上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2023, 43(4): 459-465 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.04.008

论著 · 临床研究


何萍,1, 邵飞雪,2, 郭丽丽,1, 李克婷1, 毛笑园2, 包怡榕2, 王磊3

1.同济大学附属第一妇婴保健院超声医学科,上海 201204

2.同济大学附属第一妇婴保健院产科,上海 201204

3.上海交通大学医学院附属国际和平妇幼保健院超声医学科,上海 200011

Preliminary study of pelvic floor structural changes in early and middle pregnant women with cervical incompetence

HE Ping,1, SHAO Feixue,2, GUO Lili,1, LI Keting1, MAO Xiaoyuan2, BAO Yirong2, WANG Lei3

1.Department of Ultrasound, Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai 201204, China

2.Department of Obstetrics, Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine, Shanghai 201204, China

3.Department of Ultrasound, International Peace Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200011, China

通讯作者: 郭丽丽,电子信箱:yxgll1985@163.com

第一联系人: *为共同第一作者。

编委: 瞿麟平

收稿日期: 2023-03-23   接受日期: 2023-04-23   网络出版日期: 2023-04-28

Corresponding authors: GUOLili, E-mail:yxgll1985@163.com.

Received: 2023-03-23   Accepted: 2023-04-23   Online: 2023-04-28

作者简介 About authors

何萍(1980—),女,副主任医师,硕士;电子信箱:time13800@sina.com E-mail:time13800@sina.com

邵飞雪(2000—),女,硕士生;电子信箱:shao_feixue@tongji.edu.cn。 E-mail:shao_feixue@tongji. edu. cn


目的·通过超声检查探究有宫颈机能不全(cervical incompetence,CIC)史的孕妇早、中孕期盆底结构的变化特点。方法·收集2022年8月至2023年1月在同济大学附属第一妇婴保健院建卡的早、中孕期孕妇,所有孕妇均有且仅有1次早产,或者中孕流产、引产史,按照前次妊娠有无CIC病史将其分为CIC组和对照组。比较2组孕妇的年龄、体质量指数(BMI)、孕周、尿道内口漏斗形成率、尿失禁发生率。运用二维、三维及四维盆底超声对静息状态、盆底肌收缩(pelvic floor muscle contraction,PFMC)状态和瓦尔萨尔瓦动作(Valsalva maneuver,VM)状态下2组女性盆底结构进行测量;测量参数包括:膀胱颈位置、尿道倾斜角、尿道旋转角、膀胱后角、膀胱颈移动度、宫颈位置、直肠壶腹部位置、肛提肌裂孔面积(area of urogenital hiatus,HA)、肛提肌裂孔左右径、肛提肌裂孔前后径。采用一般线性回归模型校正混杂因素影响,分析CIC病史与盆底结构差异指标的相关性。结果·共纳入早、中孕期孕妇76例,其中CIC组39例,对照组37例。2组孕妇年龄差异无统计学意义,CIC组BMI、孕周均显著大于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。静息状态和PFMC状态下,2组孕妇盆底结构参数差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05);VM状态下,CIC组HA(P=0.016)和肛提肌裂孔前后径(P=0.014)显著增大,其他指标差异无统计学意义。一般线性回归模型校正2组孕妇的孕周及BMI后发现,CIC病史与VM状态下HA(P=0.038)和肛提肌裂孔前后径(P=0.049)均存在相关性。CIC组和对照组尿道内口漏斗形成率分别为10.25%和0,压力性尿失禁发生率分别为23.07%和13.51%,差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论·有CIC病史的孕妇VM状态下,HA和肛提肌裂孔前后径明显增大,肛提肌裂孔的形态改变以纵轴增加更为明显。

