上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2024, 44(5): 617-625 doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2024.05.010

论著 · 公共卫生


李萍,1,2, 蒋惠如2, 叶梦月3, 王雅玉1,2, 陈潇雨4, 袁安彩2, 徐文杰5, 戴慧敏6, 陈曦7, 闫小响8, 涂圣贤2, 郑元琦7, 张薇,2,9, 卜军,2

1.蚌埠医科大学公共卫生学院,蚌埠 233030

2.上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院心内科,上海 200127

3.浙江省宁波市杭州湾医院体检中心,宁波 315336

4.上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院临床研究中心,上海 200127

5.上海市浦东新区合庆社区卫生服务中心中医科,上海 201201

6.上海市浦东新区潍坊社区卫生服务中心全科医学科,上海 200122

7.福建省三明市第一医院心内科,三明 365000

8.上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院心内科,上海 200025

9.上海市肿瘤研究所流行病学研究室,上海 200032

Analysis of epidemiological characteristics of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumors based on the Shanghai community elderly cohort

LI Ping,1,2, JIANG Huiru2, YE Mengyue3, WANG Yayu1,2, CHEN Xiaoyu4, YUAN Ancai2, XU Wenjie5, DAI Huimin6, CHEN Xi7, YAN Xiaoxiang8, TU Shengxian2, ZHENG Yuanqi7, ZHANG Wei,2,9, PU Jun,2

1.School of Public Health, Bengbu Medical University, Bengbu 233030, China

2.Department of Cardiology, Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200127, China

3.Physical Examination Center, Ningbo Hangzhou Bay Hospital, Zhejiang Province, Ningbo 315336, China

4.Center for Clinical Investigation, Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200127, China

5.Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Heqing Community Health Service Center of Pudong New Area, Shanghai 201201, China

6.Department of General Practice, Weifang Community Health Service Center of Pudong New Area, Shanghai 200122, China

7.Department of Cardiology, Sanming First Hospital, Fujian Province, Sanming 365000, China

8.Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China

9.Department of Epidemiology, Shanghai Cancer Institute, Shanghai 200032, China.

通讯作者: 张 薇,电子信箱:zhangwei050080@renji.com卜 军,电子信箱:punjun310@hotmail.com

编委: 邢宇洋

收稿日期: 2023-09-27   接受日期: 2024-03-01   网络出版日期: 2024-05-28

基金资助: 上海市专业技术服务平台建设项目.  22DZ2292400
上海市卫生健康委员会新兴交叉领域研究专项.  2022JC013
上海市卫生健康委员会重中之重研究中心项目.  2023ZZ02021
上海市卫生健康委员会临床重点专科建设项目.  SHSLCZDZK06204
上海市加强公共卫生体系建设三年行动计划(2023—2025年)重点学科建设项目.  GWVI-11.1-26
上海交通大学医学院高水平地方高校创新团队.  SHSMU-ZDCX-2021-0700
浦东新区卫生健康委员会卫生科技项目.  PW2023E-02
浦东新区卫生系统学科带头人培养计划.  PWRd2022-06
浦东新区卫生健康委员会学科建设.  PWYq2020-03
三明市科技计划联合资助项目.  2022-S-56

Corresponding authors: ZHANG Wei, E-mail:zhangwei050080@renji.comPU Jun, E-mail:punjun310@hotmail.com.

