上海交通大学学报(医学版) ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 93-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2020.01.015

• 论著·公共卫生 • 上一篇    下一篇


周 妮,沈秋明,施 悦,张舒娴,拉巴仓拉,王沪雯,常睿捷,蔡 泳   

  1. 上海交通大学公共卫生学院,上海200025
  • 出版日期:2020-01-28 发布日期:2020-03-05
  • 通讯作者: 蔡 泳,电子信箱:caiyong202028@hotmail.com。
  • 作者简介:周 妮(1981—),女,硕士生;电子信箱:juliezn@shsmu.edu.cn。
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of suicidal ideation and its related factors among unmarried female miworkers in some factories in Shanghai and Guangzhou

ZHOU Ni, SHEN Qiu-ming, SHI Yue, ZHANG Shu-xian, WANG Hu-wen, CHANG Rui-jie, CAI Yong   

  1. School of Public Health, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200025, China
  • Online:2020-01-28 Published:2020-03-05
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (71273174).

摘要: 目的·评估上海和广州外来未婚女工自杀意念发生情况,探索社会心理问题和生殖健康相关因素与自杀意念的相关性。方法·采用方便抽样的方法,对上海、广州各2家工厂3 553名外来未婚女工开展问卷调查,用Logistic回归分析自杀意念相关因素,包括社会心理问题和生殖健康相关因素。结果·调查对象中有287人(8.1%)在过去1年中有过自杀意念。单因素分析发现,在校正了人口学因素后,饮酒、低自尊、高抑郁、高焦虑、高孤独、弱社会支持(情感支持和经济支持)、赞成未婚先孕的态度、赞成婚前多次人工流产的态度、有意外怀孕经历、有人工流产经历是该人群自杀意念相关因素。进一步多因素分析发现,饮酒(OR1.42,95% CI 1.04~1.93)、低自尊(OR1.47,95% CI 1.03~2.11)、高孤独(OR3.30,95% CI 2.42~4.51)、弱情感支持(OR2.68,95% CI 2.00~3.61)、弱经济支持(OR3.79,95% CI 2.86~5.04)为关键因素。结论·外来未婚女工的危险行为、心理健康问题、社会支持缺乏等都会增加自杀意念发生的风险。应构建预防与干预机制,提升社会支持力度,有效防范自杀意念发生。

关键词: 外来未婚女工, 自杀意念, 社会心理问题, 生殖健康


Objective · To investigate the suicidal ideation among unmarried female miworkers in Shanghai and Guangzhou and explore the association between suicidal ideation and some psychosocial problems, reproductive health factors. Methods · A questionnaire survey was conducted among 3 553 unmarried female miworkers in two factories in Shanghai and two in Guangzhouconvenient sampling. Logistic regression was used to analyze the related factors of suicide ideation including psychosocial problems and reproductive health factors. Results · Overall, 287(8.1%) of the respondents had suicidal ideation during the past year. Univariate Logistic regression showed that alcohol, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, loneliness, poor social support (emotional support and economic support), favorable attitude toward premarital pregnancy, favorable attitude toward multiple induced abortion, experience of unplanned pregnancy and experience of induced abortion were related to suicidal ideation after demographic factors being corrected. Multivariate Logistic regression showed that alcohol (OR1.42, 95% CI 1.04–1.93), low self-esteem (OR1.47, 95% CI 1.03–2.11), loneliness (OR3.30, 95% CI 2.42–4.51), poor emotional support (OR2.68, 95% CI 2.00–3.61) and poor economic support (OR3.79, 95% CI 2.86–5.04) were the critical factors. Conclusion · The factors such as risk behavior, mental health, lack of social support were associated with increased odds for suicidal ideation among the unmarried female miworkers. The prevention and intervention mechanism should be constructed, and the social support should be enhanced to effectively prevent the occurrence of suicidal ideation.

Key words: unmarried female miworkers, suicidal ideation, psychosocial problem, reproductive health