关键词: 宫颈机能不全 ; 超声检查 ; 盆底 ; 孕期 ; 盆底功能障碍性疾病


Objective ·To explore the changes of pelvic floor structure in the early and middle pregnant women with the history of cervical incompetence (CIC) by ultrasound. Methods ·The pregnant women during early and middle trimesters were collected from Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Hospital, Tongji University School of Medicine from August 2022 to January 2023. All the pregnant women had only one history of premature delivery, abortion or induced labor in the middle trimester, and were divided into CIC group and control group according to whether having the history of CIC in the previous pregnancy. Age, body mass index (BMI), gestational age, the prevalence of funneling of internal urethral orifice and the prevalence of urinary incontinence were compared between the two groups. Two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and four-dimensional pelvic floor ultrasound was used to measure the pelvic floor structures of the women in the states of resting, pelvic floor muscle contraction (PFMC) and Valsalva maneuver (VM). The parameters of pelvic floor structure included bladder neck position, urethral inclination angle, urethral rotation angle, posterior angle of bladder, bladder neck mobility, cervix position, position of ampulla of rectum, area of urogenital hiatus (HA), hiatal transverse diameter, and hiatal anteroposterior diameter. General linear regression model was used to correct the influence of confounders and to analyze the association between the history of CIC and the different indexes of pelvic floor structure. Results ·A total of 76 pregnant women in early and middle trimesters were collected, including 39 women in the CIC group and 37 women in the control group. There was no significant difference in the age between the two groups, while BMI and gestational age in the CIC group were significantly greater than those of the control group, and the differences were significant (both P<0.05). At the states of resting and PFMC, there were no significant differences in structural parameters (all P> 0.05); at the state of VM, HA (P=0.016) and hiatal anteroposterior diameter (P=0.014) increased in the CIC group, while other parameters did not change significantly. It was found that the CIC history was associated with HA (P=0.038) and hiatal anteroposterior diameter (P=0.049) at VM after adjusting gestational age and BMI by the general linear regression model. The incidence rates of funneling of internal urethral orific in the CIC group and the control group were 10.25% and 0, respectively; the incidence rates of stress incontinence were 23.07% and 13.51%, respectively. Neither of the differences were significant (both P>0.05). Conclusion ·In the pregnant women with the history of CIC, HA and hiatal anteroposterior diameter at VM increase, and the morphological change of the levator ani hiatus is more obvious with the increase of the vertical axis.

Keywords: cervical incompetence (CIC) ; ultrasound examination ; pelvic floor ; pregnancy ; pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD)

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何萍, 邵飞雪, 郭丽丽, 李克婷, 毛笑园, 包怡榕, 王磊. 宫颈机能不全孕妇早、中孕期盆底结构变化初探. 上海交通大学学报(医学版)[J], 2023, 43(4): 459-465 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.04.008

HE Ping, SHAO Feixue, GUO Lili, LI Keting, MAO Xiaoyuan, BAO Yirong, WANG Lei. Preliminary study of pelvic floor structural changes in early and middle pregnant women with cervical incompetence. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science)[J], 2023, 43(4): 459-465 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.04.008

宫颈机能不全(cervical incompetence,CIC)指宫颈解剖结构或功能异常,可导致患者在足月妊娠前出现进行性、无痛性宫颈缩短、扩张、展平及漏斗状宫颈,妊娠中晚期无法维持妊娠1。CIC在孕妇中的发生率约为1%2。CIC是复发性中晚期妊娠流产及早产的重要原因。正常宫颈由富含胶原蛋白的结缔组织组成,只有15%的肌肉细胞。结缔组织疾病或者埃勒斯-当洛斯综合征可使宫颈组织中羟脯胺酸含量显著下降,胶原纤维合成受阻或者功能障碍,进而破坏宫颈的完整性,诱发CIC3

我国成年女性盆底功能障碍性疾病(pelvic floor dysfunction,PFD)主要表现包括压力性尿失禁和盆腔脏器脱垂,发生率高达30.9%,因此PFD被称为严重影响女性生活质量的五大慢性病之一4。盆腔肌肉及结缔组织的完整性对于保持盆底解剖位置至关重要,它主要由纤维细胞外基质成分来维持。盆腔脏器脱垂的患者子宫骶韧带中的胶原蛋白减少5,推测CIC和PFD可能有着相似的组织学变化,那么这两者之间是否存在潜在的关联?