Received: 2023-09-27   Accepted: 2024-03-01   Online: 2024-05-28

作者简介 About authors

李 萍(1998—),女,硕士生;电子信箱:lp239600@163.com。 E-mail:lp239600@163.com


目的·基于上海社区老年人群队列,分析心血管疾病和恶性肿瘤的危险因素流行特征。方法·选择2019年2—8月建立的上海社区老年人群队列(17 948人)为研究对象。根据基线调查时自我报告的有无肿瘤和/或心血管疾病将其分为4组,即无肿瘤无心血管疾病组、心血管疾病单患组、肿瘤单患组和肿瘤心血管疾病共患组。收集并比较4组受试者在人口学特征与生理指标、日常生活习惯(吸烟、饮茶、饮用咖啡、饮用碳酸饮料、饮酒、久坐时长、体力活动水平、睡眠质量)、既往疾病史、心理状况(抑郁、焦虑)、膳食达标情况等方面的差异。结果·研究对象中,有60.1%的肿瘤患者合并心血管疾病。4组受试者在年龄、性别、教育水平、退休前职业、腰围、臀围和体质量指数间差异具有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。与无肿瘤无心血管疾病组相比,心血管疾病单患组、肿瘤单患组、肿瘤心血管疾病共患组患者在吸烟、高体力活动水平的比例较低(均P<0.05),久坐时长>4 h/d、睡眠质量差的比例较高(均P<0.05);心血管疾病单患组、肿瘤心血管疾病共患组患者合并高脂血症、外周血管疾病、内分泌系统疾病、呼吸系统疾病、泌尿系统疾病、消化系统疾病的比例较高(均P<0.05),抑郁、焦虑比例亦较高(均P<0.05)。同时,与无肿瘤无心血管疾病组相比,心血管疾病单患组患者在禽肉类、鱼类、水果和液态奶的达标率较低(均P<0.05)。4组中仅蔬菜摄入量的达标率均超过了50%,禽肉类、鱼类、水果、液态奶、薯类的达标率均低于20%。结论·上海社区老年人群中,超过一半的恶性肿瘤患者合并有心血管疾病。心血管疾病、肿瘤以及肿瘤心血管疾病共患的人群普遍存在不健康的日常生活习惯。社区老年人群多种食物的摄入量未达《中国居民膳食指南》推荐水平。

关键词: 恶性肿瘤 ; 心血管疾病 ; 危险因素 ; 流行特征 ; 队列


Objective ·To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumors based on the Shanghai community elderly cohort. Methods ·The study subjects were selected from the Shanghai community elderly cohort established from February to August 2019, with a total of 17 948 people. The study subjects were divided into 4 groups according to self-reported presence or absence of tumors and/or cardiovascular diseases during the baseline survey: tumor-free and non-cardiovascular disease group, single cardiovascular disease group, single tumor group and tumor cardiovascular disease co-occurrence group. The differences among the four groups of subjects were collected and compared in terms of demographic characteristics and physiological indicators, daily living habits (smoking, drinking tea, drinking coffee, drinking carbonated drink, drinking alcohol, sedentary time, physical activity level and sleep quality), past medical history, psychological status (depression and anxiety) and dietary compliance. Results ·Among the study subjects, 60.1% of tumor patients were complicated with cardiovascular diseases. The differences among the four groups of subjects in age, gender, educational level, pre-retirement occupation, waist circumference, hip circumference and body mass index were statistically significant (all P<0.05). Compared with the tumor-free and non-cardiovascular disease group, the single cardiovascular disease group, single tumor group and tumor cardiovascular disease co-occurrence group all exhibited lower proportions of smoking and high physical activity levels (all P<0.05), and higher proportion of sedentary time exceeding 4 h/d and poor sleep quality (all P<0.05); the proportion of subjects with past medical histories including hyperlipidemia, peripheral vascular disease, endocrine system disease, respiratory system disease, urinary system disease and digestive system disease of the single cardiovascular disease group and the tumor cardiovascular disease co-occurrence group was higher (all P<0.05), and the proportion of subjects with depression and anxiety was also higher (all P<0.05). Furthermore, compared with the tumor-free and non-cardiovascular disease group, the single cardiovascular disease group had lower compliance rates of poultry, fish, fruit and liquid milk (all P<0.05). Among the four groups, only the compliance rate of vegetable intake exceeded 50%, while the compliance rates of poultry, fish, fruit, liquid milk and tubers were all below 20%. Conclusion ·In the elderly population of Shanghai communities, over half of malignant tumor patients are concomitant with cardiovascular diseases. Unhealthy daily habits are prevalent among those with cardiovascular diseases, tumors and tumor-cardiovascular disease co-occurrence. The intake of many foods in the elderly of the community do not reach the levels recommended by Chinese Dietary Guidelines.

