上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2023, 43(4): 445-452 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.04.006

论著 · 临床研究


沈力,1,2, 黄亨烨,1, 于广军,3

1.上海交通大学公共卫生学院,上海 200025

2.上海交通大学医学院附属第六人民医院临床研究中心,上海 200233

3.上海市儿童医院,上海交通大学医学院附属儿童医院儿童精准医学工程技术研究中心,上海 200040

Current status of neurodevelopmental outcomes and its influencing factors of early-to-moderate preterm infants at corrected age of 18 months

SHEN Li,1,2, HUANG Hengye,1, YU Guangjun,3

1.Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Public Health, Shanghai 200025, China

2.Clinical Research Center, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200233, China

3.Children's Precision Medicine Engineering Technology Research Center, Shanghai Children's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200040, China

通讯作者: 黄亨烨,电子信箱:hengyehuang@sjtu.edu.cn于广军,电子信箱:gjyu@shchildren.com.cn

编委: 包玲

收稿日期: 2022-11-12   接受日期: 2023-03-14   网络出版日期: 2023-04-28

基金资助: 上海申康医院发展中心重大疾病多中心临床研究.  SHDC2020CR1047B

Corresponding authors: HUANG Hengye, E-mail:hengyehuang@sjtu.edu.cnYU Guangjun, E-mail:gjyu@shchildren.com.cn.

Received: 2022-11-12   Accepted: 2023-03-14   Online: 2023-04-28

作者简介 About authors

沈力(1995—),女,博士生;电子信箱:shenli_0510@126.com。 E-mail:shenli_0510@126.com


目的·了解出生胎龄≤34周的早中期早产儿在校正月龄18个月时的神经发育状况并分析其影响因素。方法·选取2013年1月—2020年4月在上海市儿童医院重症监护中心住院,并在出院后进行规律随访的早中期产儿作为研究对象。收集早产儿及其父母的人口学特征和临床相关资料。根据校正月龄18个月时的格塞尔发育量表(Gesell Development Schedule,GDS)结果,将早产儿分为神经发育正常组和神经发育迟缓组。比较2组在早产儿基本人口学特征、出生情况、父母亲基本人口学特征和产检情况方面的差异,采用逐步Logistic回归探讨早产儿神经发育迟缓的影响因素。结果·共调查了929例早产儿,其中男童527例(56.7%)、女童402例(43.3%),平均胎龄为(31.06±2.23)周,极早早产儿138例(14.9%)。在校正月龄18个月时,发生神经发育迟缓共147例(15.8%),在粗动作能、细动作能、言语能、应物能和应人能的异常率分别为7.4%、9.7%、17.9%、14.2%和13.7%。对神经发育迟缓组和正常组的临床特征进行比较发现,性别、是否为极早早产儿、出生体质量、分娩方式和是否发生宫内窘迫在2组间的差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。逐步Logistic回归分析的结果显示,男童(OR=1.60,95%CI 1.05~2.44,P=0.028)、剖宫产分娩(OR=1.67,95%CI 1.08~2.60,P=0.022)、极早早产儿(OR=2.20,95%CI 1.34~3.62,P=0.002)和发生宫内窘迫(OR=5.03,95%CI 2.11~11.99,P=0.000)是早中期早产儿神经发育迟缓的危险因素。结论·男童、极早早产儿、剖宫产分娩和发生宫内窘迫的早中期早产儿发生神经发育迟缓的可能性较高,应重点关注和加强这类早产儿的随访管理。

