›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (8): 1083-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2012.08.026

• 论著(卫生事业管理) • 上一篇    下一篇


王 青, 刘嘉祯, 费 辛, 仓艺倩, 孙晓凡, 王春鸣, 孔宪明, 戴慧莉   

  1. 上海交通大学 医学院附属仁济医院科研处, 上海 200127
  • 出版日期:2012-08-28 发布日期:2012-08-29
  • 通讯作者: 戴慧莉, 电子信箱: dhl_sh@163.com。
  • 作者简介:王 青(1969—), 女, 助理研究员, 学士;电子信箱: wyw1236@126.com。

Research on internal driving force of doctors in writing SCI papers

WANG Qing, LIU Jia-zhen, FEI Xin, CANG Yi-qian, SUN Xiao-fan, WANG Chun-ming, KONG Xian-ming, DAI Hui-li   

  1. Research &|Development Department, Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200127, China
  • Online:2012-08-28 Published:2012-08-29


目的 调查临床医师在《科学引文索引》(SCI)数据库收录杂志上发表论文(简称SCI论文)的影响因素,探讨影响医师发表SCI论文的内在原因。方法 在上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院40个学科的857名临床医师中随机抽取335名进行问卷调查,回收有效问卷309份,有效率92.24 %。问卷内容包括被调查者在2007—2011年SCI论文的撰写情况、对SCI政策的知晓和反应情况、撰写SCI论文的内在驱动力,以及对自身和身边医师“被科研”问题的看法。结果 被调查者愿意撰写SCI论文的主要原因为职称评定(69.11%)、科室考核(47.15%)和申请人才计划(47.15%);不愿意撰写的主要原因为临床工作量太大(82.80%)和顾虑录取门槛较高(59.14%)。65%以上的被调查者知晓相关政策,主要知晓途径是科主任的宣讲。被调查者对SCI论文与个人职称挂钩政策的反对率高于支持率,但对将其纳入科室考核、获得经济奖励、申请学位和导师以及人才计划评定政策的支持率高于反对率,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。66.67%的被调查者曾有过“被科研”现象,80.26%的被调查者知道身边的同事存在“被科研”现象。结论 临床医师撰写SCI论文的内在驱动力主要来自政策导向,但反对将其与个人职称挂钩;“被科研”现象普遍存在,应当从本质上提高医师的科研兴趣,进而提高SCI论文的数量和质量。

关键词: 医师, 科研管理, SCI论文, 内在驱动力


Objective To investigate the influencing factors of publishing Science Citation Index (SCI) papers in doctors, and explore the initial power in affecting SCI paper publication. Methods Three hundred and thirty-five doctors were randomly selected from 857 doctors in 40 departments of Renji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine for questionnaire survey, and 309 effective questionnaires were recovered, with the effective rate of 92.24%. The contents of questionnaire included the situation of writing SCI papers between 2007 and 2011, the awareness and reaction to SCI policies, the internal driving force of writing SCI papers and the attitude towards scientific research required by post. Results The main reasons for writing SCI papers were professional title assessment (69.11%), department assessment (47.15%) and talent scheme application (47.15%), and the main reasons against writing SCI papers were heavy clinical workload (82.80%) and low acceptance rate of manuscript (59.14%). More than 65% doctors knew the policies about writing SCI papers, and the main source of information was dean of the department. More doctors thought that SCI papers should not serve as the standard in professional title assessment (P<0.05), while more doctors considered that SCI papers may be included in department assessment, bonus release, academic degree application, tutor qualification application and talent scheme application (P<0.05).  Scientific research required by post was found in 66.67% of respondents, and that was found in colleagues of 80.26% of respondents. Conclusion The internal driving force of doctors in writing SCI papers largely comes from the policy guidance, but most doctors are not favor of taking SCI papers as the standard of professional title assessment. Scientific research required by post is common, and the initial interest of doctors should be stimulated to improve the quality and quatity of SCI papers.

Key words: doctor, research management, SCI papers, internal driving force