Keywords: malignant tumor ; cardiovascular disease ; risk factor ; epidemiological characteristics ; cohort

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李萍, 蒋惠如, 叶梦月, 王雅玉, 陈潇雨, 袁安彩, 徐文杰, 戴慧敏, 陈曦, 闫小响, 涂圣贤, 郑元琦, 张薇, 卜军. 基于上海社区老年人群队列的心血管疾病和恶性肿瘤的危险因素流行特征分析. 上海交通大学学报(医学版)[J], 2024, 44(5): 617-625 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2024.05.010

LI Ping, JIANG Huiru, YE Mengyue, WANG Yayu, CHEN Xiaoyu, YUAN Ancai, XU Wenjie, DAI Huimin, CHEN Xi, YAN Xiaoxiang, TU Shengxian, ZHENG Yuanqi, ZHANG Wei, PU Jun. Analysis of epidemiological characteristics of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumors based on the Shanghai community elderly cohort. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science)[J], 2024, 44(5): 617-625 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2024.05.010

目前,心血管疾病(cardiovascular disease,CVD)和恶性肿瘤是全球范围内的两大主要死亡原因1-2。世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)最新的数据显示,每年约有1 790万人死于CVD、930万人死于癌症3。该两类疾病的高死亡率给社会带来了极大的经济负担,且已成为当前亟待解决的公共卫生领域问题之一1-3

尽管CVD和恶性肿瘤是两种独立的疾病,但二者具有潜在的相互作用和相似之处,这使得CVD与肿瘤共病的现象越来越常见4。随着肿瘤早期筛查、诊断及治疗技术的不断发展,肿瘤患者的生存期得以延长,同时因肿瘤治疗手段导致的CVD并发症也有所增加5。一项基于社区动脉粥样硬化风险(atherosclerosis risk in communities study,ARIC)的前瞻性研究6发现,成人癌症幸存者患CVD的风险较未患癌症者增加了37%。同时,CVD患者罹患癌症的风险也会增加。意大利的一项研究7表明,与未患心力衰竭者相比,心力衰竭患者的癌症发病率和死亡率均较高;而动脉粥样硬化性心血管疾病患者相较于无心血管疾病者,其罹患癌症的风险增加了20%8


1 对象与方法

1.1 研究对象及其分组

本研究的对象为2019年2—8月建立的上海社区老年人群队列的全部成员,共计17 948例。该队列研究的具体设计详见文献[9]。根据基线调查时研究对象自我报告的CVD及肿瘤患病情况,将其分为无肿瘤无心血管疾病组、心血管疾病单患组、肿瘤单患组、肿瘤心血管疾病共患组共4组。其中,CVD包括高血压、冠心病(包括心绞痛、心肌梗死、心律失常、缺血性心肌病型)、脑卒中(包括出血性脑卒中、缺血性脑卒中、蛛网膜下腔出血、短暂性脑缺血发作)、心房颤动和心力衰竭。

1.2 资料收集及分析

1.2.1 人口学特征与生理指标

收集受试者的人口学特征与生理指标。其中,前者包括年龄、性别、教育水平、退休前职业;后者由社区卫生服务中心的医师测量获得,包括身高、体质量、腰围、臀围。根据《基层心血管病综合管理实践指南2020》10,将男性腰围≥90 cm、女性腰围≥85 cm定义为中心性肥胖。

