上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2023, 43(12): 1535-1541 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.12.008

论著 · 临床研究


张锰,1, 崔青1, 朱荻绮1, 张玉奇1, 钟玉敏2, 沈捷,1

1.上海交通大学医学院附属上海儿童医学中心/上海市儿童医学中心心内科,上海 200127

2.上海交通大学医学院附属上海儿童医学中心/上海市儿童医学中心放射科,上海 200127

Coronary angiography review in 21 children with Kawasaki disease complicated with coronary artery disease

ZHANG Meng,1, CUI Qing1, ZHU Diqi1, ZHANG Yuqi1, ZHONG Yumin2, SHEN Jie,1

1.Department of Cardiology, Shanghai Children's Medical Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200127, China

2.Department of Radiology, Shanghai Children's Medical Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200127, China

通讯作者: 沈 捷,电子信箱:she6nt@163.com

编委: 瞿麟平

收稿日期: 2023-03-10   接受日期: 2022-10-25  

Corresponding authors: SHEN Jie, E-mail:she6nt@163.com.

Received: 2023-03-10   Accepted: 2022-10-25  

作者简介 About authors

张锰(1997—),男,住院医师,硕士;电子信箱:996944025@qq.com。 E-mail:996944025@qq.com


目的·通过冠状动脉(冠脉)造影复查分析川崎病所致严重冠脉病变患儿的进展情况,并评价心脏超声(心超)对此类患儿的诊断价值。方法·采用回顾性分析,收集2013年1月至2023年1月上海交通大学医学院附属上海儿童医学中心的冠脉病变分级达到Ⅳ级及以上的川崎病患儿,要求纳入对象接受过至少2次的冠脉造影,收集其临床及影像学检查资料,分析病变进展情况;并将心超与冠脉造影结果进行对比分析。结果·共纳入21例患儿,其中男15例、女6例,中位发病年龄为3岁6个月,初次冠脉造影的中位年龄为7岁11个月,发病时间与初次造影中位间隔时间为4年5个月;造影复查时的中位年龄为9岁2个月,与初次造影中位间隔时间为1年3个月。初次造影发现有13例患儿存在冠脉狭窄或闭塞,其中6例行冠状动脉旁路移植术(coronary artery bypass grafting,CABG),并在1年后复查造影,结果显示桥血管通畅,未见明显狭窄。15例患儿在后续随访中,心超发现病变进展并行造影复查,其中8例患儿冠状病变较前明显进展,并有1例患儿于术中行冠脉内球囊扩张术,1例复查后行CABG。在21例患儿初次造影时,共发现16处冠脉狭窄或闭塞;而同期心超仅提示1处冠脉狭窄。21例患儿初次造影时共发现28处中大型冠脉瘤,将心超和冠脉造影对此28处冠脉瘤的测量直径进行Bland-Altman一致性分析,最大直径差值为(1.63±2.33)mm,95%CI为-2.95~6.21 mm。结论·川崎病所致严重冠脉病变可能是不断进展的;对病变严重的患儿,心超可能对冠脉狭窄或闭塞存在漏诊或误诊,对冠脉瘤直径测量存在一定误差,需定期复查冠脉造影。