关键词: 早产儿 ; 神经发育 ; 神经发育迟缓 ; 危险因素 ; 格塞尔发育量表


Objective ·To analyze the neurodevelopmental outcomes and risk factors of early-to-moderate preterm infants with gestational age≤34 weeks at corrected age of 18 months. Methods ·The early-to-moderate preterm infants hospitalized in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Shanghai Children's Hospital from January 2013 to April 2020, and regularly followed up after discharge were included in this study. Demographic and clinically relevant data of preterm infants and their parents were collected. The infants were divided into the neurodevelopmental retardation group and the normal neurodevelopment group according to their Gesell Development Schedule (GDS) scores at corrected age of 18 months. The demographic characteristics of preterm infants, birth status, demographic characteristics of parents and prenatal examinations between the two groups were compared, and stepwise Logistic regression was used to explore the factors influencing neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants. Results ·A total of 929 preterm infants were included in the study, including 527 boys (56.7%) and 402 girls (43.3%), with a mean gestational age of (31.06±2.23) weeks and 138 (14.9%) extremely preterm infants. A total of 147 infants (15.8%) had neurodevelopmental retardation of early-to-moderate preterm infants at corrected age of 18 months, with abnormalities of 7.4%, 9.7%, 17.9%, 14.2% and 13.7% in gross motor, fine motor, language, adaptive behavior and personal-social behavior, respectively. A comparison of the clinical characteristics between the neurodevelopmental retardation group and the normal neurodevelopment group revealed statistically significant differences in terms of gender, whether the baby was an extremely preterm infant, birth weight, mode of delivery, and occurrence of intrauterine distress (all P<0.05). Stepwise Logistic regression analysis showed that boys (OR=1.60, 95%CI 1.05‒2.44, P=0.028), cesarean section (OR=1.67, 95%CI 1.08‒2.60, P=0.022), extremely preterm infants (OR=2.20, 95%CI 1.34‒3.62, P=0.002) and intrauterine distress (OR=5.03, 95%CI 2.11‒11.99, P=0.000) were the risk factors for neurodevelopmental retardation. Conclusion ·Boys, extremely preterm infants, cesarean section and intrauterine distress may increase the neurodevelopmental retardation risk of early-to-moderate preterm infants and improving follow-up management of these preterm infants should be focused on and enhanced.

Keywords: preterm infant ; neurodevelopment ; neurodevelopmental retardation ; risk factor ; Gesell Development Schedule

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沈力, 黄亨烨, 于广军. 早中期早产儿校正18月龄神经发育状况和影响因素. 上海交通大学学报(医学版)[J], 2023, 43(4): 445-452 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.04.006

SHEN Li, HUANG Hengye, YU Guangjun. Current status of neurodevelopmental outcomes and its influencing factors of early-to-moderate preterm infants at corrected age of 18 months. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science)[J], 2023, 43(4): 445-452 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2023.04.006


1 对象与方法

1.1 研究对象


1.2 资料收集


1.3 神经发育状况评估及分组

在早产儿校正月龄18个月时,采用格塞尔发育量表(Gesell Development Schedule,GDS)6进行评估,包括粗动作能、细动作能、应物能、言语能和应人能5个能区。每个能区测试结果以发育商(development quotient,DQ)表示,当DQ≥86分为发育正常,≤85分为发育异常。


1.4 相关概念的界定

本研究采用世界卫生组织(WHO)制定的儿童生长发育标准(2006年版)9,将出生体质量<1 500 g的新生儿定义为极低出生体质量儿,1 500~2 500 g为低出生体质量儿,>2 500 g为正常出生体质量儿。将胎龄≤28周的早产儿定义为极早早产儿。

1.5 统计学分析

采用R 4.0.5软件和SPSS 22.0软件进行数据处理和统计分析。使用Shapiro-Wilk法进行正态性检验。正态分布的定量资料使用x±s描述,2组间比较采用独立样本t检验;非正态分布的定量资料使用MQ1Q3)描述,2组间比较采用Mann-Whitney U检验;定性资料使用频数和百分比描述,其中二分类和无序多分类变量组间比较采用χ2检验或Fisher确切概率法,等级资料组间比较采用Mann-Whitney U检验。对所有影响因素进行单因素分析,将单因素分析中差异有统计学意义的影响因素纳入逐步Logistic回归,以有无神经发育迟缓为因变量,计算OR及95%CI。通过R语言中rms包进行列线图(nomogram)可视化输出。P<0.05表示差异具有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 早产儿基线资料


表1   神经发育正常组和迟缓组早产儿临床指标比较

Tab 1  Comparison of clinical variables of preterm infants between the normal neurodevelopment group and the neurodevelopmental retardation group

VariableTotal (n=929)Normal neurodevelopment group (n=782)Neurodevelopmental retardation group (n=147)t/z/χ2 valueP value
Boy527 (56.7)428 (54.7)99 (67.3)
Girl402 (43.3)354 (45.3)48 (32.7)
Gestational age/week31.06±2.2331.10±2.1830.81±2.461.2110.140
Extremely preterm infant/n(%)138 (14.9)107 (13.7)31 (21.1)5.3650.021
Birth weight/kg1.61 (1.32, 1.91)1.64 (1.35, 1.93)1.50 (1.24, 1.80)2.4120.016
Birth weight/n(%)3.5180.172
Normal birth weight40 (4.3)33 (4.2)7 (4.8)
Low birth weight439 (47.3)381 (48.7)58 (39.5)
Extremely low birth weight303 (32.6)248 (31.7)55 (37.4)
Missing147 (15.8)120 (15.3)27 (18.4)
Body length/cm42.0 (39.0, 44.8)42.0 (39.0, 45.0)42.0 (38.0, 44.0)1.2980.194
Delivery mode/n(%)13.2110.000
Vaginal delivery709 (76.3)614 (78.5)95 (64.6)
Cesarean delivery220 (23.7)168 (21.5)52 (35.4)
Intrauterine distress/n(%)24 (2.6)13 (1.7)11 (7.5)16.6580.000
Respiratory failure of newborn/n(%)237 (25.5)191 (24.4)46 (31.3)3.0710.080
Apnea of newborn/n(%)83 (8.9)70 (9.0)13 (8.8)0.0020.966
Pneumonia of newborn/n(%)308 (33.2)260 (33.2)48 (32.7)0.0200.888
Purulent meningitis of newborn/n(%)40 (4.3)35 (4.5)5 (3.4)0.3470.556
Hyperbilirubinemia of newborn/n(%)447 (48.1)374 (47.8)73 (49.7)0.1670.683

