上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2023, 43(4): 487-494 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.04.012



吴玉婧,, 郭茜, 刘晓华, 李冠军,

上海交通大学医学院附属精神卫生中心临床三科,上海 200030

Progress in relationship between chronotype and technology addiction and its mechanism

WU Yujing,, GUO Qian, LIU Xiaohua, LI Guanjun,

Clinical Department 3, Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200030, China

通讯作者: 李冠军,电子信箱:liguanjun66@126.com

编委: 邢宇洋

收稿日期: 2022-11-08   接受日期: 2023-02-05   网络出版日期: 2023-04-28

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金.  81971273
上海申康医院发展中心临床科技创新项目.  SHDC12019X09

Corresponding authors: LI Guanjun, E-mail:liguanjun66@126.com.

Received: 2022-11-08   Accepted: 2023-02-05   Online: 2023-04-28

作者简介 About authors

吴玉婧(1999—),女,硕士生;电子信箱:wuyj22@sjtu.edu.cn。 E-mail:wuyj22@sjtu.edu.cn



关键词: 睡眠时型 ; 技术成瘾 ; 奖赏系统 ; 人-情绪-认知-执行交互模型 ; 进化生命史理论


In the era of digitalization, the Internet has changed people's lifestyle and circadian rhythm, and has also brought the global problem of technology addiction. Many studies have shown that chronotype is significantly related to specific technology addiction (such as Internet, smartphones, video games and social media), which makes chronotype become a new perspective to explore the occurrence, development and maintenance of technology addiction. Individuals can be classified into three chronotypes: morning type (M-type), neither type (N-type) and evening type (E-type). Most studies showed that E-type was the risk factor in the onset and maintenance of problematic technology use. At present, most of the prior research focused on the relationship between chronotype and technology addiction, and there were few studies on the mechanism. Based on this situation, this paper discusses physiological factors (such as reward system), psychological factors (such as depression), individual factors (such as gender, age, personality traits and sleep patterns) and environmental factors (such as parental style), analyzes the relationship with Interaction of Person-Affect-Cognition-Execution (I-PACE) model and life history theory from the perspectives of etiology and evolution, and reviews the relationship between chronotype and technology addiction and its mechanism.

Keywords: chronotype ; technology addiction ; reword system ; Interaction of Person-Affect-Cognition-Execution model ; life history theory

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吴玉婧, 郭茜, 刘晓华, 李冠军. 睡眠时型与技术成瘾的关系及作用机制研究进展. 上海交通大学学报(医学版)[J], 2023, 43(4): 487-494 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.04.012

WU Yujing, GUO Qian, LIU Xiaohua, LI Guanjun. Progress in relationship between chronotype and technology addiction and its mechanism. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science)[J], 2023, 43(4): 487-494 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.04.012


昼夜节律是一种内源性周期波动的生命过程5,在个体表达间存在差异,这种差异被称为睡眠时型。睡眠时型一般分为3种,即清晨型、中间型和夜晚型6。清晨型个体通常在一日中偏早时间的唤醒水平更高,夜晚型个体则在下午和晚上的唤醒水平更高,中间型处于上述两种情况之间6。近年来随着电子产品的普及,其屏幕蓝光可延后个体的昼夜节律,使人群中夜晚型的比例逐年上升7。研究8显示,夜晚型的倾向与较多的技术使用相关,且使用时长、频率的增加是技术成瘾的重要预测因子。在新型冠状病毒感染流行期间,居家隔离会减少人们的身体活动和日光暴露,增加由社会隔离和工作失序带来的压力,从而影响其对时间流逝的感知。而互联网技术可以提供一个改善社交隔离、缓解焦虑的机会,因此人们在这一时期出现了睡前电子设备使用水平显著上升和昼夜节律延迟的现象9。这种改变不仅使个体的睡眠时型倾向于夜晚型,还降低了其睡眠质量,增加精神健康问题的风险。目前,尚未有关于睡眠时型和技术成瘾关系的系统总结。鉴于此,本文通过分析睡眠时型与技术成瘾间的关系,阐述可能影响其关系的生理、心理、个人和环境因素,并试图通过人-情绪-认知-执行交互(Interaction of Person-Affect-Cognition-Execution,I-PACE)模型和进化生命史理论对两者的关系进行理解,以期为降低夜晚型的技术成瘾风险提供参考。

1 睡眠时型与技术成瘾的关系


1.1 睡眠时型与网络成瘾的关系



1.2 睡眠时型与手机成瘾的关系



表 1   睡眠时型与技术成瘾关系的文献总结

Tab 1  Literature summary of the relationship between chronotype and technology addiction

Technology addictionLiterature

Basic information of subjects

(age/year; male proportion)



(when individuals are more

inclined to evening type)

Internet addictionLIN et al., 2013[14]

2 731 college students

(19.40±3.60; 52.4%)

MESYBOCS-IU↑ Compulsive Internet use
RANDLER et al., 2014[17]

616 college students

(20.81±1.97; 27.9%)

CSMIA Scale↑ Internet addiction
KANG et al., 2015[13]

325 adults

(20‒49; 48.9%)

MEQYIAS↑ Incidence of Internet addiction
OH et al., 2016[15]

2 632 college students

(19.16±0.91; 48.9%)

CSMKIAT↑ Internet addiction
XU et al., 2018[19]

3 572 college students

(freshmen and juniors; 34.5%)


↑ Internet addiction

↑ Incidence of Internet addiction

CHUNG et al., 2020[21]

765 adolescents

(15.07±1.36; 60.9%)

MESYIASNo significant difference in Internet addiction between different chronotypes
KOO et al., 2021[18]

8 565 high-school students

(16.77±0.85; 52.1%)

