |
5‒7 d | 615 (31.3) | 289 (29.2) | 1.00 (0.75‒1.32) | |
Daily moderate exercises time/n(%) | 0.943 | |||
0 min/d | 1 304 (65.8) | 668 (67.5) | 1.00 | |
>0‒45 min/d | 177 (8.9) | 110 (11.1) | 0.87 (0.55‒1.35) | |
>45‒60 min/d | 345 (17.4) | 153 (15.5) | 1.09 (0.76‒1.57) | |
>60 min/d | 156 (7.9) | 59 (6.0) | 0.92 (0.57‒1.47) | |
Transportation activities | ||||
Cycling days last week/n(%) | 0.070 | |||
0 d | 1 621 (81.8) | 878 (88.7) | 1.00 | |
1‒4 d | 111 (5.6) | 40 (4.0) | 0.81 (0.46‒1.42) | |
5‒7 d | 250 (12.6) | 72 (7.3) | 0.70 (0.48‒1.03) | |
Daily cycling time/n(%) | 0.093 | |||
0 min/d | 1 619 (81.7) | 878 (88.7) | 1.00 | |
>0‒30 min/d | 213 (10.7) | 71 (7.2) | 0.69 (0.45‒1.04) | |
>30 min/d | 150 (7.6) | 41 (4.1) | 0.77 (0.48‒1.23) | |
Days of walking last week/n(%) | 0.393 | |||
≤3 d | 918 (46.3) | 444 (44.8) | 1.00 | |
4‒6 d | 144 (7.3) | 46 (4.6) | 0.74 (0.51‒1.07) | |
7 d | 920 (46.4) | 500 (50.5) | 1.14 (0.96‒1.36) | |
Daily walking time/n(%) | 0.535 | |||
≤30 min/d | 1 314 (66.3) | 641 (64.4) | 1.00 | |
>30‒60 min/d | 541 (27.3) | 270 (27.3) | 1.01 (0.84‒1.21) | |
>60 min/d | 127 (6.4) | 79 (8.0) | 1.14 (0.83‒1.56) | |
Household Work | ||||
Days of doing housework last week/n(%) | 0.000 | |||
0 d | 218 (11.0) | 222 (22.4) | 1.00 | |
1‒4 d | 66 (3.3) | 33 (3.3) | 0.55 (0.33‒0.92) | |
5‒7 d | 1 699 (85.7) | 735 (74.2) | 0.45 (0.35‒0.58) | |
Daily housework time/n(%) | 0.001 | |||
0 min/d | 218 (11.0) | 222 (22.4) | 1.00 | |
>0‒60 min/d | 601 (30.3) | 306 (30.9) | 0.51 (0.39‒0.67) | |
>60‒120 min/d | 821 (41.4) | 314 (31.7) | 0.40 (0.30‒0.53) | |
>120 min/d | 343 (17.3) | 147 (14.9) | 0.43 (0.31‒0.59) | |
Daily sedentary time/n(%) | 0.000 | |||
≤120 min/d | 990 (50.0) | 368 (37.2) | 1.00 | |
>120‒180 min/d | 377 (19.0) | 176 (17.8) | 1.23 (0.97‒1.55) | |
>180‒240 min/d | 379 (19.1) | 223 (22.5) | 1.44 (1.15‒1.80) | |
>240 min/d | 234 (11.8) | 222 (22.4) | 2.08 (1.61‒2.68) | |
Physical activity level/n(%) | 0.000 | |||
Low | 118 (5.9) | 126 (12.7) | 1.00 | |
Moderate | 689 (34.7) | 367 (37.0) | 0.53 (0.38‒0.74) | |
