上海交通大学学报(医学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (11): 1370-1382.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8115.2024.11.004
• 论著 · 基础研究 • 上一篇
GAO Kexing(), LIAO Chunhua, LI Shengze, MA Shuangyu, HUANG Lei(
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目的·探究黏蛋白1(mucin 1,MUC1)调控肿瘤细胞增殖、迁移和干性维持的功能位点。方法·通过癌症基因组图谱(The Cancer Genome Atlas,TCGA)数据库分析寻找MUC1基因在不同癌症中的突变特征,对不同MUC1突变位点进行分析及定位,并按突变出现频率排序;通过Western blotting筛选出突变频率较高且蛋白稳定表达的MUC1突变体,利用乳腺癌细胞株BT549敲除MUC1细胞系和乳腺非转化细胞株MCF-10A,应用慢病毒表达系统构建MUC1野生型(MUC1-WT)和突变体稳定表达的细胞系。采用免疫荧光法检测不同MUC1突变体的细胞定位。以MUC1-WT为阳性对照、MUC1-AQA功能丧失突变体为阴性对照,对不同突变细胞的肿瘤生物学功能进行分析:通过细胞计数试剂盒-8(cell counting kit-8,CCK-8)及克隆形成实验检测细胞增殖能力;通过划痕实验及Transwell实验检测细胞迁移能力;通过成球实验检测细胞干性。使用PyMOL软件分析MUC1突变体结构定位并通过蛋白质对接软件(ZDOCK Server)进行分子对接分析。结果·在TCGA数据库中得到102个位于MUC1编码区的突变,其中P418S、S251R、V359I、N271S、N465H 5个错义突变出现频率较高且位于非数目可变串联重复序列(non-variable number of tandem repeats,non-VNTR)区域。进一步检测发现MUC1-S251R、N271S、V359I突变体可稳定表达;细胞定位分析发现这3个突变体主要分布于细胞质,同时细胞核也有一定的分布,核质比与野生型未见明显差异。表达不同MUC1突变体细胞的肿瘤生物学功能分析发现:① MUC1-WT高表达显著增强BT549和MCF-10A细胞的增殖能力;与MUC1-WT细胞相比,MUC1-AQA、S251R、N271S突变体细胞增殖能力下降,但MUC1-V359I突变体细胞与MUC1-WT细胞具有相似的增殖能力。② MUC1-WT高表达细胞的迁移能力显著增强,而MUC1-AQA细胞迁移能力减弱。在BT549细胞中,MUC1-S251R与MUC1-V359I突变体细胞迁移能力与MUC1-WT细胞相似,但MUC1-N271S细胞的迁移能力较MUC1-WT细胞降低。在MCF-10A细胞中,MUC1-N271S与MUC1-V359I细胞的迁移能力接近MUC1-WT细胞;但MUC1-S251R细胞较MUC1-WT细胞迁移能力显著下降。③ MUC1-WT高表达显著增强2种细胞的干性,而MUC1-AQA细胞干性丧失;MUC1-N271S、V359I与MUC1-WT具有相似的维持细胞干性的能力,而MUC1-S251R使细胞干性减弱。PyMOL软件分析结果显示,MUC1-N271S及V359I位于海胆精子蛋白-肠激酶-聚集蛋白(sperm protein-enterokinase-agarin,SEA)区域及附近,分别处于loop区及β-折叠处;分子对接结果显示,MUC1-WT及V359I与表皮生长因子受体(epidermal growth factor receptor,EGFR)胞外域形成复合物的稳定性强于MUC1-N271S和S251R,其稳定性排序为V359I>WT>N271S>S251R。结论·MUC1突变体对肿瘤细胞的生物学功能具有不同影响,其对增殖能力影响可能与EGFR信号通路相关。MUC1-V359I与MUC1-WT相似,并未影响MUC1对肿瘤细胞增殖、迁移及干性维持的作用;而MUC1-S251、N271位点可能参与细胞增殖和迁移的信号通路调控且MUC1-S251位点对维持细胞干性较为重要。
高珂星, 廖春华, 李昇泽, 马双羽, 黄雷. 黏蛋白1调控肿瘤细胞恶性特征的功能位点分析[J]. 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2024, 44(11): 1370-1382.
GAO Kexing, LIAO Chunhua, LI Shengze, MA Shuangyu, HUANG Lei. Functional site analysis of mucin 1 in regulating the malignant characteristics of tumor cells[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Medical Science), 2024, 44(11): 1370-1382.
Primer | Forward (5′→3′) | Reverse (5′→3′) |
表1 PCR引物序列
Tab 1 Primer sequences for PCR
Primer | Forward (5′→3′) | Reverse (5′→3′) |
图1 TCGA数据库中 MUC1 突变位点来源、定位及频率分析Note: A. Proportion of MUC1 mutations in various tumor types. B. MUC1 protein consisting of N1, VNTR, N2, SEA, ED, TM, and CD domains. C. Location of 102 mutation sites in MUC1 protein. D. The mutation sites with a frequency of 1.95% or more in tumor samples.
