›› 2010, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (9): 1062-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2010.09.011

• 专题报道(影像医学与核医学) • 上一篇    下一篇


白佳媛, 何之彦, 董佳妮, 姚戈虹, 陈海曦, 李康安   

  1. 上海交通大学附属第一人民医院放射科, 上海 200080
  • 出版日期:2010-09-25 发布日期:2010-09-27
  • 通讯作者: 何之彦, 电子信箱: zhiyan85@hotmail.com。
  • 作者简介:白佳媛(1985—), 女, 硕士生;电子信箱: xiaobai2004110@yahoo.com.cn。

Correlation of pain experience during mammography with factors of breast density and breast compressed thickness

BAI Jia-yuan, HE Zhi-yan, DONG Jia-ni, YAO Ge-hong, CHEN Hai-xi, LI Kang-an   

  1. Department of Radiology, The First People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200080, |China
  • Online:2010-09-25 Published:2010-09-27


目的 探讨女性乳腺X线检查过程中疼痛的发生率及其与乳腺密度、厚度等因素的相关性。方法 分别由4名女技师(A~D)对上海市163名女性体检者进行常规乳腺摄影,检查后向受检者发放一份包含检查过程中疼痛程度、乳腺密度和厚度等21项问题的调查问卷,并对上述资料进行统计学分析。结果 65.6%受检者在检查过程中感觉疼痛,其中轻、中、重度疼痛分别占53.3%、33.6%和13.1%。中重度疼痛组中,乳腺密度>50%者占24.0%。不同疼痛等级间头尾位(CC)乳腺厚度差异有统计学意义(χ2=211.184,P<0.001);并且随着乳腺厚度的增加,疼痛程度也呈现递增趋势。4名女技师(A~D)摄片时所致疼痛差异有统计学意义(χ2=24.867,P=0.015)。结论 乳腺X线检查过程中疼痛的发生率较高,会影响女性定期乳腺体检及乳腺癌的筛查。乳腺密度是检查过程中疼痛发生的一个提示因素。对一些乳腺较敏感的检查者可以通过控制压迫程度来减轻疼痛;改善技师的态度以及定期对技师进行培训也是减轻疼痛切实可行的方法。

关键词: 乳腺摄影, 乳腺密度, 乳腺厚度, 疼痛


Objective To investigate the prevalence of pain experience during mammography, and explore its correlation with factors of breast density and breast compressed thickness. Methods One hundred and sixty-three women were performed X-ray mammography by 4 radiographers in Shanghai for the purpose of general physical examinations, and each woman was surveyed with a 21-item questionnaire immediately after examination, which included questions about pain intensity, breast density and breast compressed thickness during mammography. The obtained data were statistically analysed. Results Pain experience was reported in 65.6% of women, with the percents of women with mild, moderate and severe pain experience of 53.3%, 33.6% and 13.1%, respectively. In moderate to severe pain group, the percent of breast density greater than 50% was 24.0%. There were significant differences in breast compressed thickness of cranio-caudal view among different levels of pain (χ2=211.184,P<0.001). With the increase of breast compressed thickness, pain intensity also showed an increasing trend. There were significant differences among the pain levels caused by 4 radiographers during mammography (χ2=24.867,P=0.015). Conclusion There is a higher prevalence of pain experience associated with mammography, which may deter women from regular mammography examinations and breast cancer screening. The factor of breast density can predict a painful mammographic experience. Controlling over breast compression is acceptable in women whose breasts are particularly sensitive. Besides, attitude improvement and regular training for radiographers are favourable measures to reduce the pain experience during mammography.

Key words: mammography, breast density, breast compressed thickness, pain