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2.2 早产儿父母基本资料及孕期情况


表2   神经发育正常组和迟缓组早产儿父母临床指标比较

Tab 2  Comparison of clinical variables for parents of preterm infants between the normal neurodevelopment group and the neurodevelopmental retardation group

VariableTotal (n=929)Normal neurodevelopment group (n=782)Neurodevelopmental retardation group (n=147)z/χ2 valueP value
Maternal age/year31.0 (28.0, 34.0)31.0 (28.0, 34.0)31.0 (28.0, 34.0)0.1610.872
Parental smoking/n(%)179 (19.3)145 (18.5)34 (23.1)1.6740.196
Maternal alcohol consumption/n(%)4 (0.4)4 (0.5)0 (0)0.7550.855
Father's chronic illness/n(%)33 (3.6)25 (3.2)8 (5.4)1.8210.177
Mother's chronic illness/n(%)43 (4.6)34 (4.3)9 (6.1)0.8830.347
Gestational hypertension/n(%)48 (5.2)37 (4.7)11 (7.5)1.9120.167
Gestational diabetes mellitus/n(%)95 (10.2)76 (9.7)19 (12.9)1.3860.239
Thyroid disease during pregnancy/n(%)44 (4.7)33 (4.2)11 (7.5)2.9200.087
Anemia during pregnancy/n(%)36 (3.9)27 (3.5)9 (6.1)2.3680.124
Placenta previa/n(%)15 (1.6)14 (1.8)1 (0.7)0.3880.533
Abruptio placentae/n(%)9 (1.0)9 (1.2)0 (0)0.7190.396
Abnormal fetal position/n(%)5 (0.5)5 (0.6)0 (0)0.1280.721
Number of prenatal tests≥8/n(%)363 (39.1)307 (39.3)56 (38.1)0.0700.791
Tertiary hospital maternity examination/n(%)401 (43.2)331 (42.3)70 (47.6)1.4120.235

Note:In the past year.

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2.3 早产儿神经发育状况


表3   早产儿GDS各能区异常情况比较

Tab 3  Comparison of abnormality rates by GDS scores in preterm infants

AbnormalityTotal (n=929)Normal neurodevelopment group (n=782)Neurodevelopmental retardation group (n=147)χ2 valueP value
Gross motor/n(%)69 (7.4)20 (2.6)49 (33.3)170.4550.000
Fine motor/n(%)90 (9.7)19 (2.4)71 (48.3)297.5680.000
Language/n(%)166 (17.9)80 (10.2)86 (58.5)196.4810.000
Adaptive behavior/n(%)132 (14.2)33 (4.2)99 (67.3)404.5180.000
Personal-social behavior/n(%)127 (13.7)31 (4.0)96 (65.3)394.5270.000

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2.4 早产儿神经发育迟缓危险因素分析


表4   早产儿神经发育迟缓的逐步Logistic回归

Tab 4  Stepwise Logistic regression analysis of neurodevelopmental retardation in preterm infants

VariableBSEP valueOR (95%CI)
Boys0.470.210.0281.60 (1.05-2.44)
Cesarean section0.520.230.0221.67 (1.08-2.60)
Extremely preterm infants0.790.250.0022.20 (1.34-3.62)
Intrauterine distress1.620.440.0005.03 (2.11-11.99)

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2.5 列线图的建立与验证



图1   早产儿在校正月龄18个月时发生神经发育迟缓概率的列线图

Fig 1   Nomogram for predicting neurodevelopment retardation in preterm infants at corrected age of 18 months

3 讨论











SHEN Li performed the statistical analysis and drafted the manuscript. HUANG Hengye and YU Guangjun were responsible for the study design and revised the manuscript. All the authors have read the last version of paper and consented for submission.




All authors disclose no relevant conflict of interests.


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