MEQIAPS↑ Internet addiction


et al., 2021[16]

398 college students

(20.37±2.29; 28.9%)


↑ Problematic Internet use mental disorder

↑ Problematic Internet use time management disorder

YI et al., 2021[20]

7 457 college students

[≤17 (15.1%), 18 (64.6%) and ≥19 (20.2%); 53.5%]

MEQIAT↑ Internet addiction
Social media addictionLIN et al., 2021[25]

1 791 young adults

(27.2±10.1; 30.1%)

rMEQBSMAS↑ Problematic social media use


et al., 2015[22]

633 Facebook users

(20.78±4.80; 35.9%)


FBI Scale;


↑ Intensity and frequency of Facebook usage

↑ Facebook intrusion

HORZUM et al., 2022[24]

981 college students

(20.82±2.39; 26.9%)

CSMFAS↑ Facebook addiction
Internet gaming addictionVOLLMER et al., 2014[31]

741 adolescents

(12.89±1.05; 60.2%)


↑ Computer game usage time

↑ Computer game addiction

KÜÇÜKTURAN et al., 2022[30]

922 high-school students

(16.0±1.04; 42.7%)

CSMCASfA↑ Computer game addiction
DAĞ et al., 2022[29]

109 children

(9.20±1.45; 49.5%)


↑ Computer game addiction

↑ "Can not give up playing games" subscale scores

↑ "Neglecting responsibilities because of computer games" subscale scores

Smartphone addictionTODA et al., 2015[27]

182 college students

(male: 21.70±2.60, female: 21.0±2.1; 67.0%)

MEQMPDQ↑ Smartphone dependence
RANDLER et al., 2016[36]

342 younger adolescents

(13.39±1.77; 51.5%);

208 older adolescents

(17.07±4.28; 29.8%)


SAPS for younger adolescents;

SAS-SV for older adolescents

↑ Smartphone addiction


et al., 2016[33]

902 college students

(20.42±1.90; 27.0%)

CSMMPPUS↑ Problematic mobile phone usage
RANDJELOVIC et al., 2021[35]

77 college students

(20‒22; both genders)

MEQSAS-SV↑ Problematic smartphone use
BAĞCI et al., 2022[32]

346 college students

(19.60±2.56; 32.7%)

CSMSAS-SF↑ Smartphone addiction
KANG et al., 2020[34]

Baseline: 940 college students

(19.10±0.90; 36.8%)

One-year follow-up: 902 college students

(19.10±0.90; 36.5%)


↑ Mobile phone involvement

↑ Mobile phone addiction behaviors

LI et al., 2022[37]

999 college students

(18.80±1.20; 37.7%)

MEQSQAPMPU↑ Score trajectories of problematic mobile phone use

Note: ① represents that no age or gender information was included in the original literature, so we use relevant information to supplement. ↑ represents a significant positive correlation. MEQ/MES—Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire/Scale; rMEQ—reduced Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire; CSM—Composite Scale of Morningness; CCTQ—Children's Chronotype Questionnaire; YBOCS-IU—Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale for Internet Use; IA Scale—Internet Addiction Scale; YIAS—Young's Internet Addiction Scale; IAT—Internet Addiction Test; KIAT—Korean version of the Internet Addiction Test; IAPS—Internet Addiction Proneness Scale for Youth; BSMAS—Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale; FBI Scale—Facebook Intensity Scale; FIQ—Facebook Intrusion Questionnaire; FAS—Facebook Addiction Scale; CGAS—Computer Game Addiction Scale; CASfA—Computer Game Addiction Scale for Adolescents; CASfC—Computer Game Addiction Scale for Children; MPDQ—Mobile Phone Dependence Questionnaire; SAPS—Smartphone Addiction Proneness Scale; SAS-SV—Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version; SAS-SF—Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Form; MPPUS—Mobile Phone Problem Usage Scale; MPIQ—Mobile Phone Involvement Questionnaire; SQAPMPU—Self-rating Questionnaire for Adolescent Problematic Mobile Phone Use.

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2 睡眠时型与技术成瘾关系的作用机制


2.1 生理因素


2.2 心理因素


2.3 个人因素

2.3.1 性别与年龄


2.3.2 人格特质


2.3.3 睡眠模式


2.4 环境因素


3 睡眠时型与技术成瘾关系的理论理解


3.1 夜晚型发展和维持技术成瘾的病理过程


3.2 夜晚型倾向选择技术成瘾的进化视角

进化生命史理论认为,个体分配有限资源的倾向可反映其特有的生命史策略(life history strategy,LHS)。对于成长于恶劣环境的个体而言,其对未来的预期不佳,认为长期投入的风险较大,而将未来收益折现是资源利用最大化的方式,因此该类个体强调短期效应,倾向于即时满足,称为快策略者70。从进化视角来讲,夜晚型是一种快策略的表达,这可能与人类祖先使用火向夜间环境扩张相关。黑暗带来的适应性挑战选择了那些更加冲动、偏执以及社交性较高的人,且黑暗导致的能见度降低也更利于隐藏身份,从而可降低个体抑制不良行为的可能性,增加冲动行事的风险71。因此,危险且隐秘的夜间活动所选择和塑造的夜晚型个体会更加冲动,倾向于感觉寻求,看重短期效应6。对于快策略的夜晚型个体,成瘾行为是其为了获得即时满足的选择。沉迷于技术会减少长期投资,获得更多即时的回报和享受,这对快策略个体来说具有一定的进化适应性意义。

4 总结与展望







The manuscript was drafted and revised by WU Yujing. The manuscript was guided by GUO Qian, LIU Xiaohua and LI Guanjun. All the authors have read the last version of paper and consented for submission.




All authors disclose no relevant conflict of interests.


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