关键词: 川崎病 ; 冠状动脉瘤 ; 冠状动脉狭窄 ; 冠状动脉造影 ; 心脏超声


Objective ·To analyze the progression of children with severe coronary artery lesions due to Kawasaki disease by coronary artery angiography, and evaluate the diagnostic value of echocardiography in these children. Methods ·A retrospective analysis was performed to enroll children with Kawasaki disease whose coronary artery lesions were graded Ⅳ or above from Shanghai Children's Medical Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, from January 2013 to January 2023. The subjects were required to have received at least 2 times of coronary angiogram, and their clinical and imaging data were collected to analyze the progression of the lesions. Echocardiography results were compared with the results of the coronary angiogram. Results ·A total of 21 children were included, including 15 males and 6 females, with a median age at onset of 3 years and 6 months, a median age at initial coronary angiography of 7 years and 11 months, a median interval of 4 years and 5 months between the time of onset and initial angiography, a median age at angiographic review of 9 years and 2 months, and a median interval of 1 year and 3 months between the time of initial angiography and review. Coronary stenosis or occlusion was detected in 13 children in the initial angiography, of whom 6 underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and had their angiography reviews 1 year later. The review results showed that the bridging vessels were unobstructed and no obvious stenosis was observed. Fifteen children had progression of the lesions detected by echocardiography in the subsequent follow-up and had their angiogram reviews, of whom 8 had significant progression of the coronary lesions. Intracoronary balloon dilatation was performed in 1 case, and CABG was performed in another case. Sixteen lesions of coronary stenosis or occlusion were detected in the initial angiography in 21 children, while only 1 lesion of coronary stenosis was detected by echocardiography during the same period of time. Twenty-eight medium- to large-sized coronary aneurysms were detected in the initial angiography in the 21 children, and the diameters of the 28 aneurysms measured by echocardiography and coronary angiogram were subjected to the Bland-Altman analysis. The Bland-Altman analysis showed that the difference in maximum diameter between 2 methods was (1.63±2.33) mm, with 95%CI of -2.95‒6.21 mm. Conclusion ·Coronary artery lesions due to Kawasaki disease may be progressive; in the children with severe lesions, coronary artery stenosis or occlusion may be missed or misdiagnosed and some errors may exist in the measurement of diameters of aneurysms by echocardiography. Regular review of coronary angiography is needed.

Keywords: Kawasaki disease ; coronary artery aneurysm ; coronary artery stenosis ; coronary angiography ; echocardiography

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张锰, 崔青, 朱荻绮, 张玉奇, 钟玉敏, 沈捷. 川崎病合并冠状动脉病变患儿21例冠状动脉造影复查分析. 上海交通大学学报(医学版)[J], 2023, 43(12): 1535-1541 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.12.008

ZHANG Meng, CUI Qing, ZHU Diqi, ZHANG Yuqi, ZHONG Yumin, SHEN Jie. Coronary angiography review in 21 children with Kawasaki disease complicated with coronary artery disease. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science)[J], 2023, 43(12): 1535-1541 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.12.008

川崎病(Kawasaki disease,KD),又称皮肤黏膜淋巴结综合征,1967年由日本医师川崎富作首次报道,是多发于5岁以下儿童的急性系统性血管炎症疾病1。目前川崎病病因不明,多数认为是由感染因素触发的急性免疫性血管炎症疾病,可并发冠状动脉(冠脉)病变(coronary artery lesion)。对于一些存在严重冠脉病变的川崎病患儿,其冠脉病变可随时间逐年进展2。目前,作为川崎病合并冠脉病变患儿最常规的随访手段,二维超声心动图(心超)对于严重冠脉病变的患儿,尤其是存在冠脉狭窄及闭塞的病例,存在一定的漏诊及误诊情况3-4。而冠状动脉造影(coronary angiography,CAG)是冠脉病变诊断的金标准,可以全面准确地了解冠脉病变情况。本研究旨在将存在严重冠脉病变的川崎病患儿的CAG复查结果进行总结,对比分析CAG复查前后冠脉病变的进展情况,并将复查前的心超与CAG对冠脉病变的评价进行对比分析。

1 对象和方法

1.1 研究对象


1.2 研究方法

心超使用Philips SONOS 7500型、iE33超声诊断仪。采用S5-1或S8-3探头,探头射频4~8 MHz。患儿取仰卧位,行常规二维及彩色多普勒心超检查。测量患儿左主干(left main coronary artery,LM)、左前降支(left anterior descending branch,LAD)、左回旋支(left circumflex artery,LCX)和右冠状动脉(right coronary artery,RCA)的近、中、远段及后室间沟内径。记录有无冠脉瘤及其大小、位置,有无异常回声,冠脉内血流情况,室壁运动情况及左室射血分数(left ventricular ejection fraction,LVEF)。

CAG使用Philips UNIQ Clarity FD20数字减影血管造影X线机,造影剂为优维显(碘普罗胺)。吸入全身麻醉下,根据患儿体质量及年龄选择相应的血管鞘,经皮穿刺股动脉置入血管鞘,予100 U/kg肝素抗凝。应用4F或5F猪尾导管经股动脉逆行至主动脉根部,注射造影剂行主动脉根部造影(正侧位),观察左、右冠脉全程形态及走行。显影不佳时行左、右冠脉选择性造影,术中持续监测心电图、血压和血氧饱和度。记录有无冠脉瘤及其位置、大小,有无充盈缺损或钙化,有无狭窄或闭塞,及侧支循环形成情况。