1 对象与方法

1.1 研究对象及分组

收集2022年8月至2023年1月在同济大学附属第一妇婴保健院建卡的孕妇,孕周为8周~28周。按是否有CIC病史,将孕妇分为CIC组和对照组。CIC组纳入标准:曾有1次CIC病史,即在孕37周前出现进行性、无痛性宫颈缩短、扩张、展平及漏斗状宫颈,导致中孕流产或早产,并排除孕中期出血、感染、破膜等明确的病理因素1;此次孕前有且仅有1次中孕流产史,或早产史。对照组纳入标准:此次孕前有且仅有1次中孕流产/引产史,或早产史,无其他分娩史,不符合CIC诊断标准。排除标准:①有先天性子宫畸形。②有妇科手术史。③有心脏病、高血压等其他脏器或系统疾病。④有泌尿系统感染或白带检查异常。⑤体质量指数(BMI)>30 kg/m2。⑥有吸烟史。⑦盆底超声检查发现孕妇有肛提肌撕脱,或者肛门内、外括约肌断裂。中孕流产或引产的孕周范围为孕12周~孕27周6 d,早产的孕周范围为孕28周~孕36周6 d。

1.2 研究方法


采用GE Voluson E8超声诊断仪,RAB6-D探头,频率4~8 MHz。受检查者排空膀胱和直肠,取截石位。将探头置于两侧大阴唇之间,获得正中矢状切面。盆底标准正中矢状切面要求:以耻骨联合后下缘为参考点,从前往后主要包括耻骨联合、尿道、膀胱颈、阴道、宫颈、直肠、直肠壶腹部和肛管。在受检者平静呼吸(静息状态)时测量参数:使用二维超声测量膀胱颈位置、尿道倾斜角、宫颈位置、直肠壶腹部位置(图1);使用四维超声测量肛提肌裂孔面积(area of urogenital hiatus,HA)、肛提肌裂孔左右径及前后径。


图1   孕妇静息状态下盆底超声测量膀胱颈位置、宫颈最低点位置和直肠壶腹部位置

Note: 1—The reference line is a horizontal line placed at the inferoposterior margin of the symphysis pubis; 2—vertical distance of bladder neck; 3—vertical distance of cervix; 4—vertical distance of rectal ampulla position.

Fig 1   Measurements of bladder neck position, lowest edge of cervix and rectal ampulla position by pelvic floor ultrasound in pregnant women at rest

孕妇盆底肌收缩(pelvic floor muscle contraction,PFMC)状态下使用三维超声观察肛提肌和肛门内、外括约肌完整性;四维超声测量HA、肛提肌裂孔左右径及前后径。

孕妇做瓦尔萨尔瓦动作(Valsalva maneuver,VM)最大程度时,冻结图像。使用二维超声测量膀胱颈位置、膀胱后角、尿道旋转角、膀胱颈移动度、宫颈位置、直肠壶腹部位置,以及尿道内口有无漏斗形成(图2A);再使用四维超声测量HA、肛提肌裂孔左右径及前后径(图2B)。


图2   孕妇VM状态下盆底超声图像及测量指标

Note:A. Bladder neck position, lowest edge of cervix and rectal ampulla position observed by ultrasound at VM. 1—The reference line is a horizontal line placed at the inferoposterior margin of the symphysis pubis; 2—vertical distance of bladder neck; 3—vertical distance of cervix; 4—vertical distance of rectal ampulla position. B. HA measured by 4-dimensional ultrasound at VM.