1.2.2 日常生活习惯

收集受试者的日常生活习惯,包括吸烟、饮茶、饮用咖啡、饮用碳酸饮料、饮酒、久坐时长、体力活动水平、睡眠质量。其中,吸烟定义为每日至少1支,饮茶为每周至少3次,饮用咖啡、饮用碳酸饮料为每周至少1杯,饮酒为每周至少1次,且上述指标均需连续6个月以上;根据国际体力活动问卷(International Physical Activity Questionnaire,IPAQ)收集受试者久坐时长和体力活动水平,且后者被义为低、中、高共3个水平;使用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index,PSQI)量表收集受试者的睡眠信息,根据“近1个月,总的来说,您认为自己的睡眠质量如何”将睡眠质量定义为好、差共2个水平。

1.2.3 既往疾病史


1.2.4 心理状况

分别使用患者健康问卷-9(Patient Health Questionnaire-9,PHQ-9)和7项广泛性焦虑障碍量表(Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item,GAD-7)收集受试者的心理状况(抑郁、焦虑)并进行评估。PHQ-9量表总分为0~27分,GAD-7量表总分为0~21分。在本研究中,我们将PHQ-9评分在0~4分定义为无抑郁症状、5~27分定义有抑郁症状;将GAD-7评分在0~4分定义为无焦虑症状、5~21分定义为有焦虑症状。

1.2.5 膳食达标情况

采用膳食频率调查表收集受试者的蔬菜、禽肉类、鱼类、水果、液态奶、薯类摄入情况。基于《中国居民膳食指南(2022)》11,各类膳食的推荐摄入量标准如下:蔬菜摄入量≥300 g/d、禽肉类摄入量300~500 g/周、鱼类摄入量300~500 g/周、水果摄入量200~350 g/d、液态奶摄入量≥300 g/d、薯类摄入量50~100 g/d,满足上述标准则定义为膳食摄入量达标。

1.3 统计学方法

使用SPSS 27.0软件对数据进行统计分析。定量资料采用x±s表示,组间比较采用方差分析(ANOVA);定性资料用n(%)表示,组间比较采用χ2检验或Fisher精确检验(当任意1组理论频数小于5时使用)。所有统计学检验均采用双侧检验,P<0.05表示差异具有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 上海社区老年人群的人口学特征与生理指标分析

在17 948例受试者中,根据其自我报告显示,1 203人(占6.7%)患有肿瘤,11 246人(占62.7%)患有CVD,且有60.1%的肿瘤患者合并有CVD。对4组受试者的人口学特征与生理指标进行分析,结果(表1)显示,年龄、性别、教育水平、退休前职业、腰围、臀围和体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)的组间差异具有统计学意义(均P<0.05);其中,与无肿瘤无心血管疾病组相比,肿瘤心血管疾病共患组患者的年龄、臀围、BMI较大,且女性、教育水平在小学及以下、退休前职业为科技人员/医务人员/教师、中心性肥胖的比例较高(均P<0.05)。

表1   上海社区老年人群的人口学特征与生理指标分析

Tab 1  Analysis of demographic characteristics and physiological indicators of Shanghai community elderly cohort


Tumor-free and non-cardiovascular disease group

(n=6 222)

Single cardiovascular disease group

(n=10 523)

Single tumor group


Tumor cardiovascular disease co-occurrence group


F/χ2 value



Male2 898 (46.6)4 880 (46.4)230 (47.9)260 (36.0)
Female3 324 (53.4)5 643 (53.6)250 (52.1)463 (64.0)
Educational level/n(%)126.1120.000
Primary school and below1 840 (29.6)3 931 (37.4)137 (28.5)265 (36.7)
Middle school/high school4 030 (64.8)6 076 (57.7)305 (63.5)405 (56.0)
College and above352 (5.7)516 (4.9)38 (7.9)53 (7.3)
Pre-retirement occupation/n(%)31.4850.008
Worker2 095 (33.7)3 352 (31.9)183 (38.1)233 (32.2)
Farmer3 364 (54.1)5 904 (56.1)230 (47.9)384 (53.1)
Technology professional/medical professional/teacher275 (4.4)434 (4.1)28 (5.8)47 (6.5)
Administrative staff322 (5.2)564 (5.4)26 (5.4)44 (6.1)
Individual business enterprise91 (1.5)143 (1.4)9 (1.9)9 (1.2)
Others75 (1.2)123 (1.2)4 (0.8)6 (0.8)
Waist circumference/n(%)520.2790.000
Normal4 356 (76.0)5 814 (58.9)343 (79.6)381 (57.7)
Central obesity1 378 (24.0)4 053 (41.1)88 (20.4)279 (42.3)
Hip circumference/cm91.4±6.693.8±7.190.9±6.793.9±7.3165.2090.000

