›› 2011, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (8): 1216-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2011.08.038

• 经验交流 • 上一篇    


陈玉琴, 钱海馨   

  1. 上海交通大学 医学院附属第九人民医院口腔修复科 上海市口腔医学重点实验室, 上海 200011
  • 出版日期:2011-08-28 发布日期:2011-08-29
  • 作者简介:陈玉琴(1965—), 女, 副主任医师;电子信箱: yuqinchen1234@163.com。

Occlusion reconstruction for patients with severe worn dentition

CHEN Yu-qin, QIAN Hai-xin   

  1. Department of Prosthodontics, the Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology, Shanghai 200011, China
  • Online:2011-08-28 Published:2011-08-29


目的 对中老年牙列重度磨耗患者的修复方案进行分析和总结。方法 对23例牙列缺损伴重度磨耗患者的临床诊治过程进行回顾性分析。23例患者中,男性15例,女性8例,年龄41~80岁,平均(57.6±12.6)岁。缺损类型包括肯氏Ⅰ类8例,肯氏Ⅱ类6例,肯氏Ⅲ类5例,肯氏Ⅳ类4例。所有患者均需要咬重建。结果 采用垫式可摘义齿过渡性修复3~6个月后,酌情采用固定义齿或可摘局部义齿修复。其中7例设计为固定义齿咬重建;10例设计为垫式可摘义齿咬重建修复;6例设计为垫式可摘义齿式联合局部固定义齿咬重建修复。修复后随访3~ 5年,调整咬,所有患者对修复效果满意。结论 中老年牙列重度磨耗患者的修复治疗过程长,中短期疗效较好;咬重建和定期随访调整咬是修复成功的关键。

关键词: 牙列磨耗, 咬重建, 中老年


Objective To analyse and summarize the clinical experience of occlusion reconstruction for the middle and old aged patients with severe worn dentition. Methods The diagnosis and treatment process of 23 patients with dentition defect and severe tooth wear was retrospectively analysed. Among the 23 patients, 15 were males, 8 were females, and the mean age was (57.6±12.6) years (41 to 80 years). The types of dentition defect included Kennedy Ⅰ (n=8), Kennedy Ⅱ (n=6), Kennedy Ⅲ (n=5) and Kennedy Ⅳ (n=4). All patients required occlusion reconstruction. Results After temporary treatment by splints of removable denture for 3 to 6 months, the dentitions were reconstructed with removable partial denture or fixed denture. Seven patients underwent occlusion reconstruction with fixed denture, 10 with splints of removable denture, and the other 6 with splints of removable denture and fixed denture. Patients were followed up for 3 to 5 years, occlusion adjustment was performed, and all patients were satisfied with the outcomes. Conclusion The treatment process of occlusion reconstruction for worn dentition in middle and old aged patients is long, while the short and mid-term effects are definite. Occlusion reconstruction and occlusion adjustment during regular follow up are the key factors to the successful treatment.

Key words: worn dentition, occlusion reconstruction, middle and old aged