Fig 2   Ultrasonic images and measurements of pelvic floor in pregnant women at VM

1.3 统计学分析

应用SPSS 20.0软件处理数据。定量资料用x±s表示,组间比较采用独立样本t检验;定性资料用频数(百分比)表示,组间比较采用χ2检验;用一般线性回归模型校正混杂因素影响,对参数间的相关性进行分析。P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 研究对象一般资料



表1   2组孕妇的临床特征比较

Tab 1  Comparison of clinical characteristics between two groups of pregnant women

ItemCIC group (n=39)Control group (n=37)t/χ2 valueP value
Gestational age/week22.68±5.0716.11±6.56-4.2070.000
Urinary incontinence/n(%)9 (23.07)5 (13.51)1.1560.219
Funneling of internal urethral orifice/n(%)4 (10.25)0 (0)4.0060.064

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2.2 2组孕妇在静息状态下盆底结构超声测量指标的比较


表2   2组孕妇在静息状态下盆底结构超声测量指标的比较

Tab 2  Comparison of ultrasound measurements of the pelvic floor structure between two groups at rest

ItemCIC group (n=39)Control group (n=37)t valueP value
Position of bladder neck/mm27.76±3.4427.74±2.71-0.0210.983
Urethral inclination angle/(°)19.93±12.1621.37±11.880.4480.656
Cervical position/mm35.69±6.6033.26±8.91-1.1660.249
Position of ampulla of rectum/mm23.66±8.6422.04±7.33-0.7530.455
Hiatal transverse diameter/mm33.83±5.5634.07±4.080.1880.852
Hiatal anteroposterior diameter/mm51.66±7.8949.07±6.38-1.3400.186

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2.3 2组孕妇在PFMC状态下盆底结构超声测量指标的比较


表3   2组孕妇在PFMC状态下盆底结构超声测量指标的比较

Tab 3  Comparison of ultrasound measurements of the pelvic floor structure between two groups at PFMC

ItemCIC group (n=39)Control group (n=37)t valueP value
Hiatal transverse diameter/mm30.59±4.2131.22±3.780.5930.555
Hiatal anteroposterior diameter/mm44.34±6.5344.74±5.670.2410.810

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2.4 2组孕妇在VM状态下盆底结构超声测量指标的比较

在VM状态下,CIC组孕妇的HA(P=0.016)和肛提肌裂孔前后径(P=0.014)较对照组均显著增大,而膀胱颈位置、膀胱后角、尿道旋转角、膀胱颈移动度、宫颈位置、直肠壶腹部位置、肛提肌裂孔左右径与对照组之间的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05, 表4)。

表4   2组孕妇在VM状态下盆底结构超声测量指标的比较

Tab 4  Comparison of ultrasound measurements of the pelvic floor structure between two groups at VM

ItemCIC group (n=39)Control group (n=37)t valueP value
Position of bladder neck/mm15.62±5.6018.00±6.251.4490.154
Posterior angle of bladder/(°)138.48±18.17139.04±17.470.1140.910
Urethral rotation angle/(°)30.92±15.5224.38±18.33-1.3880.171
Bladder neck mobility/mm12.15±5.649.62±5.98-1.5750.122
Cervical position/mm19.92±8.8419.27±9.48-0.2570.798
Position of ampulla of rectum/mm8.35±11.2813.35±8.061.8400.072
Hiatal transverse diameter/mm37.69±4.6535.85±3.77-1.5870.119
Hiatal anteroposterior diameter/mm57.92±9.2952.19±6.93-2.5550.014

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2.5 CIC史与VM状态下HA、肛提肌裂孔前后径的相关性分析


表5   VM状态下HA的一般线性回归结果

Tab 5  General linear regression results of HA at VM

Variableβt valueP value
CIC history2.1352.1330.038
Gestational age0.0450.5670.573

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表6   VM状态下肛提肌裂孔前后径的一般线性回归结果

Tab 6  General linear regression results of hiatal anteroposterior diameter at VM

Variableβt valueP value
CIC history4.8302.0200.049
Gestational age0.2341.2490.217

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3 讨论










The study was designed by GUO Lili and SHAO Feixue. The manuscript was drafted and revised by HE Ping. Data collection and analysis were performed by LI Keting. Participant recruitment was performed by MAO Xiaoyuan, BAO Yirong and WANG Lei. All the authors have read the last version of paper and consented for submission.




All authors disclose no relevant conflict of interests.


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