›› 2010, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (8): 902-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2010.08.008

• 论著(预防医学) • 上一篇    下一篇


汤 葳, 万欢英   

  1. 上海交通大学 |医学院瑞金医院呼吸科 上海肺科学会哮喘组 上海哮喘联盟, 上海 200025
  • 出版日期:2010-08-25 发布日期:2010-08-27
  • 作者简介:汤 葳(1974—), 女, 副主任医师, 博士;电子信箱: tina_tangwei@163.com。

Longitudinal comparison of disease recognition in patients with asthma in Shanghai

TANG Wei, WAN Huan-ying   

  1. Department of Respirology, Ruijin Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai Medical Association Asthma Group, Shanghai Asthma Alliance, Shanghai 200025, China
  • Online:2010-08-25 Published:2010-08-27


目的 评价上海地区支气管哮喘(又称哮喘)患者对于自身疾病的认知程度是否随哮喘知识的推广有所提高。方法 对2008年度在上海市12个区18家医院就诊的530例哮喘患者进行问卷调查,问卷内容包含三部分:对哮喘炎症本质的认识、哮喘的诊断和自我检测以及哮喘的治疗常识,并与2004年度相同区域198例哮喘患者同一问卷的调查结果进行比较。结果 回收有效问卷519份(97.9%)。2004年度,64.1%的哮喘患者认识到哮喘是非细菌引起的炎症,发作时不必用抗生素治疗,但2008年度认识正确的患者比例下降至48.5%(P<0.05);2008年度在二、三级医院就诊的患者认识正确的比例也均低于2004年度(P<0.05)。2008年度,知道哮喘诊断必须包括肺功能检测的患者比例较2004年度上升,分别为71.4%和56.1%(P<0.05);且在二、三级医院就诊的患者认识正确的比例也均上升(P<0.05)。2008年度峰流速仪的使用率(39.5%)和认为需定期随访的患者比例(84.2%)均高于2004年度(分别为22.2%和 62.2%)(均P<0.05)。2004年和2008年度中,均有超过70%的患者对哮喘的治疗药物和给药途径有正确认识。2008年度,能够正确将定量吸入气雾剂吸入步骤进行排序的患者比例(27.6%)与2004年度(24.8%)比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 上海地区哮喘患者对疾病认知程度有一定提高;但在二级医院等基层单位,患者对于哮喘的认知以及对患者进行吸入方法教育等方面还需加强。

关键词: 哮喘, 疾病认知, 问卷调查, 上海


Objective To investigate the disease recognition with popularization of knowledge of asthma in patients with asthma in Shanghai. Methods Five hundred and thirty patients with asthma treated in 18 hospitals of 12 districts in Shanghai in 2008 were surveyed with questionnaires, which were concerned with knowledge of asthma inflammation property, asthma diagnosis and monitoring and asthma treatment. The results of survey were compared with findings from 198 patients with asthma treated in the same districts in Shanghai in 2004 surveyed with the same questionnaires. Results A total of 519 effective questionnaires were recovered, with the recovery rate of 97.9%.The percent of patients in 2008 who realized that the chronic inflammation of asthma was not caused by bacterial infection and antibiotics were not needed in the treatment of asthma  was significantly lower than that in 2004 (48.5% vs 64.1%, P<0.05), and the situations were same for those treated either in secondary or tertiary hospitals (P<0.05).  The percent of patients in 2008 who recognized that lung function test should be included in the diagnosis of asthma was significantly higher than that in 2004 (71.4% vs 56.1%, P<0.05), and the situations were same for those treated either in secondary or tertiary hospitals (P<0.05). The percents of patients in 2008 who used peak flow meter for asthma monitoring and who were for routine follow up were significantly higher than those in 2004 (39.5% vs 22.2%, P<0.05; 84.2% vs 62.2%, P<0.05). The majority of patients had a good understanding of drug types and ways of drug delivery in treatment of asthma both in 2008 and 2004. There was no significant difference in the percent of patients who mastered procedures of metered dose inhaling between 2008 and 2004(27.6% vs 24.8%, P>0.05). Conclusion Asthma education has improved disease recognition in patients with asthma in Shanghai in recent years. However, there is still much room for improvement for patients treated in secondary hospitals.

Key words: asthma, disease recognition, questionnaire, Shanghai