Note:The missing values are not included in the analysis, and the percentages listed in the table are valid percentages that do not include missing values. P<0.05, compared with the tumor-free and non-cardiovascular disease group.

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2.2 上海社区老年人群的日常生活习惯分析


表2   上海社区老年人群的日常生活习惯分析

Tab 2  Analysis of daily living habits of Shanghai community elderly cohort

Daily living habitTumor-free and non-cardiovascular disease group (n=6 222)

Single cardiovascular disease group

(n=10 523)

Single tumor group (n=480)Tumor cardiovascular disease co-occurrence group (n=723)χ2 valueP value
No4 576 (73.5)8 140 (77.4)417 (86.9)646 (89.4)
Yes1 646 (26.5)2 380 (22.6)63 (13.1)77 (10.6)
Drinking tea/n(%)12.5170.006
No4 578 (73.6)7 824 (74.4)378 (78.8)566 (78.3)
Yes1 641 (26.4)2 695 (25.6)102 (21.2)157 (21.7)
Drinking coffee/n(%)1.0170.797
No5 809 (93.4)9 853 (93.7)444 (92.7)677 (93.6)
Yes411 (6.6)668 (6.3)35 (7.3)46 (6.4)
Drinking carbonated drink/n(%)8.4070.033
No6 180 (99.4)10 453 (99.4)470 (98.1) 717 (99.3)
Yes39 (0.6)67 (0.6)9 (1.9) 5 (0.7)
Drinking alcohol/n(%)1.1430.767
No5 195 (83.5)8 767 (83.3)397 (82.7)593 (82.0)
Yes1 027 (16.5)1 756 (16.7)83 (17.3)130 (18.0)
Sedentary time/n(%)69.6730.000
≤2 h/d3 392 (54.6)5 230 (49.8) 238 (49.7)317 (43.9)
3‒4 h/d2 255 (36.3)4 060 (38.6) 184 (38.4)296 (41.0)
>4 h/d562 (9.1)1 216 (11.6) 57 (11.9)109 (15.1)
Physical activity level/n(%)46.6500.000
Low level300 (4.8)618 (5.9)29 (6.0)64 (8.9)
Middle level1 973 (31.7)3 592 (34.1)176 (36.7)265 (36.7)
High level3949 (63.5)6 313 (60.0)275 (57.3)394 (54.5)
Sleep quality/n(%)27.7360.000
Good5 172 (83.3)8 495 (80.9)381 (79.5)553 (76.8)
Poor1 038 (16.7)2 011 (19.1)98 (20.5)167 (23.2)

Note:The missing values are not included in the analysis, and the percentages listed in the table are valid percentages that do not include missing values. P<0.05, compared with the tumor-free and non-cardiovascular disease group.