High | 1 177 (59.3) | 499 (50.3) | 0.41 (0.29‒0.58) |
在运动方面,与不运动的老年人群比例分布相比,非脑卒中人群参与中等强度和/或剧烈运动的比例较脑卒中人群高(36.4% vs 33.9%),尤其以中等强度运动和剧烈运动相结合的运动形式参与率差异具有统计学意义,OR值为0.33(95%CI 0.12~0.89)。
进一步按1周运动天数和每日运动时间分层比较2组人群参与情况。剧烈运动方面,脑卒中组参与水平较低:脑卒中组1周进行剧烈运动天数>5 d的OR值为0.40(95%CI 0.18~0.87),同时每日剧烈运动时间>30 min的OR值为0.37(95%CI 0.16~0.91),差异具有统计学意义。而在中等强度运动与交通活动方面,脑卒中与非脑卒中人群参与情况差异均不具有统计学意义。
在静态活动方面,与每日久坐时长≤120 min的老年人群比例相比,脑卒中组每日久坐时间>180 min的比例较高,OR值分别为1.44(95%CI 1.15~1.80)和2.08(95%CI 1.61~2.68)。
在体力活动水平方面,与非脑卒中人群(94.1%)相比,脑卒中人群在中、高活动水平的比例(87.3%)较低,OR值分别为0.53(95%CI 0.38~0.47)和0.41(95%CI 0.29~0.58)。
3 讨论
在本研究中,脑卒中人群1周进行剧烈运动天数>5 d的OR值为0.40(95%CI 0.18~0.87),同时每日剧烈运动时间>30 min的OR值为0.37(95%CI 0.16~0.91),差异具有统计学意义。而中等强度运动的天数和时长与脑卒中史未发现显著关联。这可能与运动强度及体力活动水平有关。美国一项成年人队列研究[19]显示,高水平的体力活动水平能够获得更多的健康益处,与降低死亡风险有关。然而,PELLICCIA等[4]指出,对于心血管疾病患者,剧烈运动可能会导致心律失常甚至死亡。因此,对于患有慢性病的老年人来说,尤其是有脑卒中史的老年人,运动功能可能受到影响,需要选择合适的体力活动形式,在身体允许的状态下达到最佳的健康效益。
在运动锻炼方面,进行规律运动的老年人仅有1 057人,而通过运动、交通活动、家务劳动3个方面计算得出的体力活动水平中,达到中、高水平的有2 732人。因此,在对人群进行体力活动评估时,除了运动锻炼,还应考虑在交通出行、家务劳动中的体力活动,尤其对老年人来说,需要扩大其在体力活动中的生活广度,支持其实现更多形式的体力活动。《中国人群身体活动指南(2021)》[23]指出,成年人身体活动指标同样适用于老年人群,但老年人群需根据自身状况量力而行,尤其坚持对平衡能力、灵活性和柔韧性的练习,如无法达到活动推荐量,应尽可能地增加各种力所能及的身体活动。同时,指南针对慢性病患者提出“规律比强度更重要”的观点,慢性病患者在进行体力活动前应咨询医师,规律进行自身情况允许的体力活动,不强调强度,但强调规律。
已有多项流行病学研究[24-25]表明,久坐行为是可改变的心血管疾病风险因素。一项对17 013名加拿大成年人的研究[26]表明,与久坐时间较少的人相比,几乎一直保持久坐的人死于各种原因或心血管疾病的风险增加了54%。在本研究中,脑卒中人群每日久坐时间>180 min的比例较高。而且久坐的危害可能无法通过体力活动完全消除。有研究[27]指出,久坐时间与心血管疾病风险之间显著相关,且与体力活动水平无关。世界卫生组织提出建议[28]:所有年龄段的人群都应减少久坐时间,但由于久坐数据大多来源于自我报告[29],与客观测量之间存在一定差异,因此目前很难提供关于久坐的定量指导。有研究[30]提出可通过轻体力活动中断久坐行为、采用智能设备提醒等方式对老年人群久坐行为进行干预。
The research design was conducted by ZHANG Wei and PU Jun. Data collection were conducted by YUAN Ancai, LI Ping and YE Mengyue. Data analysis were performed by WANG Yayu and JIANG Huiru. The manuscript was drafted and revised by WANG Yayu and ZHANG Wei. All the authors have read the last version of paper and consented for submission.
All authors disclose no relevant conflict of interests.
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