Fig 1 Analysis of sources, positions, and frequencies of MUC1 mutation sites in the TCGA database
Mutant | Cancer type | Location | Frequency/% |
P418S | Lung squamous cell carcinoma | CD | 5.19 |
T112P | Bladder urothelial carcinoma/pancreatic adenocarcinoma | N1 | 4.55 |
P134A | Pancreatic adenocarcinoma/melanoma | VNTR | 3.90 |
S251R | Esophagogastric cancer/stomach adenocarcinoma | N2 | 2.60 |
V359I | Colorectal adenocarcinoma/breast invasive carcinoma | ED | 2.60 |
G33R | Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma | N1 | 1.95 |
S55N | Uterine corpus endometrial carcinoma | N1 | 1.95 |
P102L | Stomach adenocarcinoma | N1 | 1.95 |
N271S | Breast invasive carcinoma | SEA | 1.95 |
G305D | Stomach adenocarcinoma | SEA | 1.95 |
D336Y | Lung adenocarcinoma | SEA | 1.95 |
V359F | Breast invasive carcinoma | ED | 1.95 |
P418L | Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma | CD | 1.95 |
N465H | Uterine corpus endometrioid carcinoma | CD | 1.95 |
表2 14个 MUC1 高频突变体的信息
Tab 2 Information of 14 MUC1 mutants with high frequency
Mutant | Cancer type | Location | Frequency/% |
P418S | Lung squamous cell carcinoma | CD | 5.19 |
T112P | Bladder urothelial carcinoma/pancreatic adenocarcinoma | N1 | 4.55 |
P134A | Pancreatic adenocarcinoma/melanoma | VNTR | 3.90 |
S251R | Esophagogastric cancer/stomach adenocarcinoma | N2 | 2.60 |
V359I | Colorectal adenocarcinoma/breast invasive carcinoma | ED | 2.60 |
G33R | Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma | N1 | 1.95 |
S55N | Uterine corpus endometrial carcinoma | N1 | 1.95 |
P102L | Stomach adenocarcinoma | N1 | 1.95 |
N271S | Breast invasive carcinoma | SEA | 1.95 |
G305D | Stomach adenocarcinoma | SEA | 1.95 |
D336Y | Lung adenocarcinoma | SEA | 1.95 |
V359F | Breast invasive carcinoma | ED | 1.95 |
P418L | Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma | CD | 1.95 |
N465H | Uterine corpus endometrioid carcinoma | CD | 1.95 |
图2 MUC1-WT及其突变体在细胞中的蛋白表达水平Note: A/C/E. Western blotting was used to detect MUC1 protein expression levels in HEK293T cells (A), BT549 cells (C) and MCF-10A cells (E). B/D/F. Statistical analysis of MUC1 protein levels in HEK293T cells (B), BT549 cells (D) and MCF-10A cells (F). ①P<0.001, ②P=0.020, ③P=0.002.
Fig 2 Protein expression levels of MUC1-WT and mutants in the cells
图3 MUC1-WT及其突变体的细胞定位Note: A/B. Detection of cellular localization of MUC1 mutants by immunofluorescence in BT549 cells (A) and MCF-10A cells (B)(×600). C/D. Statistical analysis of MUC1 nuclear/cytoplasm ratio in BT549 cells (C) and MCF-10A cells (D).
Fig 3 Cellular localization of MUC1-WT and mutants
图4 MUC1-WT及其突变体对细胞增殖能力的影响Note: A/B. Growth curves of BT549 cells (A) and MCF-10A cells (B) expressing MUC1-WT or mutants detected by CCK-8. C/D. Colony formation analysis of BT549 cells expressing MUC1-WT or mutants. Representative crystal violet-stained images (C) and corresponding statistical analysis (D). E/F. Colony formation analysis of MCF-10A cells expressing MUC1-WT or mutants. Representative crystal violet-stained images (E) and corresponding statistical analysis (F). ①P<0.001, ②P=0.003, ③P=0.005, ④P=0.007, ⑤P=0.009.
Fig 4 Effect of MUC1-WT and mutants on cell proliferation
图5 MUC1-WT及其突变体对细胞迁移的影响Note: A/B. Wound healing assay of BT549 cells expressing MUC1-WT or mutants. Representative images of cells at 0 h and 48 h (A, ×200) and corresponding statistical analysis (B). C/D. Wound healing assay of MCF-10A cells expressing MUC1-WT or mutants. Representative images of cells at 0 h and 48 h (C, ×200) and corresponding statistical analysis (D). E/F. Transwell migration analysis of BT549 cells expressing MUC1-WT or mutants. Representative crystal violet-stained images (E, ×100) and corresponding statistical analysis (F). G/H. Transwell migration analysis of MCF-10A cells expressing MUC1-WT or mutants. Representative crystal violet-stained images (G, ×100) and corresponding statistical analysis (H). ①P<0.001, ②P=0.004, ③P=0.014, ④P=0.030, ⑤P=0.025, ⑥P=0.003, ⑦P=0.050, ⑧P=0.042.
Fig 5 Effect of MUC1-WT and mutants on cell migration
图6 MUC1-WT及其突变体对细胞干性的影响Note: A/B. Sphere formation assay of BT549 cells expressing MUC1-WT or mutants. Representative images of spheres (A, ×100) and corresponding statistical analysis (B). C/D. Sphere formation assay of MCF-10A cells expressing MUC1-WT or mutants. Representative images of spheres (C, ×200) and corresponding statistical analysis (D). ①P<0.001, ②P=0.004, ③P=0.007, ④P=0.002.
Fig 6 Effect of MUC1-WT and mutants on cell stemness
图7 SEA区域及附近的MUC1突变定位及相应突变体与EGFR-ECD的分子对接分析Note: A. PyMoL software was used to localize MUC1 mutants in or around the SEA domain. B?E. ZDOCK Server was used to analyze the molecular docking of MUC1-WT (B) and mutants (C, S251R; D, N271S; E, V359I) with EGFR-ECD. Green represents the MUC1-N region (before the GSVVV sequence), orange represents the MUC1-C region (after the GSVVV sequence), blue represents EGFR-ECD region, and yellow represents the localization of the mutation sites.
Fig 7 Analysis of localization of MUC1 mutation sites in or around the SEA domain and molecular docking of the mutants with EGFR-ECD
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