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长、体力活动水平和睡眠质量的组间差异具有统计学意义(均P<0.05);其中,与无肿瘤无心血管疾病组相比,心血管疾病单患组、肿瘤单患组及肿瘤心血管疾病共患组患者的吸烟、高体力活动水平的比例较低(均P<0.05);久坐时长>4 h/d、睡眠质量差的比例较高(均P<0.05)。

2.3 上海社区老年人群的既往疾病史及心理状况分析


表3   上海社区老年人群的既往疾病史及心理状况分析

Tab 3  Analysis of past medical histories and psychological status of Shanghai community elderly cohort

ItemTumor-free and non-cardiovascular disease group (n=6 222)

Single cardiovascular disease group

(n=10 523)

Single tumor group (n=480)Tumor cardiovascular disease co-occurrence group (n=723)χ2 valueP value
No5 838 (93.8)9 042 (85.9)443 (92.3)600 (83.0)
Yes384 (6.2)1 481 (14.1)37 (7.7)123 (17.0)
Peripheral vascular disease/n(%)69.9690.000
No6 139 (98.8)10 181 (96.8)472 (98.7)697 (96.5)
Yes74 (1.2)333 (3.2)6 (1.3)25 (3.5)
Endocrine system disease/n(%)490.8890.000
No5 160 (83.2)7 282 (69.3)397 (82.9)430 (59.5)
Yes1 045 (16.8)3 226 (30.7)82 (17.1)293 (40.5)
Respiratory system disease/n(%)25.0460.000
No5 876 (94.7)9 862 (93.9)445 (93.1)651 (90.2)
Yes329 (5.3)639 (6.1)33 (6.9)71 (9.8)
Urinary system disease/n(%)34.0500.000
No5 980 (96.4)9 940 (94.6)455 (95.2)671 (93.1)
Yes225 (3.6)568 (5.4)23 (4.8)50 (6.9)
Digestive system disease/n(%)81.6990.000
No4 778 (77.1)7 478 (71.2)358 (75.1)485 (67.4)
Yes1 421 (22.9)3 021 (28.8)119 (24.9)235 (32.6)
Depression symptom/n(%)40.6600.000
No6 025 (96.8)10 024 (95.3)459 (95.6)670 (92.7)
Yes197 (3.2)499 (4.7)21 (4.4)53 (7.3)
Anxiety symptom/n(%)27.2240.000
No6 106 (98.1)10 196 (96.9)465 (96.9)695 (96.1)
Yes116 (1.9)327 (3.1)15 (3.1)28 (3.9)

Note:The missing values are not included in the analysis, and the percentages listed in the table are valid percentages that do not include missing values. P<0.05, compared with the tumor-free and non-cardiovascular disease group.

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2.4 上海社区老年人群的膳食达标情况分析


表4   上海社区老年人群的膳食达标情况分析

Tab 4  Analysis of dietary compliance status of Shanghai community elderly cohort

Dietary compliance statusTumor-free and non-cardiovascular disease group (n=6 222)

Single cardiovascular disease group

(n=10 523)

Single tumor group (n=480)Tumor cardiovascular disease co-occurrence group (n=723)χ2 valueP value
Vegetable intake/n(%)6.8810.076
<300 g/d1 906 (31.4)3 042 (29.7)149 (32.2)205 (29.1)
≥300 g/d4 156 (68.6)7 208 (70.3)314 (67.8)500 (70.9)
Poultry intake/n(%)23.6150.005
0 g/week121 (2.0)199 (1.9)10 (2.1)17 (2.4)
<300 g/week4 578 (74.9)8 046 (77.7)357 (76.1)540 (75.8)
300‒500 g/week946 (15.5)1 468 (14.2)73 (15.6)111 (15.6)
>500 g/week470 (7.7)639 (6.2)29 (6.2)44 (6.2)
Fish intake/n(%)28.4260.000
0 g/week147 (2.4)288 (2.8)20 (4.3)14 (2.0)
<300 g/week4 985 (81.7)8 615 (83.4)392 (83.6)606 (85.6)
300‒500 g/week692 (11.3)1 050 (10.2)45 (9.6)67 (9.5)
>500 g/week279 (4.6)378 (3.7)12 (2.6)21 (3.0)
Fruit intake/n(%)0.0000.000
0 g/d585 (9.6)1 155 (11.2)29 (6.2)55 (7.8)
<200 g/d5 135 (84.3)8 625 (83.6)397 (84.8)613 (86.7)
200‒350 g/d340 (5.6)477 (4.6)38 (8.1)33 (4.7)
>350 g/d33 (0.5)59 (0.6)4 (0.9)6 (0.8)
Liquid milk intake/n(%)28.2350.000
0 g/d2 197 (36.0)4 096 (39.5)181 (38.3)242 (34.1)
<300 g/d3 618 (59.2)5 854 (56.5)269 (57.0)436 (61.4)
≥300 g/d294 (4.8)418 (4.0)22 (4.7)32 (4.5)
Tubers intake/n(%)0.0000.000
0 g/d1 019 (16.7)1 891 (18.3)69 (14.7)116 (16.3)
<50 g/d4 914 (80.6)8 212 (79.4)385 (82.1)575 (80.9)
50‒100 g/d141 (2.3)204 (2.0)14 (3.0)16 (2.3)
>100 g/d25 (0.4)30 (0.3)1 (0.2)4 (0.6)