1.3 统计学方法

应用SPSS 26.0软件进行统计分析,定量资料用M(最小值~最大值)表示,定性资料用频数(百分比)表示。心超与CAG测量冠脉瘤大小的差异采用Bland-Altman一致性检验进行分析。

2 结果

2.1 一般情况



初次造影后有6例行冠状动脉旁路移植术(coronary artery bypass grafting,CABG),并在1年后复查CAG。另15例患儿在后续随访中心超发现病变进展后再行CAG复查,其中8例患儿冠脉病变存在不同程度的恶化,并有1例患儿于术中行冠状动脉球囊扩张,1例复查后行CABG。

2.2 初次CAG情况

21例患儿初次CAG检查,有13例患儿发生冠脉狭窄或闭塞。13例患儿中LM狭窄1例,LAD均匀性狭窄1例,LAD瘤后闭塞伴侧支形成2例,RCA中段闭塞伴侧支形成、LCX扩张后远端供应RCA 1例,RCA中段闭塞、LAD血管钙化狭窄、LCX扩张后远端供应RCA及LAD远端2例,RCA串珠样改变伴狭窄及侧支形成1例,RCA近段瘤后闭锁伴侧支形成3例,RCA近段闭锁钙化伴LAD近段狭窄1例,LCX巨大血栓导致血流闭塞1例。此13例冠脉狭窄或闭塞的患儿病变复杂,大都为冠脉瘤后并发冠脉狭窄及闭塞,且伴有不同程度的侧支形成;其中7例在CAG检查后结合心超结果,在原阿司匹林和华法林的基础上加用美托洛尔,6例CAG后行CABG,并有1例同时行室壁瘤切除术。



图1   川崎病患儿的冠脉瘤CAG与相应的心超影像

Note:A girl, 8 years and 7 months old, had been found to have coronary artery dilatation for 4 years. CAG (A) found a large coronary aneurysm (arrow), 12 mm×11 mm, in the proximal segment of LM, and the echocardiography (B) also found a coronary aneurysm (arrow) at the corresponding site.

Fig 1   CAG and corresponding echocardiography of a coronary aneurysm in a patient with KD

2.3 CAG复查情况



表1   8例冠脉病变进展的川崎病患儿的详细复查资料

Tab 1  Detailed follow-up data of 8 KD patients with progression of coronary artery lesions

No.GenderAge of diagnosisAge of first CAGEchocardiography before the first CAGResult of first CAGAge of CAG reviewResult of CAG review
1Male13 years13 years and 7 monthsA large coronary aneurysm in the LM; a large proximal coronary aneurysm in the proximal segment of LAD, and a coronary dilatation in the distal segment; a large coronary aneurysm in the proximal segment of RCAA large coronary artery aneurysm in the proximal segment of LM; a beaded dilatation in the LAD; a large coronary artery aneurysm in the proximal segment of RCA, and a post-aneurysm coronary atresia with collaterals formation17 years and 2 monthsThe LAD coronary artery aneurysm progressed and the length of the LM coronary artery aneurysm nearly doubled
2Male6 months3 years and 6 monthsSignificant enlargement of the left ventricle with LVEF of 50%; a nodule in the proximal segment of LAD; 2 sites of dilatation in the RCA without clear display of the distal segmentTorsion and stenosis of the main trunk of RCA with collaterals formation; the LAD without significant lesions7 years and 6 months (chest pain for 10 d)The proximal segment of RCA was severely narrow or atresia with several collaterals formation, and the distal segment displayed well
3Male3 years3 years and 3 monthsA large aneurysm in the proximal segment of LAD; a beaded dilatation in RCAA medium coronary aneurysm in the proximal segment of LAD and post-aneurysm coronary artery occlusion with collaterals formation; beaded dilatations in the RCA without filling defects4 years and 3 monthsThe blood flow of LCX was unobstructed; three aneurysms in the RCA progressed, of which diameters were wider than before, and filling defects could be seen in the RCA
4Male4 months4 yearsA medium aneurysm in the proximal segment of LAD and a medium aneurysm in the proximal segment of RCA, and the coronary arteries not clear after the 2 aneurysmsSmall aneurysms in the middle section of RCA with calcification and collaterals formation; stenosis in the proximal segment of LAD without coronary artery formation6 yearsThe stenosis in the LAD progressed, and the diameter of the narrowest point was 1.2 mm. Intraoperative balloon dilation was performed, and then the blood flow was unobstructed
5Female2 years and 4 months3 yearsA large aneurysm in the LM; the opening of LCX dilated with thrombosis formation; a small aneurysm in the proximal segment of RCA with thrombosis after the aneurysmA large aneurysm in the LM with the stenotic LAD; a small aneurysm at the beginning of RCA with post-aneurysm atresia and collaterals formation3 years and 9 monthsThe aneurysm in the LM progressed with narrower LAD; proximal coronary atresia of the RCA was found with collaterals formation
6Male2 years5 yearsA large aneurysm in the proximal segment LAD with thrombosis and without clear display of the distal segment; the RCA dilatated in the middle segmentThe blood flow was unobstructed in the LAD; small artery dilatations in the LAD and the distal segment of RCA7 yearsThe diameter of the opening of RCA was 3.1 mm, while the stenosis in the proximal segment was 2.01 mm in diameter, and a beaded dilatation in RCA after the stenosis
7Male9 years12 years (2 times of syncope in 3 years)The LM dilatated; a large aneurysm in the LAD; beaded dilatations in the RCAA medium aneurysm in the LAD with a post-aneurysm coronary atresia and calcification formation; 3 beaded coronary aneurysms in the RCA15 yearsThrombosis at the beginning of LAD with atresia and calcification after the thrombus; the RCA supplied the LAD by collaterals in reverse direction
8Female2 years3 yearsA large aneurysm in the LAD without clear display of the distal segmentA dilatation at the beginning of LAD, about 6.3 mm in diameter, with filling defection and thrombosis formation after the dilatation4 years and 5 monthsA aneurysm with the diameter of about 8.5 mm at the openings of LCX and LAD (bifurcation of LM)