Note:The missing values are not included in the analysis, and the percentages listed in the table are valid percentages that do not include missing values. P<0.05, compared with the tumor-free and non-cardiovascular disease group.

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3 讨论

本研究基于上海社区老年人群队列的基线调查数据,从人口学特征与生理指标、日常生活习惯、既往疾病史、心理状况、膳食达标情况等多方面分析CVD和恶性肿瘤的危险因素的流行特征之间的差异。结果显示:① 研究对象中有60.1%的肿瘤患者合并CVD。② 心血管疾病、肿瘤和肿瘤心血管疾病共患的人群普遍存在不健康的日常生活习惯。心血管疾病单患组、肿瘤心血管疾病共患组患者中抑郁、焦虑的比例较高。③ 与无肿瘤无心血管疾病组相比,心血管疾病单患组患者在禽肉类、鱼类、水果和液态奶的达标率均较低。


一项针对中老年男性吸烟与CVD风险的研究16发现,吸烟指数≥40包年的当前吸烟者较从不吸烟者发生CVD的风险增加49%。一项纳入128 423名癌症患者的研究17发现,有10.9%的患者在罹患癌症后继续吸烟,而39.5%的患者在罹患癌症后戒烟;相较于不吸烟者,仍吸烟的癌症患者预期寿命缩短了5.9年,而已戒烟的癌症患者预期寿命缩短了3.7年。在本研究中,肿瘤单患组、心血管疾病单患组、肿瘤心血管疾病共患组患者的吸烟比例均低于无肿瘤无心血管疾病组,这可能与上述人群在罹患疾病后意识到吸烟的危害性从而戒烟有关。因此,在制定预防策略时,相关部门应特别针对吸烟人群,重点强调戒烟对健康的积极作用。此外,本研究还发现,与无肿瘤无心血管疾病组相比,肿瘤心血管疾病共患组患者久坐时长>4 h/d、睡眠质量差的比例高,高体力活动水平的比例较低,与既往研究一致18;该研究发现,久坐时长>6 h/d与缺血性心脏病、糖尿病等多种慢性疾病的高风险相关。一项探究身体活动与睡眠质量联合作用的研究19发现,与高强度体力活动且睡眠质量好的参与者相比,无中至高强度的体力活动且睡眠质量差的参与者发生全因死亡、总CVD和总癌症死亡的风险分别增加了57%、67%和45%。








The research design was conducted by YAN Xiaoxiang, TU Shengxian, ZHANG Wei and PU Jun. Data collection and collation were conducted by JIANG Huiru, YE Mengyue, WANG Yayu, CHENG Xiaoyu, YUAN Ancai, XU Wenjie, DAI Huimin, CHEN Xi and ZHENG Yuanqi. Data analysis and manuscript writing were performed by LI Ping. The manuscript was revised by LI Ping, CHEN Xi, ZHENG Yuanqi, ZHANG Wei and PU Jun. All the authors have read the last version of paper and consented for submission.




All authors disclose no relevant conflict of interests.


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