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2.4 心脏超声与CAG的结果对比

我们将初次CAG时冠脉病变类型及病变位置进行总结(表2)。总体而言,在冠脉瘤的诊断中,在LM、LAD、LCX、RCA 4支冠状动脉中CAG与心脏超声的诊断差异不大,而在冠脉狭窄的病变诊断中,心超则出现较明显的漏诊(图2)。

表2   21例患儿初次造影以及同期心超中冠脉病变的位置、类型 (n

Tab 2  Location and type of coronary artery lesions in the initial CAG and echocardiography during the same period of time in 21 children (n

Detection methodCoronary artery aneurysmCoronary artery stenosis and atresia

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图2   CAG和心超对同一患者冠脉瘤和冠脉狭窄病变的影像对比

Note: A boy, aged 15 years and 8 months, had been found to have coronary artery aneurysm for 9 years. A. CAG showed stenosis of the proximal and middle segment of the RCA, close to atresia, and the formation of bridging collaterals. B. Two large coronary artery aneurysms with calcification were found by CAG in the proximal segment of the LAD, with the size of 14.73 mm×11.77 mm and 11.66 mm×8.89 mm, respectively. C/D. The corresponding echocardiography of this patient revealed 2 aneurysms in the LAD (arrows), while the RCA was not clearly visualized, and stenosis or atresia was not found.

Fig 2   Comparison of images of the same patient with coronary artery aneurysms and stenosis between CAG and echocardiography

最后,我们取初次CAG与邻近时间段内的心超对冠脉瘤最大直径的测量结果,针对2种检测手段的差值进行Bland-Altman分析,检验仅针对28处中大型冠脉瘤(最大直接≥4 mm)。Bland-Altman分析(图3)显示:2种检测手段测量冠脉瘤最大直径的差值为(1.63±2.33)mm,95%一致性界限为-2.95~6.21 mm。该界限超出了临床可接受的范畴,因此认为心超测量冠脉瘤大小存在一定的误差。


图3   CAG与心超测量中大型冠脉瘤直径的Bland-Altman一致性分析

Fig 3   Bland-Altman analysis of diameter measurements of medium and large coronary aneurysms by CAG and echocardiography

3 讨论








The study was designed by ZHANG Meng and CUI Qing. The manuscript was drafted and revised by ZHANG Meng and CUI Qing. The data were analyzed by ZHANG Meng, CUI Qing and ZHU Diqi. Data collection, case follow-up and study implementation were completed by ZHANG Meng, CUI Qing, ZHU Diqi, ZHANG Yuqi, ZHONG Yumin and SHEN Jie. All the authors have read the last version of paper and consented for submission.




All authors disclose no relevant conflict of interests.


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